Reverse Separate Template


This activity is used to reverse the settings that control the configuration of a certain component part by another template.

During the design of a template structure you may have selected the Configured in Separate Template check box in order to control the configuration of a certain structure entry by a separate template. It is possible to reverse the configuration of a separate template provided that the following prerequisites are fulfilled.


System Effects


Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Template
Serial Structure Template/Consist Of
Template Structure Navigator
Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of


  1. Open the Serial Structure Template or Template Structure Navigator window and query (F3) for the necessary template structure.
  2. Click the Consist Of tab. To move down the structure, select the row, right-click, and then click Next Level until the required serial part is displayed in the tab.
  3. Select the row that contains the part you want, right-click, and then click Reverse Separate Template.
  4. As a result, the separate template configuration is reversed for the selected structure item. Observe that the Configured in Separate Template check box is cleared for the selected record.