Releasing Shop Orders—Extended Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site and only needs to be done once for Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

  1. If you haven't done so already, set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Required Data

System Parameters

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that the system default for creating shop orders is set correctly for the main exercises below.

Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing

  1. Verify that the value for Create SO in status Planned is Yes.

General information about System Parameters

Shop Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a manually created shop order with the default information that will be modified in the exercises below.

Shop Order

Note: Record the shop order number so that it will be easy to identify the correct shop order for the exercise.

  1. Create a shop order for the part and lot size identified in the table below.
Site Part No Part Description Lot Size Need Date Shop Order Number
Your Site 21-321 Camshaft, Treated 10 One week after today

General exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to release shop orders and outside operations.

Shop Order
Purchase Requisition Lines
Report Shop Order Operation

You are the person responsible for maintaining the shop order information. There is a shop order for 10  treated camshafts for the racing engine. The treated camshaft is produced from an untreated camshaft. There is an outside operation involved in this manufacturing process. You want to:

Releasing an Outside Operation

Release the outside operation to create a purchase requisition early enough for the purchase order to be created.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-321, and a quantity of 10. Verify that the status of the shop order is Planned.
  2. Click the Operation tab, select the row for operation 20 (Heat Treat Camshaft). Right-click on the row and then click Release Outside Operation. Click Yes to answer the question about releasing the outside operation earlier than the rest of the shop order.
  3. Verify that the status of the shop order is still Planned. Verify that Released is the value of the Oper State field for the operation 20 row and Planned is the value for the other rows. You have released the outside operation.

The following steps show one way the person responsible for purchase orders could create the purchase order from the purchase requisition. 

  1. Open the Purchase Requisition Lines window and query for the shop order for this exercise as the value for the Order Ref 1 field, and Shop Order as the value for the Demand Code field. 
  2. Verify that 510-1 is the value of the Part No field, and that Planned is the value of the Status field. 
  3. Select the row, right-click, and then click Release to release the purchase requisition line.
  4. Select the row again, right-click, and click Requisition to Order
  5. When the Requisition to Order Parameters window displays, click Create New to create the purchase order. 
  6. Click OK in the Purchase Order(s) Successfully Created dialog box.

Note: Once the shop order is released, it is possible to see the purchase requisition created for the outside operation in the Req. No field on the Subcontract tab of the Report Shop Order Operation window.

Releasing a Shop Order

Release the shop order order for the 10 treated camshafts so that work can begin.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-321, and a quantity of 10. Verify that the status of the shop order is Planned.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Release. Click OK in the Release Shop Order dialog box.
  3. Verify that the state in the header has changed to Released.
  4. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state of each record has changed to Released.
  5. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record is Released.