Performing Resource Requirements Planning (RRP)—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Overview of Resource Requirements Planning Data 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that is used in the resource requirements planning exercises. This sets up data for your site that only needs to be done once for resource requirements planning. 

  1. If you haven't done so yet, set up your site for master production scheduling planning data for racing engines. 

General exercise for Overview of Master Production Scheduling Planning Data

Master Schedule Sets

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that master schedule sets exist for use with resource requirements planning. 

MS Basic Data /MS Set

Note: These master schedule sets should already exist. If they do not exist, create the following sets. Master schedule sets are not site-specific and should only be created once for each company. 

  1. Verify that the following master schedule sets exist.
MS Set MS Set Description
7 Customer Schedule - Imported Demand
8 Demand Planning - Imported Demand

General exercise for Creating MS Sets

Work Centers and RRP Efficiency

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy the work centers into your own site and set the RRP efficiency for them. 

Work Center

  1. Open the Work Center window. 
  2. Query work centers 370 and 820 on site 1. Copy both work centers to your site. 
  3. Click the RRP Capacity tab and enter the data in the following table.
Work Center  Units Per Day  RRP Efficiency
370 8 100
820 5 100
  1. Save your changes 

General exercise for Setting up Work Centers, Production Lines, Labor Classes, and Tools

Inventory Parts 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that the right inventory parts are on your site for running functionality for resource requirements planning. 

Inventory Part

Note: If you already have the MPS racing engine parts in your site, use your existing parts. These parts all have part numbers with the format of 24-nnn. 

  1. Query for the following parts on your site and verify that they exist. 
Part Number Description Part Type Planner Site Comm. Group 2
24-313 Oil pan Manufacturing Mika Your site 240
24-315 Oil pan Manufacturing Mika Your site 240
24-930 Sheet Metal Purchased Mika Your site 240

Note: If these parts do not exist on your site, you should go through the "Inventory Parts" exercise in the Overview of Master Production Schedule Planning Data lesson. 

General exercise for Overview of Master Production Scheduling Planning Data

Resource Routing 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the resource routing records that will be used in the main exercises. 

Resource Routing

  1. In your own site, create resource routings with the following information. 
Part No. Op. No. Op. Desc. Parallel Op. Work Center Efficiency Factor Resource Consumption Factor
24-313 10 Assembly Not parallel 370 100 1
24-313 20 Inspect Not parallel 820 100 3
24-315 10 Assembly Not parallel 370 100 1
24-315 20 Inspect Not parallel 820 100 3
  1. Save your changes. 

General exercise for Creating Resource Routings 

Product Structures 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create buildable structures. 

Product Structure

  1. In your own site, query part numbers 24-313 and 24-315 and create product structures with the following information. 
Assembly Part No. Description Component Part No. Description  Quantity Per Assembly
24-313 Oil Pan 24-930 Sheet Metal 1
24-315 Oil Pan 24-930 Sheet Metal 1
  1. Save your changes. 
  2. Promote the structure to buildable.

General exercise for Creating Product Structures

Required Data 

Create MS Level 1 Demand 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create demand to load work center capacity. 

MS Level 1 Part
MS Level 1 Part /Register Forecast

  1. Create the following MS level 1 part records. After you have created them, make sure you save your changes. 
Part No. Site DTF PTF  Remaining Fields
24-313 Your site 2 5 Default
24-315 Your site 2 5 Default
  1. Create the following forecasts for each part. After you have created them, make sure you save your changes. 
Part No. Site MS Set Forecast Date Forecast 1 Master Schedule Proposed
24-313 Your Site 1 Current Date + 4 Work Days 8 8 Fixed
24-315 Your Site 1 Current Date + 4 Work Days 8 8 Fixed

General exercise for Performing Level 1 Master Production Scheduling

Run Level 1 Master Scheduling 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to calculate MS level 1 demand. 

Calculate MS Level 1
Background Jobs

  1. In the MS Level 1 Calculation  window, enter master schedule set 1 and your site (leave the Part No field blank). Verify that the run date is today's date. Click OK
  2. Verify that the state for the level 1 master scheduling background job is Ready in the Background Jobs window.   

General exercise for Performing Level 1 Master Production Scheduling

Create Shop Orders and Re-Run Level 1 Master Scheduling 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a released demand on each of the two RRP parts and to re-run level 1 master scheduling. 

Shop Order Requisitions
Shop Orders
Calculate MS Level 1

  1. Create two shop orders from requisitions for part numbers 24-313 and 24-315. 

General exercise for Releasing Shop Order Requisitions 

  1. Release both shop orders. 

General exercise for Releasing Shop Orders 

  1. Run level 1 master scheduling again. 

General exercise for Performing Level 1 Master Production Scheduling

Main Exercises 

Running RRP 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to run the resource requirements planning process. 

Perform RRP
Background Jobs

  1. Open the Perform RRP window. 
  2. Enter master schedule set 1
  3. Enter your site. 
  4. Click OK
  5. Open the Background Jobs window and populate it. 
  6. Verify that the state for the resource requirements planning job is Ready

Evaluating RRP Results 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to review the results of the resource requirements planning process in both graphical and table formats. 

RRP Load per Work Center
RRP Load per Work Centers

Graphical Format 

  1. Open the RRP Load per Work Center window. 
  2. Query for the 370 work center on your site. 
  3. Review the graph that displays. 
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the 820 work center. 

Table Format 

  1. Open the RRP Load per Work Centers window. 
  2. Query for the 370 and 820 work centers on your site. 
  3. Review the results, which should be similar to the information in the table below. 
Work Center Rel. Load MS Load WC Cap. Load %
370 16 0 8 200
370 0 16 8 200
820 8 8 5 160
820 10 10 5 360
820 10 10 5 400
820 10 10 5 400
820 10 10 5 400
820 0 10 5 200