Overview of Master Production Scheduling Planning Data—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Note: Enter the values as shown below to ensure that your results in following lessons match.

Inventory Part 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the inventory parts that you need on your site for running functionality for Master Production Scheduling. 

Copy Parts to Site
Background Jobs
Inventory Parts

  1. Open the Copy Parts to Site window.
  2. In the From area, enter 1 in the Site field.
  3. Enter 240 in the Comm. Group 2 field. 
  4. In the To area, enter your site in the Site field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Wait for the background job to complete. When it finishes, the parts will be copied to your site.
  7. Open the Inventory Parts window and query for all parts on your site. 
  8. Verify that the parts for your site are displayed as in the exercise for the following table. 

Planning Data for MRP Inventory Part 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the planning data for the inventory parts on your site for running functionality using racing engine data for Master Production Scheduling. 

Planning Details for Inventory Parts
Inventory Part /Planning Data
Inventory Part /Misc Part Info

Note: If you are using both level 0 and level 1 parts, the following steps must be performed once for each of the parts in the table below. If you are using only level 1 and MRP parts, planning methods O and T will not be used.

Site Part No Part Desc Commodity Group 2 Planning Method Forecast Consumption Code
Your Site 24-000 Engine Family 240 O Cleared
Your Site 24-101 Formula Engine 240 T Cleared
Your Site 24-102 Stock Engine 240 T Cleared
Your Site 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 240 A Selected
Your Site 24-106 6-Cylinder Engine 240 A Selected
Your Site 24-108 8-Cylinder Engine 240 A Cleared
Your Site 24-310 Engine Block 240 A Cleared
Your Site 24-313 Oil Pan 240 A Cleared
Your Site 24-321 Crankshaft 240 A Cleared
Your Site 24-410 Piston Assembly 240 A Cleared
  1. Open the Planning Details for Inventory Parts window.
  2. Query for all parts on your site.
  3. Select all parts, and right-click and then click Inventory Part. A total of 12 parts is imported. The extra two parts, 24-315 and 24-930, will be used in the Performing Resource Requirements Planning (RRP) exercise.
  4. Open the Planning Data window.
  5. Set the planning methods to the values shown above. If only using level 1 and MRP parts, planning methods O and T will not be used.  
  6. On the Misc Part Info tab, set the forecast consumption codes to the values shown above. 

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part

General exercises for Manufactured Inventory Part

Period Template Maintenance 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that the period template, representing your material planning needs, exists on your site. 

Period Template Maintenance

  1. Open the Period Template Maintenance window.
  2. Query for your site.
  3. Verify that a period template for your material planning needs exists for your site. 
  4. If a period template does not exist for your site, copy an existing template or create a new one. 

General exercise for Period Templates

Level 0 Plan Structures 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter plan structures for parent parts of planning method O. 

Plan Structure
Structure Graphic
Structure Graphic /Graphical Structure

  1. Open the Plan Structure window.
  2. Query for parts 24-000, 24-101, and 24-102 at your site.  
  3. Create the following plan structures for your site by selecting your site and then entering the following components:
Assembly Part No Description Components Qty Per Assembly
24-000 Engine Family 24-101 Formula Racing Engine 0.3
24-000 Engine Family 24-102 Stock Racing Engine 0.7
24-101 Formula Racing Engine 24-106 6-Cylinder Engine 0.4
24-101 Formula Racing Engine 24-108 8-Cylinder Engine 0.6
24-102 Stock Racing Engine 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 1.0

Note: The value in the Qty Per Assembly field is expressed in percent. The sum of all components should be equal to or greater than 1.

  1. Promote the plan structure to the Plannable state.
  2. Open the Structure Graphic window.
  3. Query for parts 24-000, 24-101, and 24-102 at your site. 
  4. On the Graphical Structure tab, right-click part 24-000, click Expand Descendents, and then verify that the structure is correct. 
  5. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for parts 24-101 and 24-102. 

General exercise for Creating Planning Structures

Level 1 Product Structures 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter product structures for exploding level 0 family forecast plans  to level 1 components for planning method T.

Product Structure
Product Structure Graphic
Structure Graphic /Graphical Structure

  1. Open the Product Structure window.
  2. Query for part 24-104 at site 1.
  3. Copy the following product structure to your site: 
Part No
Description Components Qty Per Assembly
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-310 Engine Block 1
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-313 Oil Pan 1
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-321 Crankshaft 1
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-410 Piston Assembly 4
  1. Promote the product structure to the Buildable status.
  2. Open the Product Structure Graphic window.
  3. Query for part 24-104 at your site. 
  4. On the Graphical Structure tab, right-click part 24-104, click Expand Descendents, and then verify that the structure is correct. 

General exercise for Creating Product Structures

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Multi-Site Master Scheduling Data Setup

Note: Enter the values as shown below to ensure that your results in following lessons match. Since this is a multi-site exercise, you will need to copy data to two sites. These two sites should be different and separate from the site you copied data to in the previous sections of this exercise.

