Releasing Shop Order Requisitions—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site and needs to be done only once for the Discrete Manufacturing courses exercises.

  1. Set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Required Data

Shop Order Requisition

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up shop order requisitions for running functionality isolated by site.

If you already have available shop order requisitions on your site for the parts below or similar ones, you may use those instead.

  1. Create the shop order requisitions in the table below. You can record the requisition numbers in the table below (under the Requisition Number column) to make it easier to identify the correct requisitions for each exercise.
Site Part No Part Description Due Date Quantity Requisition Number Relevant Exercise
Your Site 21-110 Engine, Racing, Discrete Mfg 1 week from today 5 Release Shop Order Requisition
Your Site 21-210 Engine Assembly 3 work days from today 5 Release Shop Order Requisitions in Date Range
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 1 work days from today 5 Release Shop Order Requisitions in Date Range
Your Site 21-240 Cooling System 4 work days from today 5 Release Shop Order Requisitions in Date Range
Your Site 21-250 Fuel System 4 work days from today 5 Release Shop Order Requisitions in Date Range
Your Site 21-210 Engine Assembly 2 weeks from today 2 Release Shop Order Requisitions in Date Range
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 2 weeks from today 2 Release Shop Order Requisitions in Date Range and Merge Shop Order Requisition into Existing Shop Order
Your Site 21-110 Engine, Racing, Discrete Mfg 2 weeks from today 12 Release Shop Order Requisition for Part with Maximum Lot Size
Your Site 21-313 Oil Pan 2 weeks from today 102 Release Shop Order Requisition for Part with Maximum Lot Size
Your Site 21-240 Cooling System Monday 2 weeks from today 1 Merge Shop

Order Requisitions into New Shop Order

Your Site 21-240 Cooling System Tuesday 2 weeks from today 2 Merge Shop

Order Requisitions into New Shop Order

Your Site 21-240 Cooling System Wednesday 2 weeks from today 1 Merge Shop

Order Requisitions into New Shop Order

Your Site 21-240 Cooling System Thursday 2 weeks from today 3 Merge Shop

Order Requisitions into New Shop Order

Your Site 21-240 Cooling System Friday 2 weeks from today 1 Merge Shop

Order Requisitions into New Shop Order

General exercise for Creating Shop Order Requisitions Manually

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is create shop orders by releasing shop order requisitions.

Shop Order Requisition
Shop Order Requisition
Shop Order Requisition Release/Detail
Shop Order Requisition Release/Shop Order
Shop Order Requisitions

You are the person responsible for releasing existing shop order requisitions to create shop orders for manufactured parts that have not been set up for automatic processing. Today you need to:

Since capacity is available, you also want to:

After looking at the remaining requisitions, you decide to:

Releasing a Shop Order Requisition

Create a shop order from the requisition for the racing engines needed next week.

  1. Open the Shop Order Requisition window.
  2. Query for the requisition created for this exercise. If you did not record the requisition number, query for your site, part number 21-110, a quantity of 5, and a state of ProposalCreated.
  3. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that there are no shop orders connected to the shop order requisition.
  4. Click the Detail tab and verify that the value for No of Order(s) is 1.
  5. Right-click and click Create Shop Order(s).
  6. Verify that the value in the State field is ShopOrderCreated.
  7. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that there is now a shop order that has been created from the requisition.

Releasing Shop Order Requisitions in a Date Range

Create shop orders from the requisitions for manufactured parts that must start within the next 5 working days.

  1. Open the Shop Order Requisition Release window.
  2. Enter your site in the Site field.
  3. Enter 5 in the Start Within Number Of Workday field.
  4. Populate the window.
  5. Verify that you see at least the requisitions for parts 21-210, 21-230, 21-240, and 21-250, and that all have a quantity of 5 and start within the next 5 working days.
  6. Verify that you do not see requisitions that start more than 5 work days after today.
  7. In the table, select the record with the requisition for the 21-210 part.
  8. Verify that the Material Availability tab shows availability information for each component part of the manufactured part 21-210.
  9. Click the Availability Planning tab to see any existing demand or supply for the manufactured part.

Note: If you did not record the requisition numbers earlier, do so now.

  1. Select the requisitions in the top table (in the header).
  2. Right-click and click Create Shop Order(s).
  3. Verify that the requisitions no longer display in the table.
  4. Open the Shop Order Requisition window.

