Creating Configuration Part—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

No basic data is needed for this exercise.

Required Data

Configuration Family with Attached Characteristics

Configuration Family

Note: If you have not yet already done so, create the following:

  1. A configuration family with attached characteristics is needed for this exercise. Use the existing family, EASYFLEX.

General exercise for Creating Configuration Family and Attaching Characteristics

Main Exercises

Create Configurable Part 

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a configurable part.


  1. Open the Part window.

Note: Replace XX with your initials in the part numbers below. 

  1. Enter the following parts:
Part No Description Configurable   Unit Code   Standard name ID  
XX-14 EasyFlex garage door segment    Yes pcs 0
XX-11 EasyFlex garage door Yes pcs 0

Create a New Configuration Part Specification Revision

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create the first and second revision for this configuration part.


  1. Open the Part window and query for parts XX-11 and XX-14.
  2. Click the Part Configuration Revision tab.
  3. Connect both parts to the EASYFLEX configuration family.
  4. For part XX-11, click Yes to copy all family characteristics to the part specification revision.
  5. For part XX-14, click No to not copy all family characteristics to the part specification revision.

    Note: You are finished and the parts are now ready for configurations. Since you answered Yes to copy all characteristics, all of the characteristics that are associated with the EASYFLEX configuration family are now associated with part XX-11. Editing characteristics associated to part configuration revisions is handled in the Part Configuration Revision window.

When you create the next revision for these configuration parts, you can either copy and edit an existing revision (Method 1), or create a empty revision (Method 2). Irrespective of which method is used, the part configuration revision will be created in the Tentative state.

Method 1:

  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Query for part XX-11.
  3. Open the Part Configuration Revision tab.
  4. Create a new line and enter a description. 
  5. In the Phase In Date field, enter Dec. 31 2010. 
  6. This method gives you a empty revision and requires that you re-enter all necessary data. No data from the previous revision is inherited.

Note: The previous revision will not get a phase out date since the new revision is created in the Tentative state and therefore not available for use. To be able to release the created revision, a phase out date must be defined for the previous revision so that overlapping is avoided, provided that the previous revision is in the Released state. There can be only one part configuration revision in the Released state at a time, during a defined time range and overlapping of revisions is not allowed.

Method 2:

  1. Open the Part Configuration Revision window or the Part Configuration Revision tab.
  2. Query for part number XX-14 and family EASYFLEX.
  3. To create a new part spec revision, right-click in the window header and click Copy Config Part Spec Rev.
  4. In the Phase In Date field in the Destination Revision area, enter Dec. 31 2010.
  5. To specify a Phase Out Date for the new revision, enter the date in the Phase Out Date field in the Destination Revision area.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Now you have created a new revision for the XX-14 part. To check all revisions, right-click in the window header and click Config Part Spec Revision.

Note: A new revision is created in the Tentative status. The copied revision also receives a phase out date which is one day before the phase in date of the new created revision. If it is a Released part configuration revision that is copied and it has NULL as the phase out date, then delete the received phase out date if the phase out date required should be NULL.

Maintain the Part Configuration Revision

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create the first revision for this configuration part and create next revision.

Part Configuration Revision

  1. Open the Part Configuration Revision window.
  2. Query for XX-11 revision 2.
  3. Add characteristics in the upper table window as follows:
  1. Query for XX-14 revision 2 and add the following characteristics:
  1. Select GDFINISH with discrete option values and remove option value 3 in the lower table window.
  2. If you have a very common option value or variable value, you can set this as the default for the characteristic. This value is recommended each time the part configuration revision is used to create a configuration.
  3. If you used the part configuration revision in a configuration, you have to create a new revision before you will be able to remove an option value or characteristic.
  4. You can also change the sequence for the characteristics. It is here that you decide in which sequence the characteristics will be when you create your configuration, e.g., in a customer order.
  5. For information about the other fields, please see the online help. Some of the effects from these fields can only be seen in the customer order flow.