Creating Subcontract Operation - Extended Exercises  

Basic Data Setup


If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. 

If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Creating Subcontract Operation

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Work Center

  1. If you have not already done so, copy all parts from Site 1 to your site using 200 as the value for Commodity Group 2.
  2. Copy Product Structure 20–321 to your site.
  3. Copy the work centers shown below to your site.
    Work Center Description Queue Time Work Center Code Calendar ID Utilization Sched Capacity Average Capacity
    240 Grinding/Sanding 0 Internal Work Center US5 100 Infinite capacity 8
    Cost Set Cost Title Work Center Cost Cost Unit Overhead 1 Overhead 1 Unit Overhead 2 Overhead 2 Unit
    1 Inventory Value) 4 Hour 1 Hour 0 Hour
    2 Estimated Material Cost) 4 Hour 1 Hour 0 Hour
    Work Center Description Queue Time Work Center Code Calendar ID Utilization Sched Capacity Average Capacity
    430 Coating/Waterproofing 0 Internal Work Center US5 100 Infinite capacity 8
    Cost Set Cost Title Work Center Cost Cost Unit Overhead 1 Overhead 1 Unit Overhead 2 Overhead 2 Unit
    1 Inventory Value) 20 Hour 2 Hour 5 Qty
    2 Estimated Material Cost) 20 Hour 2 Hour 5 Qty
    Work Center Description Queue Time Work Center Code Calendar ID Utilization Sched Capacity Average Capacity
    510 Outside Heat Treatment 0 Outside Work Center US5 Infinite capacity
    Cost Set Cost Title Work Center Cost Cost Unit Overhead 1 Overhead 1 Unit Overhead 2 Overhead 2 Unit
    1 Inventory Value) Hour Hour Qty
    2 Estimated Material Cost) Hour Hour Qty
    Work Center Description Queue Time Work Center Code Calendar ID Utilization Sched Capacity Average Capacity
    810 Test 0 Internal Work Center US5 100 Infinite capacity 8
    Cost Set Cost Title Work Center Cost Cost Unit Overhead 1 Overhead 1 Unit Overhead 2 Overhead 2 Unit
    1 Inventory Value) 3 Hour 2 Hour 1 Qty
    2 Estimated Material Cost) 3 Hour 2 Hour 1 Qty
  4. Enter Supplier 5000 as the default supplier for outside Work Center 510.

General exercise for Copy Inventory Part
General exercise for Copy Structure
General exercise for Create Purchase Part (Outside Operation Item)
General exercise for Connect Purchase Part to Supplier.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to enter a subcontract operation.


Creating Subcontract Operation

  1. Open the Routing window.
  2. Query for Part 20–321 on your site.
  3. Enter the routing shown on the table below.
    Op Item No Description Work Center  Machine Setup  Mach Run Factor
    10  Prep Camshaft 240 0.1 0.4
    20 Heat Treat Camshaft 510 0 24
    30 Coat Camshaft 430 0.1 0.5
    40 Inspect Camshaft 810 0.1 0


  4. Save your changes.
  5. An information message will appear. You can select an existing part from a list of values, or you can create a new part. In this case, create a new part. Then the Create Outside Op Item and Connect to Supplier dialog will appear. Enter a purchase part (outside operation item)  20–510–1, Heat Treatment – Category 1. Also enter unit of measure (pcs) and a price.
  6. Set the routing alternative status to Buildable.
  7. To be able to see the result and follow the entire flow, you will need to create and process a shop order.
  8. You can also enter a subcontract operation to a specific shop order when the shop order is created.

General exercise for Creating Shop Order