Issuing and Unissuing Material on Shop Orders—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site and needs to be done only once for the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

  1. Set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines. 

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data 

Input UoM (Unit of Measure) Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect the Input UoM Group to the inventory part in order to be able to receive the order using the Multiple Units of Measure functionality.

Inventory Part
Input UoM Group

  1. Attach the Input UoM group XX_WEIGHT to the inventory part, if it has not been done so already.

General exercise for Input UoM Group

Inventory Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up inventory picking locations for running functionalities isolated by the site. 

Inventory Locations

  1. Create the inventory picking locations shown in the table below, if that has not been done so already.
Site Location No Warehouse Location Name Location Group
Your Site 1 Main Main Warehouse 30
Your Site 1A Secondary Secondary Warehouse 30
Your Site 2C Sub Subassembly inv 30

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Required Data

Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that you have the correct quantity of parts for the main exercises. 

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part Currently On Hand window. 
  2. Verify that you have at least the quantity of parts shown in the table below. If you do not have enough parts, receive the indicated quantity into at least two different inventory picking locations in different warehouses for each part. 
Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing
Your Site 21-330 Ignition System 40
Your Site 21-331 Starting System 40
Your Site 21-332 Battery System 40
Your Site 30-110 Steel 1000

General exercise for Receiving Inventory Part 

Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a manually created shop order with the default information that will be modified in the main exercises below.

Note: Record the shop order numbers so that it will be easy to identify the correct shop order for the exercise.

  1. Create shop orders for the parts and lot sizes identified in the table below. If the status of the shop orders is Planned, release the shop orders. 
Site Part No Part Description Lot Size Shop Order Number Relevant Exercise
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 5 Issue Material Automatically to a Shop Order
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10 Create Pick List of Material to Issue to a Shop Order
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 15 Issue Material Manually to a Shop Order, and Un-issue Material on a Shop Order
Your Site 30-100 Steel Bar 100   Issue Material Manually using an Input UoM Group
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 2   Create Consolidated Pick lists of Material to Issue to Shop Orders
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 2   Create Consolidated Pick lists of Material to Issue to Shop Orders

General exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually 

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to issue component material from the inventory to shop orders in different ways.

Shop Order
Shop Orders
Issue Material Using Pick List

Assume that, you are the person responsible for issuing component material to the shop orders. Today you need to issue material to shop orders for building an electrical system. The activities you want to perform are:

Issuing Material Automatically to a Shop Order

You decide to issue the material, as reserved, to the shop order that has a lot size of 5.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230, and a quantity of 5. 
  2. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order. 
  3. Once the status of the shop order is Released, reserve the material on the shop order. 
  4. Click the Material tab. Verify that the value for both the Qty Required and Qty Assigned fields is 5 for all three component parts. Verify that 0 (zero) is the value for the Qty Remaining and Qty Issued fields for all three component parts. Also verify that Reserved is the value for the State field for all three component parts. 
  5. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue.
  6. When the Enter criteria for issue dialog box is displayed, select the Issue all reserved material check box in the Criteria for Issue area. Click OK.
  7. On the Material tab of the Shop Order window, for all three rows, verify that the value for the Qty Issued field has changed to 5, the value for the Qty Assigned field has changed to 0 (zero), and the value for the State field has changed to Issued.  

Note: In the Enter criteria for issue dialog box, you can issue material that has not been reserved to the order by selecting the Issue non reserved material check box. Also you can identify the quantity of material to issue by entering the quantity of the parent part to be produced in the Parent quantity to issue field. 

Creating a Pick List of Material to Issue to a Shop Order

You want to create a pick list for the material needed for the shop order that has a lot size of 10. You decide to unreserve the battery systems and issue the remaining material as identified on the pick list. 

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230, and a quantity of 10. 
  2. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order.
  3. Once the status of the shop order is Released, reserve the material on the shop order. 
  4. Click the Material tab. Verify that the value for the Qty Required field and the Qty Assigned field is 10 for all three component parts. Verify that 0 (zero) is the value for the Qty Remaining and Qty Issued fields for all three component parts. Also, verify that Reserved is the value for the State field for all three component parts. 
  5. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Reports, and click Pick List.
  6. When the Shop Order Pick List Options dialog box appears, verify that the Shop Order No, Rel No, and Seq No fields contain the values from your shop order, and are disabled. Verify that the Operation No field in the Specify Operation(s) area contains % and that all the check boxes in the Pick Print Options are selected.
  7. Click OK to create the pick list for the shop order. The pick list shows the locations and quantities of the reserved material components. While the pick list does not issue material from inventory, you can use it to identify the material to issue.
  8. Click No in response to the question about printing the pick list without a preview. You will view the report without printing it.
  9. Click Preview in the Report Print dialog box and look at the report. 
  10. Close the Shop Order Pick List - Preview window when you have finished looking at the report. 
  11. Open the Issue Material from Pick List window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, and part number 21-230.
  12. Select the row in the table for the 21-332 component part (Battery System). Right-click on the row, and click Unreserve Standard Picklist to unreserve the battery systems.
  13. Right-click anywhere in the header, and click Issue all material to issue the remaining material from the pick list. Close the Issue Material from Pick List window.
  14. Refresh the Shop Order window. On the Material tab and on the rows for the 21-330 (Ignition System) and 21-331 (Starting System) component parts, verify that 10 is the value for the Qty Issued field and 0 (zero) is the value for the Qty Remaining field. On the row for the 21-332 component part (Battery System), verify that 0 (zero) is the value for the Qty Issued field and 10 is the value for the Qty Remaining field. The value for the Qty Assigned field should be 0 (zero) for all three rows. 

