Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data—Introductory Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Note: This exercise is mandatory for all exercises in the Discrete Manufacturing course, except for the Batch Balancing Shop Order Requisitions exercise and the Handling Shop Orders with CTO Products exercise.

Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is copy the inventory parts needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing exercises from site 1 to your site.

Copy Parts To Site
Background Jobs

Note: If you already have these racing engine parts copied to your site, you do not need to do this exercise.

  1. Open the Copy Parts To Site window.
  2. In the From area, enter 1 in the Site field.
  3. Enter 210 in the Comm. Group 2 field. The parts belonging to commodity group 210 have part numbers with the format 21-nnn.
  4. In the To area, enter your site in the Site field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Wait for the background job to complete. When it finishes, the parts will be copied to your site.

Part Revisions and Product Structures

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the part revisions and product structures on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Product Structure
Product Structure/Product Structure

Note: The destination revision number will automatically be changed from the source revision number to the next higher integer. Therefore, you must first change the site to your site and then change the revision number to match the source revision number. In addition, the Structure Type field will default to a value other than Manufacturing if another value exists. Verify that the Structure Type field displays Manufacturing.

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the manufacturing structure revision for each part in the table below from site 1 to your site. (Right-click and then click Copy Structure Revision.) Be careful to copy only the default alternate.
  2. For each part copied to your site, set the structure alternate to Buildable.
Site Part No Part Description Notes
1 21-110 Engine, Racing, Discrete Mfg
1 21-210 Engine Assembly
1 21-220 Valve Train
1 21-230 Electrical System This part has two manufacturing alternates. Copy only the default (*) alternate.
1 21-240 Cooling System This part has two manufacturing alternates. Copy only the default (*) alternate. Verify that the structure type is Manufacturing as this part also has a structure with the structure type of Repair.
1 21-241 Cooling System, Off-road
1 21-250 Fuel System
1 21-313 Oil Pan
1 21-314 Piston Kit
1 21-321 Camshaft, Treated
1 21-322 Valve Kit
1 21-351 Carburetor
1 21-410 Piston Assembly

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Work Centers

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the work centers on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Work Center

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the work centers in the table below from site 1 to your site. (Right-click and then click Copy Work Center.) 
  2. For each work center copied to your site, set the costs for cost sets 1 and 2 to the values in the table below.
Site Work Center Description Work Center Code Work Center Cost Per Hour Overhead 1 Overhead 1 Unit Overhead 2 Overhead 2 Unit
1 100 Picking Internal work center 0 5 Hour 0.50 Quantity
1 200 Machining Internal work center 10 2 Hour 0 Hour
1 230 Stamping / Punching Internal work center 5 1 Hour 1 Quantity
1 240 Grinding / Sanding Internal work center 4 1 Hour 0 Hour
1 300 General Assembly Internal work center 5 2 Hour 0 Hour
1 360 Final Assembly Internal work center 6 2 Hour 0 Hour
1 430 Coating / Waterproofing Internal work center 20 2 Hour 5 Quantity
1 510 Outside Heat Treatment Outside work center
1 640 Fixing Internal work center 8 2 Hour 0 Hour
1 650 Adjusting Internal work center 5 2 Hour 0 Hour
1 810 Test Internal work center 3 2 Hour 1 Quantity

General exercise for Setting Up Work Center

Labor Classes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the labor classes on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Manufacturing Labor Class

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy each labor class in the table below from site 1 to your site. (Use the duplicate command to make it easier.)
  2. For each labor class copied to your site, set the costs for cost sets 1 and 2 to the values from the table below.
Site Labor Class Labor Class Description Labor Class Rate Overhead Overhead Unit
1 1 General 1 25 2 Hour
1 2 General 2 28 4 Hour
1 3 Skilled 1 30 4 Quantity
1 4 Skilled 2 40 10 Percentage
1 5 Supervisor 50 5 Hour
1 6 QA Specialist 50 5 Hour

General exercise for Setting Up Labor Class

Manufacturing Tools

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the manufacturing tools on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Manufacturing Tool

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the manufacturing tools in the table below from site 1 to your site.  (Use the duplicate command to make it easier.) Copy the tool guidelines for those tools that have one.
Site Tool ID Tool Description Notes
1 7-001 Oil Pan Die Copy tool guideline as well.
1 8-001 Oil Pan Jig Copy tool guideline as well.
1 9-001 Torque wrench
1 9-002 Adjustable wrench

General exercise for Setting Up Manufacturing Tool

Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the purchased part for services on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Purchase Part

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the purchased part for services in the table below from site 1 to your site. (Use the duplicate command to make it easier.)
Site Part No Part Description
1 510-1 Heat Treatment - Category 1

General exercise for Purchase Part

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the supplier for the purchased part for services on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. If you haven't done so already, make the existing supplier a supplier for the purchased part for services in the table below in your site.
Site Part No Part Description Supplier Supplier Name Price Currency
1 510-1 Heat Treatment - Category 1 5040 Supplier of Services 20.00 USD

General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Routing Revisions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the routing revisions that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.


