Customer — Basic Data and Requirements Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to set up a regular customer. Customer information is specified in several tabs, where in some tabs are general and used by all components, while some are component specific. When you open up the window you will see both the general tabs and one tab per installed component. Make sure to save the information you have entered before changing to another tab.


Create a regular Customer

  1. Open the Customer window.
  2. Add new record (F5).
  3. Enter an identity and a name for your customer. 

Customer General Data

  1. Click the General tab.
  2. Set a default language and select a country from the List of Values.
  3. Set the customer category to Customer.
  4. Do not select the One-Time Customer check box as you want to use this customer identity as a regular customer and to enter information in the Order tab.
  5. Select the Our ID at Customer group box and add new record.
  6. Enter your Company in the Company field and 1 in the Our ID field.
  7. Save (F12).
  8. Right click and select the Copy Customer option to copy customer related details to the default company of the user.

Customer Address Data

  1. Select the Address tab.
  2. Add new record (F5).
  3. Enter the address identity.
  4. Enter a customer name which is specific to this address in the Customer Name field if the general name of the customer is not valid for this particular address.
  5. Fill in the information for your customer in the General Address Information sub tab. To be able to change data in the Address field, double-click in the address box.

Note: How the address is presented is defined in Address Presentation. You can specify which fields that should be displayed and in which order. 

You can also create an address in connection to the end customer address. In such a situation the details are retrieved from end customer and they cannot be edited on current customer. You need to edit them on the original customer. Edited information will be updated for the related customer addresses.

A customer can have more than one address identity, in this case addresses can be made default as primary or secondary by selecting the check box. However for a particular customer only one of these addresses can be selected as the primary contact, the same applies when deciding the secondary contact.  

  1. Save (F12)
  2. Go to the Order Address Info sub tab and add new record (F5).
Del Term Ship Via Remarks
EXW (Ex Works) 40 (Sea Transport) Add other relevant info.
  1. Go to the Delivery Tax Information sub tab and add new record (F5).
Company Tax Regime Tax Withholding Tax Rounding Method Tax Rounding Level.
Your own company ID Tax regime defaulted from the company Blocked Round to Nearest Specified on Company
  1. Save (F12).
  2. Go to the Supply Country sub tab and add new record (F5).
Supply Country Tax Liability Tax Book Reference
Select your company's home country Taxable -
  1. Save (F12).

Note: If this is a non taxable customer and the customer's Tax Regime is VAT or Mixed, then you must

If the Tax Regime of the customer is Sales Tax or Mixed, you must enter sales tax codes in the Taxes tab. 

Customer Communication Method

  1. Click the Comm. Method tab
  2. Add new record (F5).
  3. Enter the following information.
Name Description Comm. Method Value Address Id Method 








Sven Sven the Weatherman E-mail sven - unchecked unchecked 1st of Jan, current year -
  1. Save the information.

Customer Message Setup

  1. Click the Message Setup tab.
  2. Use this tab window to define inbound and outbound messages, normally EDI messages.

Customer Invoice Data

  1. Click the Invoice tab
  2. Add new (F5).
  3. Enter the following information for the customer using VAT or Mixed Tax regime. If you want to define a customer using Sales Tax, do not enter any values in field Tax Code, Manual Customer Invoice.
Company Customer Type Currency Customer Group Payment Term Tax Code, Manual Customer Invoice
Own company ID External Currency in which to invoice customer 0, External 20, 20 Days Net 1, TAX with no reduction 25%. 
  1. Save the information.

Note. In Customer/Address/Tax Information tab you specify the Tax Regime of your customer. If the tax regime of the customer is Sales Tax, Tax Code Manual Customer Invoice should be lift blank.

Customer Payment Data

Note. The Payment tab is visible only if IFS/Finance has been installed.

  1. Click the Payment tab.
  2. Add new record (F5).
  3. Enter the following information:
Company Reminder Template Interest Template Percent Tolerance Amount Tolerance
Own Company ID 1 1 2% 20
  1. Save.
  2. If the customer is using a payment method that is based on an electronic file format, e.g., Direct debiting EZEUR, you must also specify Payment Method in the Payment Methods sub tab of the window. Otherwise leave payment method empty and skip steps 5 to 9.
  3. Go to the Payment Methods sub tab and add new record (F5).
  4. Use the List of Values to select the payment method shown in the table below.
Way of Payment Description Default
EZEUR Description for EZEUR will be displayed Unchecked
  1. Save your entry.
  2. Highlight the payment method you just entered, right-click and then click Electronic Payment Addresses. In the window that appears, create a new record, and enter the information shown in the table below.
Payment Method Address Id Description Payee Bank Account Default Payee Bank Code
EZEUR (displayed) 1 Dir Deb EZ addr 1 1234567 Checked 78055050
  1. Save your entry.

Note: You can specify miscellaneous customer information such as deduction groups and other payee in the Misc Payment Info tab. This information is optional and is only required if your company is using this functionality. Also note the Credit Info tab where you specify customer credit management information such as credit limit for your customer. This tab is also optional and is only required if your company is using this functionality.

Customer Credit Information

  1. Click the Credit Info tab.
  2. Add new (F5).
  3. Enter the following information:
Company Credit Analyst Message Group
Own Company ID CA ALL
  1. Save (F12).

Customer Order Information

Note. The Order tab is visible only if IFS/Distribution has been installed.

  1. Click the Order tab and the General sub tab.
  2. Add a new record (F5).
Cust Stat Group Currency Remarks
70 (General) Currency in which to invoice customer Add other relevant info
  1. Click the Misc Customer Info sub tab.
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Change the default values or add any relevant information.
  4. Save (F12).

Note. Price lists must have been created prior to the next step. How to do this is not covered in this exercise.

  1. Click the Pricelist per Price Group sub tab.
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Connect a price list to the customer, if applicable.
  4. Save (F12).Open the Commission Receiver sub tab.
  5. Add a new record (F5).
  6. Add a commission receiver to the customer, if applicable.
  7. Save (F12).
  1. Click  the Charges sub tab.
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. On the Charge Type field either enter a value or select one from the List of Values.
  4. The default value for the Charge Price/Curr field is displayed based on the charge type. You can change this value if necessary.
  5. Save the record (F12).
  6. Click the Classification sub tab.
  7. Add a new record (F5).
  8. Enter Classification standard or select from LoV.
  9. Save (F12)

Note. It is possible to enter more than one classification standard for the customer & it can be set as the default classification standard for that customer.

AR Contact

Enter AR Contact Details

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter AR Contact details.

AR Contact

  1. Open the AR Contact window.
  2. Use the New function and create a row.
  3. Enter a value for AR Contact identity, Name, Phone, Fax and Email fields. 
  4. Click Save.
    Note: The information saved for AR Contact is used in Payment tab
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CRM Info

Note: The CRM Info tab is visible only if IFS/CRM has been installed.

  1. Click the CRM Info tab and enter a new record.
  2. Specify whether the account is a key account.
  3. Fill in the information such as potential, loyalty, etc.
  4. Enter competitor in Relationship area.
  5. Save.


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