Handling Shop Orders With CTO—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

[Optional] Configuration Characteristics

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up your own set of configuration characteristics that you will use throughout the rest of these exercises, as opposed to using configuration characteristics that are already set up in the system for you.

  1. Create some configuration characteristics.

General exercise for Creating Characteristics

  1. Create a configuration family and add your defined configuration characteristics to the family. 

General exercise for Creating Configuration Family with Attached Characteristics

  1. Create a configuration part in the part catalog.

General exercise for Creating Configuration Parts

Inventory Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is copy the configured parts needed for the main exercises from site 1 to your own site.

Copy Parts To Site
Background Jobs

  1. Open the Copy Parts To Site window.
  2. In the From area, enter 1 in the Site field.
  3. Enter 910 in the Comm. Group 2 field. 
  4. In the To area, enter your site in the Site field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Wait for the background job to complete. When it finishes, the part will be copied to your site.
  7. Enter the estimated costs for the inventory parts as shown on the following table.
    Inventory Part  Estimated material cost
    51 0.70
    52 0.09
    53 8.60
    150 3.10
    151 3.10
    152 3.10
    155 1.55
    156 0.95
    157 0.40
    158 1.20
    161 51.90
    162 16.10
    163 19.95
    164 5.40
    165 7.90
    166 8.40
    167 9.85
    168 11.00
    170 7.70
    171 7.70
    177 7.15
    179 16.70
    180 3.40
    181 6.50
    182 5.10

Inventory Part Planning, Cost, and Miscellaneous Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up your configured part with the correct planning data for the main exercises.

Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window and query for the SO-11 part. Set up the SO-11 part as shown on the table below. 
Inventory Part Supply Type (Planning tab) Configuration Cost Method (Cost tab) Shortage Notification (Misc tab)
SO-11 Order or Requisition Cost per Configuration No

General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part

Work Centers

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up your work centers.

Work Center

  1. Open the Work Center window.
  2. On site 1, query for the work centers shown on the table below.
  3. Right-click to copy each work center to your site.
  4. On your site, set up the work centers as shown on the table below. 
Work Center  Description Cost/Hour Overhead 1 OH1 Unit Overhead 2 OH2 Unit
890 Cutter
300 General Assembly 5 2 Hour
110 Packaging 0 5 Hour 1 Qty

Labor Class

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the labor class with the correct data for the main exercises.

Manufacturing Labor Class

  1. Open the Manufacturing Labor Class window.
  2. Query for labor class 1 and copy it to your site using the F6 shortcut.

Note: No costs need to be entered for this exercise.

Part Revisions and Product Structures

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up your configured part with the correct planning data for the main exercises.

Configuration Structure

  1. Copy the SO-11 configuration structure from site 1 to your site. Set the structure alternate to Buildable.
  2. Copy the SO-11 routing from site 1 to your site. Set the routing alternate to Buildable.

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a shop order for a CTO part.

Shop Order

Creating a Shop Order with a CTO Part

  1. Open the Shop Order window.
  2. Create a new shop order for the SO-11 part, entering a need date and lot size.

General Exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually

  1. Save the record. (You will receive messages about overriding the configuration rules and lack of material and operations. Click Yes or OK, as appropriate for the message.) This shop order now has a header, but no material or operations have yet been defined.
  2. In the Detail tab, note that this part is configurable. However the part has not yet been configured, which you must do before releasing the shop order.
  3. To create the configuration, right-click anywhere in the header, point to Configuration, and then click Create. Notice that all characteristics for which you must define a value automatically display in the Create Configuration window that appears. 

Note: If any default values have been specified for this configured part revision (Part Configuration Revision window), they display in the appropriate field. You can either leave the default values as they are or enter a new value to override the default. The system creates a new configuration ID when you create or edit a configuration. If you define a configuration that already exists in the system, the ID will change to the ID of that existing configuration to ensure that only one ID exists for any specific configuration. 

  1. In the Create Configuration window, enter the values as shown on the following table.
    Characteristic ID Characteristic Value
    GDHEIGHT 3500
    GDWIDTH 4500
  2. Since the Create Configuration window originally displays with only the mandatory characteristics listed, you also may want to see and define optional characteristics. Create a new line and click List to see all possible characteristics for the part.
  3. Add an optional characteristic and values for it, as shown on the following table.
    Characteristic ID Characteristic Value Qty Characteristic

Note: The GDREMOTE characteristic is defined in the system as needing a mandatory value in the Qty Characteristic field. The Qty Characteristic field is defined as mandatory in the Configuration Characteristic

  1. Click OK when you are done defining characteristics.
  2. When the system prompts you whether you want to update materials and operations, click Yes. (Clicking No would give you an empty shop order. By clicking Yes, you update the materials and operations based on the values you have just defined in the configuration.)
  3. On the Material and Operation tabs, confirm that you have the following materials and operations:
Component Qty per Assembly
157 3.8
155 1
51 1
52 15
53 1
152 2
179 1
180 1
161 1
167 1
164 2
162 1
171 1

Note:  If you have component action rules set up, these rules could modify your quantity per assembly values.
Operation Column Heading Work Guideline
10 Garage door segment Yes
20 Assembly No
30 Packing No

  1. The standard cost for the part must be set before the system can receive the part. Manually calculate the cost by right-clicking on the Shop Order window header and then clicking Calculate Order Cost. If the cost for this configuration ID has already been calculated, the system will use the previously-calculated cost but you can re-calculate that cost if you want.
  2. Save the standard cost by right-clicking and then clicking Save Standard Cost.
  3. Right-click on the Shop Order window header, point to Costing, and then click Shop Order Costs. When the Shop Order Costs window displays, review the results of the calculation in the Overview Unit Cost, Order Cost Estimates, and Standard Cost tabs. 
  4. Release the shop order, reserve and issue the materials, and receive the shop order as usual.

General exercise for Releasing Shop Orders

General exercise for Reserving Materials

General exercise for Issuing Materials

General exercise for Receiving Shop Orders Automatically

General exercise for Receiving Shop Orders Manually

Note: The finished configured part will be received into stock. If you want to see an overview of what is in stock, you can use the Inventory Locations

  1. Create a new shop order for the SO-11 part. Enter a different configuration to see how the materials and operations vary from the original shop order you created. (Note that you can only edit the configuration while the shop order is in a Planned status.)