Note: The destination revision number will automatically be changed from the source revision number to the next higher integer. Therefore, you must first change the site to your site and then change the revision number to match the source revision number. Otherwise, an overlapping date range may result. In addition, the Routing Type field will default to a value other than Manufacturing if another value exists. Verify that the Routing Type field displays Manufacturing.

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the manufacturing routing revisions for each part in the table below from site 1 to your site. (Right-click and then click Copy Routing Revision.) Be careful to copy only the default alternate.
  2. For each part copied to your site, set the routing alternate to Buildable.
Site Part No Part Description Notes
1 21-110 Engine, Racing, Discrete Mfg
1 21-210 Engine Assembly
1 21-230 Electrical System
1 21-240 Cooling System This part has two manufacturing alternates. Only copy the default (*) alternate. Verify that the routing type is Manufacturing as this part also has a structure with the routing type of Repair.
1 21-241 Cooling System, Off-road
1 21-250 Fuel System
1 21-313 Oil Pan
1 21-321 Camshaft, Treated
1 21-351 Carburetor
1 21-410 Piston Assembly

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Subcontracting Cost

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the subcontracting costs for outside operations on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Subcontracting Cost

  1. If you haven't done so already, set cost sets 1 and 2 to the values shown on the table below for the subcontracting costs on your site.
Site Part No Part Description Routing Revision Alternative Operation Unit Cost Unit OH Cost Batch Cost Batch OH Cost
Your Site 21-321 Camshaft, Treated 1 * 20 20 10% 0 0%

General exercise for Subcontracting Operations

Manufacturing Lead Time

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the manufacturing lead time for the inventory parts on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

Lead Time Calculation
Cumulative Lead Time Calculation
Background Jobs

  1. Calculate the manufacturing lead time for all parts in your site. Use average capacity and the maximum time of machine or labor.
  2. Verify that the background job completed without error.
  3. Calculate the cumulative lead time for all parts in your site.
  4. Verify that the background job completed without error.

General exercise for Calculating Manufacturing Lead Time

Part Costs

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the costs for the manufactured inventory parts on your site that are needed for the rest of the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

All Levels Part Cost Calculation
Copy Costs To Cost Set One
Background Jobs

  1. Calculate the costs for all levels of the discrete racing engine (part 21-110) in your site for cost set 2. Repeat the calculation for steel disk parts (21-936 and 21-937) and off-road parts (21-241, 21-345, and 21-346).
  2. Copy the costs from cost set 2 to cost set 1 for the 21-% parts in your site.

Note: If you get messages about zero cost for the discrete racing engine parts, check to see if any of the possible problems listed at the end of the main exercise is the cause. You can disregard the message for any parts that do not have the part number format of 21-nnn.

  1. Verify that the background job completed without error. View the details to check that there are no messages about zero cost not being allowed for the parts.

General exercise for Part Cost Calculation

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to understand how the racing engine is built.

Structure Graphic
Structure Graphic/Graphical Structure
Inventory Part
Inventory Part/Costs
Inventory Part/Manufacturing
Part Cost

Viewing the Discrete Manufacturing Racing Engine

  1. Open the Structure Graphic window.
  2. Query for the 21-110 part number and your site.
  3. If the record for revision 1 of the manufacturing structure is not selected, select it.
  4. Click the Graphical Structure tab and right-click on the 21-110 part in the structure tree and then click Expand Descendents to view the complete structure.
  5. Verify that each of the alternatives is in a Buildable state.
  6. Open the Inventory Part window, and query for the 21-110 part number and your site. 
  7. Click the Costs tab, and verify that the Inventory Value field displays 4133.71.
  8. Click the Manufacturing tab, and verify that the Cum. Leadtime field displays 5, the Fixed Leadtime by Day field displays 0.0875, the Variable Leadtime by Day field displays 0.2375, the Fixed Leadtime by Hour is 0.7, and the Variable Leadtime by Hour field displays 1.9.

Note: If the values in the steps above do not match what is actually displayed in the application, the actual results you receive in some discrete manufacturing exercises will not match the results documented in the instructions. This may not be important if the exercises concerning shop order costs or scheduling will not be performed. To correct the values, the problem is likely to be one of the following:

Note: If it is difficult to find the source of the discrepancy, it may be helpful to compare the part cost of the parts in your site with those in site 1 using the Part Cost window.