Identify Modification Requirements - Component MRO Identify Modification Requirements - Complex Assembly MRO Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair Disposition Shop Order Modification Details Assigned Serials Serial Structure Information Calculate Warranty Dates Serial Structure Information Compare Structures Compare Template and Serial Structures Set Current Stress Rating Serial Structure Information Import Template Structures Serial Structure Information Serial Structures Establish Access Rights For Serials Serial Structures Serial Structure Information Template Parts Template Structure Navigator Serial Structure Template Template Part Swap Serial Remove Part Or Serial Install Serial Replace Serial Rob Serial Install Part Report In Work Order Serial Structure Information Flight Log Create New VIM Serial From Inventory And Remote Serials from Inventory Compare Structures Compare Template and Serial Structures Generate Serial Numbers Serial Structure Information Serial Structures Enter or Modify the Serial Structure Serial Structure Information Serial Structures Connect Maintenance Program to Serial Serial Structures Serial Structure Information Define Maintenance Program Serials Vehicles Define Average Utilization per Serial Serial Structure Information Create Serial Serial Structures Serial Structure Information Set Serial Structure Operational Serial Structure Information Set Serial Structure Out Of Operation Component Life Serial Structure Information Copy Serial Structure Serial Structure Information Serial Structures Define Code Part Information for Serials Serial Code Part Information Serial Structure Information Approve or Reject Structure Change Approvals Structure Changes Approvals Approve Structure Changes Serial Structure Information Set Serial Structure In Operation Component Life Serial Structure Information Delete Serial From VIM Serial Structure Information