Note: You will need to be able to identify the shop order created from the requisition for the electrical system (21-230) for a later exercise. Record the shop order information for use in the following steps.

  1. Query for at least one of the requisitions that you processed through the Create Shop Order(s) function in the step above.
  2. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that the shop order was created.

Releasing a Shop Order Requisition for a Part with a Maximum Lot Size

Create the shop orders from the requisition for racing engines and oil pans that are needed in 2 weeks.

  1. Open the Shop Order Requisition window.
  2. Query for the requisition for the 21-110 part created for this exercise. If you did not record the requisition number, query for your site, part number 21-110, a quantity of 12, and a state of ProposalCreated.
  3. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that there are no shop orders connected to the shop order requisition.
  4. Click the Detail tab and verify that the value in the No of Order(s) field is 2. The value is 2 because the maximum lot size for the 21-110 part is 10 and it would take 2 shop orders to produce the 12 engines.
  5. Right-click and click Create Shop Order(s).
  6. Verify that the value in the State field is ShopOrderCreated.
  7. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that now two shop orders have been created from the requisition. One shop order should have a quantity of 10 and one should have a quantity of 2. 
  8. Query for the requisition for the 21-313 part created for this exercise. If you did not record the requisition number, query for your site, part number 21-313, a quantity of 102, and a state of ProposalCreated.
  9. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that there are no shop orders connected to the shop order requisition.
  10. Click the Detail tab and verify that the value for the No of Order(s) field is 2. The value is 2 because the maximum lot size for the 21-313 part is 100 and it would take 2 shop orders to produce the 102 oil pans.
  11. Right-click and click Create Shop Order(s).
  12. Verify that the value in the State field is ShopOrderCreated.
  13. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that now two shop orders have been created from the requisition. One shop order should have a quantity of 100 and one should have a quantity of 10.  The second shop order has a quantity of 10 instead of 2 because the minimum lot size is 10. 

Note: If the quantity had been for 112 instead of 102, the second shop order would have been for 15, not 12, because the 21-313 part also has a multiple lot size of 5.

Merging a Shop Order Requisition into an Existing Shop Order

Merge the shop order requisition for the electrical system needed in 2 weeks with an existing shop order.

  1. Open the Shop Order Requisition window.
  2. Query for the requisition for the 21-230 part created for this exercise. If you did not record the requisition number, query for your site, part number 21-230, a quantity of 2, and a state of ProposalCreated.
  3. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that there are no shop orders connected to the shop order requisition.
  4. Right-click and then click Merge into Shop Order.
  5. When the Merge Shop Order dialog box displays, verify that the Merge into Existing Shop Order option is selected. The Merge into New Shop Order(s) option should be unavailable.
  6. Click List to select the existing shop order that was created in a previous exercise for a quantity of 5. Click OK.
  7. Click OK to merge the requisitions and close the Merge Shop Order window.
  8. Refresh the Shop Order Requisition window. Verify that the value in the State field is ShopOrderCreated.
  9. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that the existing shop order is displayed. 
  10. Select the record in the table.
  11. Right-click and then click Show Shop Order.
  12. Verify that the lot size of the shop order has been increased by 2 in the Shop Order window. The lost size is now 7.

Merging Shop Order Requisitions into a New Shop Order

Merge the shop order requisitions for the cooling systems needed over the next three weeks into a new shop order.

  1. Open the Shop Order Requisitions window.
  2. Query for the five requisitions for the 21-240 part created for this exercise. If you did not record the requisition numbers, query for your site, part number 21-240, and a state of ProposalCreated.
  3. In the table, select the five rows with the requisitions to be released.
  4. Right-click and then click Merge into Shop Order(s).
  5. When the Merge Shop Order dialog box displays, verify that the Merge into New Shop Order(s) option is selected. The Merge into Existing Shop Order should be available, but the Existing Shop Order area should be unavailable.
  6. Click OK.
  7. With the five rows still selected in the Shop Order Requisitions window, right-click and then click Show Shop Order Requisition.
  8. In the Shop Order Requisition window, verify that the value in the State field is ShopOrderCreated.
  9. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that a shop order is displayed. 
  10. Select the record in the table.
  11. Right-click and then click Show Shop Order.
  12. In the Shop Order window, verify that the lot size of the shop order is 8 (the sum of the requisition quantities) and that the due date is the date from the earliest requisition.