Serial Structure Template/Consist Of
Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of

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Use this tab to view, build or maintain the selected template structure. A structure can be referred to as an assembly of two or more parts (sub parts or child parts) with one top part (parent part). Template structures enable you to keep track of all the child parts of a parent. If the configuration of the structure, i.e., of the structure entry selected in the main window, is controlled by another template, the structure of the other template will be displayed in this tab. When a new structure entry is added, and the Configured in Separate Template check box selected, the configuration of this new structure entry is controlled by another template. To un-do this configuration, select the right mouse button option Reverse Separate Template.

Serialized parts with a quantity higher than one (only possible at the lowest level of the structure) are not included in the moving of operational parameter values when structure changes are reported asynchronously. Therefore, if you have components where it is crucial to have correct asynchronous reporting on both operational loggings and structure changes, it is highly recommended that you do not use serialized parts with a quantity higher than one. Instead, place these serialized parts in different structure positions with the quantity equal to one.

If you want to move up or down the structure, use the right mouse button options Next Level and Previous Level

You can connect one or more documents to a structure item in the template via Documents in the Attachments.

Activity Diagrams

Define Template Structure
Maintain Template Structure
Prepare Template Transfer from VIM


Define Template Part 
Build Template Structure  
Copy a Template Structure 
Import Product Structure 
Change Prime Part
Reverse Minimum Configuration
Activate Template Structure
Add Structure Position
Remove Structure Position
Change Structure Position
Change Catalog Number
Verify Catalog Number   
Create Template from Sub Structure
Connect Template to Template 
Reverse Separate Template
Set Template Structure Obsolete
Delete Template Structure