Add Structure Position


This activity is used to add a new structure position to a template structure. A structure position can be added to a template structure as a result of an embodied modification or an internal requirement aimed at better control of the template structure by further detailing the configuration. A new structure position can be added to a template structure by using one of the following methods:

When a new structure position added to the template is activated or when an already active structure position is added to an active template, an empty structure position will be created automatically in all serial structures using the template to which the structure position was added. Empty structure positions are used to indicate where expected parts or serials are missing from the serial structure. After you add a structure position to a template, you can install a part or serial into the empty structure position in the serial structure structure that is using the changed template. This can be done by performing the appropriate structure change, e.g., the Install Serial assistant can be used to install a serial into the structure.

Before you can install a new serial into a serial structure, the template structure must be updated with a new structure position. If the new structure position is part of the minimum configuration, and serial structures exist for the template structure, the operational condition for the relevant entries in the serial structure will be changed to Non Operational.

If the Access Control functionality is used, when a new structure position is added to the template structure, the part access will be updated and it will receive access from the template part. When you add a structure position that was previously removed, and disconnected serials exist in the structure, it will keep the serial access received prior to its removal from the template. Therefore, when this structure position is added to a template structure the serial access will be updated. You can view the access groups defined for the part used in the structure position in the Part Access tab found in both the Serial Structure Template and Template Structure Navigator windows.


System Effects


Serial Structure Template 
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Add Structure Position 
Serial Structure Template/Consist Of  
Serial Structure Template/Multilevel 
Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of 


Follow this procedure to add a new structure position to an existing template structure:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template or the Template Structure Navigator window.
  2. In the Part Number field, query (F3) for the required template structure.
  3. Click the Consist Of tab. (The Multilevel tab can be selected as well, provided that you have chosen the Serial Structure Template window to perform this procedure.)
  4. Right-click and then click Add Structure Position. The Add Structure Position dialog box opens.
  5. In the Structure Position field, enter a unique value for the new structure position, or click List to select a structure position that was previously removed from the selected structure. If a value is not entered in this field, a new structure position is generated automatically.
  6. In the Part No field, select the new part number for the structure. Click List to select a value. When a value is selected for this field, the part revision appears automatically in the corresponding field.
  7. In the Position field, enter a unique value for the part number in the structure. Also, enter a value in the Quantity field for the quantity of this part. Note: The quantity you define can only exceed one (1), for the lowest level in the structure.
  8. Select a suitable value from the Life Limited Part list. If the same value exists for the life limited part of the new structure position and the serial part, entering a value in this field is optional.
  9. The check boxes in the Connect To Template Structure area illustrate how particular data for the new structure position can be defined. Following is a list of the available check boxes together with a description of what each check box is used to accomplish:
  1. Click OK.