Remove Part or Serial


This activity is used to remove a part or serial from the serial structure. The removal of a part or serial from the structure is done by removing the reference to the parent record in the structure. The structural record for the removed part or serial will still exist in the system, but as a not installed one. When a part or serial is removed from a serial structure, the structure position of the removed part or serial will become an empty structure position. Empty structure positions are used to indicate where expected serials or parts are missing from the serial structure. Whether a structure position is installed or not can be identified by the value in the Item Installed check box. If this check box is selected, a serial exists in the structure position and this position is considered an installed structure position. If the check box is not selected, a serial does not exist in the structure position and it is considered an empty structure position.   

After removing, the overlying serial in the structure will be set to Out of Operation and Non Operational if the removed structure record is part of the minimum configuration. An entry in the replacement history is generated (one record for the removed part or serial).

If access control is established, you can remove only the parts or serials to which you have access. Establishing access control is done by assigning a user to an access group defined in basic data. The access groups will be used to extend access to all or selected parts and serials in a structure. When a part or serial is to be removed from a structure, you can specify the access rights you want to keep for it. You can select to either keep the current access rights for the part or serial, update the part/serial with the default access rights, or you can select the access groups you want to keep for the removed part/serial.


System Effects


Serial Structure Information 
Report In Work Order
Flight Log  

Related Window Descriptions

Structure Changes - Select Action 
Structure Changes/Remove Component  
Serial Structure Information     
Serial Structure Information/Consist Of
Report In Work Order/Operations
Flight Log
Flight Log/Fault
Print Serviceability Tag - Dialog Box 


Use this procedure to remove a part or serial from a serial structure:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window and query (F3) for the necessary structure.
  2. In the graphical object structure, select the part or serial that is to be removed, right-click, point to Structure Changes, and then click Remove Part or Serial. The Remove Component assistant opens.

Note: This assistant can also be opened from the Consist Of tab, by right-clicking on a serial record, pointing to Structure Changes, and then clicking Remove Part or Serial. When you are working in this tab, and need to move down the structure, select the required serial record, right-click and then click Next Level until the structure level on which the part or serial that is to be removed is displayed.

  1. The part/serial information for the structure from which the part or serial is to be removed appears automatically in the Remove or Swap from area.
  2. In the Structure Pos field, the structure position from which the part or serial is to be removed is displayed. If needed, this value can be changed. Click List to select a value.
  3. In the Location Code field, enter the location in which the removed (or disconnected) part or serial is to be placed. Click List to select a value.
  4. If needed, in the Oper Condition list, select a new operational condition for the part or serial that is to be removed from the structure.
  5. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order and print the serviceability tag report for the component being removed. Note: If the value of the PRNT_SERVICE_TAG_ACS object property in System Definition/Object Property is set to TRUE, this check box will be selected by default. The value of this check box can be changed, if needed.
  6. In the Workshop field, enter the workshop responsible for removing the part or serial. Click List to select a valid value.
  7. If you want to connect removal of the part or serial to a task, click List to select a valid value for the Task Number field.
  8. In the Str. Change Date field, enter the date and time the structure change is to be performed.
  9. Select the Unscheduled Removal? check box if this structure change is to be an unscheduled removal.
  10. Select the Keep Current Access? check box if the part or serial to be removed should keep its current access rights. This check box is selected by default and must be cleared if the part or serial should not retain its current access rights once the removal is performed. Once this check box is cleared the Default Access Group? check box is made available.
  11. Select the Default Access Group? check box if the part or serial to be removed is to be updated with its part access. Once this check box is made available, it will be selected by default. You need to clear this check box if you want only a selected number of access groups to have access to the part or serial, once removed.
  12. Select the Run in Batch? check box if you want access rights for the part or serial being removed to be updated through a batch job.
  13. Optionally, you can enter any relevant information for the structure change (removal) in the Remark field.
  14. If the part or serial to be removed is to retain its current access rights or be updated with its part access, click Finish to close the assistant and perform the structure change.
  15. Click Next to choose the access groups that are to have access to the part or serial, once removed.
  16. The Remove Component - Select Access Groups assistant step opens. In the table of the window you can view the part access for the part or serial that is to be removed.
  17. Clear the Implement For check box for the access groups that will not have access to the removed part or serial.
  18. Click Finish.
  19. If a non-serial part is being removed, the Print Serviceability Tag dialog box will open.
  20. In the Serviceability Status list, select the relevant serviceability status of the part.
  21. Click OK.
  22. The Print Report dialog box opens.
  23. Verify that the print settings are correct. Click Preview if you want a preview of the report prior to printing.
  24. Click Print. You can click the printer button on the preview window as well.
  25. Verify that the structure change has been performed and the report printed.

Use this procedure to perform a structure change, i.e., remove a part or serial, on a work order in IFS/Work Order Management:

  1. Open the Report In Work Order window and query (F3) for the desired work order.
  2. Click the Operations tab.
  3. Right-click on the required operation line, and then click Perform Structure Change. The Structure Changes - Select Action assistant step opens.
  4. Select Remove Component and then click Next. The Remove Component assistant step opens.
  5. The part/serial information for the structure from which the part or serial is to be removed appears automatically in the Remove or Swap from area.
  6. In the Structure Pos field, the structure position from which the part or serial is to be removed is displayed. If needed, this value can be changed. Click List to select a value.
  7. In the Location Code field, enter the location in which the removed (or disconnected) part or serial is to be placed. If a location is connected to the given workshop, this location code will appear automatically in the field. If not, click List to select a valid location code.
  8. If needed, in the Oper Condition list, select a new operational condition for the part or serial that is to be removed from the structure.
  9. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order and print the serviceability tag report for the component being removed. Note: If the value of the PRNT_SERVICE_TAG_ACS object property in System Definition/Object Property is set to TRUE, this check box will be selected by default. The value of this check box can be changed, if needed.
  10. The workshop to which the work order was distributed appears automatically in the Workshop field. If necessary, you can change to another workshop using the List of Values.
  11. In the Str. Change Date field, enter the correct date and time the structure change is to be performed.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. If a non-serial part is being removed, the Print Serviceability Tag dialog box will open.
  14. In the Serviceability Status list, select the relevant serviceability status of the part.
  15. Click OK.
  16. The Print Report dialog box opens.
  17. Verify that the print settings are correct. Click Preview if you want a preview of the report prior to printing.
  18. Click Print. You can click the printer button on the preview window as well.
  19. Verify that the structure change has been performed and the report printed.

Use this procedure to perform a structure change, i.e., remove a part or serial from the structure of the vehicle on which the fault was reported:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for your flight log number and/or serial.
  2. Click the Fault tab and select the relevant fault number from the Fault Number list.
  3. Right-click and click Perform Structure Change. The Structure Changes - Select Action assistant step opens.
  4. Verify that the Remove Component option is selected and then click Next. The Remove Component assistant step opens.
  5. Continue with steps 3 to 27 described in the in the first procedure listed above.