Note: You can specify specific operations for the printing of the pick list. This will help you if you are picking material per operation because each operation's pick list will print separately. 

Issuing Material Manually to a Shop Order

For the shop order that has a lot size of 15, you decide to issue the ignition systems by selecting the inventory locations with the material.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230, and a quantity of 15. 
  2. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order.
  3. Once the status of the shop order is Released, reserve the material on the shop order.
  4. Click the Material tab and select the row for the 21-330 component part (Ignition System).
  5. Right-click on the row, and then click Manual issues.
  6. Open the Manual Issue Shop Order window and verify that the table displays each location that has available inventory for the 21-330 part. Verify that the Total Qty Available field in the header contains the sum of all the values in the Qty on Location fields in the table. This is the quantity that is available to be issued.
  7. In the row for the appropriate location, enter the quantity you want to issue in the Qty to Issue field. Repeat this for as many location rows as needed. The sum of the values should be 15. Save the information to issue the material. Close the Manual Issue Shop Order window.
  8. Refresh the Shop Order window. Verify that the value for the Qty Issued field is the quantity that you issued and that the value of the State field is Issued. 

Note: If you want to manually issue multiple rows, select the rows for the component material you want to issue, right-click on the rows, and then click Manual issues

Unissuing Material on a Shop Order

You decide to unissue the material you issued.

  1. In the Shop Order window, right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and click Manual Unissue.
  2. When the Manual Unissue Shop Order window displays, select the row containing the information for the issue of material that you want to reverse or un-issue.
  3. Right-click on the row, and then click Location to Unissue.
  4. When the Location to Unissue window displays, verify that 0 (zero) is the value of the Qty Reversed field in the header. Enter the quantity that you want to return to inventory in the Qty to Unissue field in the table row containing the location where the material will go. This number cannot exceed the value in the Issued Qty field in the header. 

  5. Save the information. Verify that value in the Qty Reversed field has increased by the quantity you un-issued. Close the Location to Unissue window.

  6. If you un-issued only a portion of the quantity originally issued during the original transaction, refresh the Manual Unissue Shop Order window. Verify that the value in the Qty Reversed field for the row you selected earlier has increased by the quantity you un-issued.

  7. When you have finished unissuing material, close the Manual Unissue Shop Order window.

  8. Refresh the Shop Order window. Verify that the value for the Qty Issued field has decreased by the quantity you un-issued.

Note: The Discrete Manufacturing course will not use these shop orders after this exercise, so you may further process the shop orders if desired.  

Unissuing All Material on a Shop Order

You decide to unissue all the material you issued.

  1. Create a shop order and issue all material.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and click Unissue All.
  3. Unissue to Original Location is selected by default.
  4. Click OK.

All material previously issued will be un-issued to the issued locations.

Note: If shop order had catch quantity enabled parts, the issued catch quantity will be unissued. Select Unissue to a New Location and select a location number to unissue the material to a different location.

Issuing Material Manually to a Shop Order using an Input UoM Group

You want to manually issue the steel for the shop order for manufacturing steel bars using an Input UoM.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site and part number 30-100. 
  2. If the status of the shop order is Planned, release the shop order.
  3. Once the status of the shop order is Released, reserve the material on the shop order.
  4. Click the Material tab and select the row for the 30-110 component part (Steel).
  5. Right-click on the row, and then click Manual issues
  6. Open the Manual Issue Shop Order window and verify that the table displays each location that has an inventory available for the 30-110 part. Verify that the Total Qty Available field in the header contains the sum of all the values in the Qty on Location fields in the table. This is the quantity that is available to be issued. 
  7. In the row for the appropriate location, right-click and select Input UoM.
  8. Select Input UoM and enter the following missing parameters displayed in the table:
  9. Enter 1250 for XX_LENGTH
  10. Enter 800 for XX_WIDTH
  11. Enter 10 for XX_THICK  
  12. Click Calculate to check the result. Output quantity should be 78.5 kg. If the calculation is performed correctly, click OK
  13. The calculated quantity is automatically entered in the Qty to Issue field. Save the information to issue the material. Close the Manual Issue Shop Order window.
  14. Refresh the Shop Order window. Verify that the value for the Qty Issued field is the quantity that you issued and that the value of the State field is Issued.

Note: When using an Input UoM Group to calculate the quantity to issue, this should be done on a single row only.

Creating a Consolidated Pick List of Material to Issue to a Shop Order

You want to create consolidated pick lists for the material needed for the shop orders that have a lot size of 2. You decide to issue the material as identified on the pick list.

  1. Open the Shop Orders window and query for the shop orders for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-230, and a quantity of 2.
  2. If the shop orders are in the Planned status, release the shop orders.
  3. Once the shop orders are in the Released status, reserve the material on the shop orders.
  4. Select the orders, right-click anywhere on the selected rows, point to Reports, and then click Create Consolidated Pick List.
  5. In Pick list(s) per list, select Warehouse. This means that you will create one pick list per warehouse from the reserved material on the shop orders you selected.
  6. Select the Print Pick List check box.
  7. Click OK to create the pick list for the shop orders. The pick lists will be created by a background job and will be available in the report archive once the background job is done.
  8. Open the Report Archive window and populate. You will see your pick list(s) here.
  9. Select the pick list, right-click and then click Print.
  10. Click Preview on the Print Report dialog box and analyze the report. Note down the pick list number.
  11. Close the PDF window when you are done with analyzing the report.
  12. Click Cancel on the Print Report dialog box.
  13. Open the Issue Material Using Pick List window and query for the pick list number.
  14. Right-click on the header and then click Issue All Material.
  15. If there is more than one pick list, query for that pick list as well and then issue all material for that pick list too.