Inventory Part 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the inventory parts that you need on your sites for running the Multi-Site Master Production Scheduling functionality.

Copy Parts to Site
Background Jobs
Inventory Part /Planning Data
Inventory Parts
Inventory Basic Data /Supply Chain Part Group
Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters

  1. Open the Copy Parts to Site window.
  2. In the From area, enter 1 in the Site field.
  3. Enter 240 in the Comm. Group 2 field. 
  4. In the To area, enter your site in the Site field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Wait for the background job to complete. When it finishes, the parts will be copied to your site.
  7. Open the Inventory Parts window and query for part 24-104 on your site.
  8. Verify that the attributes for this part for your site are as displayed in the following table.
Site Part No Part Desc Commodity Group 2 Planning Method Forecast Consumption Code
Your second Site 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 240 A Cleared
  1. Open the Inventory Part window, query for part 24-104 on your second site and click the Planning Data tab. Verify that the Manufactured/Acquired Split check box is selected, and the Manufactured and Acquired percentages are set to 50% each respectively.
  2. Repeat steps 1 through 7, copying parts to a third site. However, verify that the attributes for this part for your site are as displayed in the following table.
Site Part No Part Desc Commodity Group 2 Planning Method Forecast Consumption Code
Your third Site 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 240 A Selected
  1. Open the Inventory Basic Data window. On the Supply Chain Part Group tab, create a new supply chain part group IFS, and save.
  2. Open the Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters window. Create a new record with Supply Site set to your third site, Demand Site set to your second site, Ship Via set to *, External Transport Lead Time set to 7 and Internal Transport Lead Time set to 0. Save the record.
  3. In the table window section of the same window, create a new record, and set the Supply Chain Part Group field to IFS, Ship Via to *, External Transport Lead Time to 5 and Internal Transport Lead Time to 0.
  4. Open the Inventory Part window, query for part 24-104 on your second site and click on the Acquisition tab. Verify that the Supply Chain Part Group field is set to IFS. Repeat this for part 24-104 at your third site.

Level 1 Product Structures for Multi-Site Master Scheduling

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy product structures for level 1 parts for multi-site master scheduling.

Product Structure
Product Structure Graphic
Structure Graphic /Graphical Structure

  1. Open the Product Structure window.
  2. Query for part 24-104 at site 1.
  3. Copy the following product structure to your second site: 
Part No
Description Components Qty Per Assembly
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-310 Engine Block 1
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-313 Oil Pan 1
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-321 Crankshaft 1
 24-104 4-Cylinder Engine 24-410 Piston Assembly 4
  1. Promote the product structure to state Buildable.
  2. Open the Product Structure Graphic window.
  3. Query for part 24-104 at your second site. 
  4. On the Graphical Structure tab, right-click part 24-104, click Expand Descendents, and then verify that the structure is correct.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for part 24-104, copying the structure to your third site.

Internal Supplier

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an internal supplier in Purchasing required for running the multi-site master scheduling exercise.


  1. If you haven't already done so, create an internal supplier associated with your third site.  Follow the general exercise for suppliers to do this.
  2. On the Purchase/Misc Supplier Info tab, be sure to click the Internal Supplier checkbox and specify your third site as the Supplier Site.

General exercise for Suppliers

Multi-site Planned Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to associate a multi-site purchased part with an internal supplier for use in multi-site master scheduling exercise.

Purchase Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window, and create a Supplier per Purchase Part record for part 24-104 on your second (demand) site using the new internal supplier.
  2. Define a price of $1 USD.
  3. Make certain you click the Multi-Site Planned check box for this supplier/part combination to indicate multi-site distribution features should be enabled for this item.

Internal Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an internal customer in Customer Order required for running the multi-site master scheduling exercise.  This Customer is required as part of the Distribution Order features.


  1. If you haven't already done so, create an internal customer associated with your second site.  Follow the general exercise for customers to do this.
  2. On the Customer/Order/Misc Customer Info tab, be sure to click the Internal Customer checkbox and specify your second site as the Customer Site. Also, in the Defaults group box in the same tab, be sure to enter the Order Type field as NO.

General exercise for Customers

Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to associate the multi-site part with a sales part for use in exploring multi-site master scheduling functionality.  This sales part record is necessary to utilize the Distribution Order features.

Sales Part

  1. Create a Sales Part record for part 24-104 on your third (supply) site.
  2. Define a price of $1 USD.

General exercise for Sales Part

Level 1 Parts for Multi-Site Master Scheduling

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define level 1 parts for multi-site master scheduling.

MS Level 1 Part

  1. Open the MS Level 1 Part window.
  2. Define part 24-104 at your second site as a master scheduled part, with demand time fence and planning time fence values of 5 and 20 respectively.
  3. Repeat steps 1 through 2 for the same part at your third site.