Catch Unit—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up basic data required for running the catch unit function. 

Part Catalog
Inventory Part
Sales Part

Enabling Catch Unit Functionality

In this exercise, you will define catch unit parameters that enable the use of a parallel unit of measure, other than the specified unit for a single inventory sales part. A similar exercise can be performed with a serial or lot/batch tracked inventory sales part.

In this exercise, the inventory unit of measure for the part is pieces (pcs); but the user wants to use kilograms (kg) as the catch unit when entering catch quantities in the manufacturing, purchasing, and sales processes. 

  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Create or select a part with pieces (pcs) as the unit code.
  3. In the Catch Unit Code field enter or select kilograms (kg) from the List of Values (F8).
  4. Select the Catch Unit Enabled check box.
    It is possible to remove or modify the entered catch unit of measure code as long as the part does not exist in the inventory. You can enable or disable the catch unit feature as and when required unless a quantity exists in transit, which will create an error.
  5. Save the changes.

General exercise for Setting Up Part Catalog  

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Create or select a part.
  3. Click the Misc Part Info tab. Clear the Negative On Hand Allowed check box. 

General exercise for Enter Inventory Part

  1. Open the Sales Part window.
  2. Create or select a part.
  3. The value of both the Price U/M field and the Catch UoM field is retrieved from the part catalog.
    Note: The price unit of measure and the catch unit code (defined in the part catalog) will always be equal. 

General exercise for Enter Sales Part

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how the catch quantity is used in different transactions.  

Using Catch Unit to Handle Inventory Transactions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how the catch quantity is used when registering the receipt of parts, issuing parts, scrapping parts, and moving parts to another site or stock location.

Receive Inventory Part
Issue Inventory Part
Scrap Inventory Part
Move Inventory Part Location

Register Receipt of Parts

  1. Open the Receive Inventory Part window.
  2. Select the catch unit enabled part.
  3. Enter values in the Quantity Received and Catch Qty Received fields.
    Note: The values entered in both fields need not be equal.
  4. Save the record.

Note: If the catch quantity at the location does not have a value for catch unit enabled parts, you will be forced to perform counting and enter the catch quantity before a receipt transaction is allowed for that location. Refer Using Catch Unit in Counting  


General exercise for Receiving Inventory Parts

Register Issue of Parts

  1. Open the Issue Inventory Part window.
  2. Select the catch unit enabled part.
  3. Enter values in the Quantity Issued and the Catch Qty Issued fields.
    Note: If the entire inventory quantity of the location is to be issued, entering the issued catch quantity is not required as the corresponding catch quantity would be used.  
  4. Save the record.

General exercise for Issuing Inventory Parts

Scrapping of Parts

  1. Open the Scrap Inventory Part window.
  2. Select the catch unit enabled part.
  3. Enter values in the Total Quantity Scrapped and Catch Quantity Scrapped fields.
    Note: If the entire inventory quantity of the location is to be scrapped, entering the scrapped catch quantity is not required as the corresponding catch quantity would be used.  
  4. Save the record. 

General exercise for Scrapping Inventory Parts

Moving Parts to Another Site/Stock Location

  1. Open the Move Inventory Part window.
  2. Select the catch unit enabled part.
  3. Enter values in the Quantity Moved and the Catch Qty Moved fields.
    Note: If the entire inventory quantity of the location is to be moved, entering the moved catch quantity is not required as the corresponding catch quantity would be used.  
  4. Save the record. 

General exercise for Moving Inventory Parts

Using Catch Unit in Counting

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how the catch quantity is used in performing a count. Note: A count can be performed in either the Count per Count report or the Count per Inventory Part report.

Count per Count Report
Count per Inventory Part Report

Count per Count Report

  1. Open the Count per Count Report window.
  2. Select the count report.
  3. Enter values in the Qty Counted and the Catch Quantity Counted fields.
  4. Save the record.

General exercise for Preparing Planned Counting
General exercise for Performing Planned Counting
General exercise for Completing Planned Counting  

Count per Inventory Part Report

  1. Open the Count per Inventory Part Report window.
  2. Select the catch enabled part.
  3. Enter values in the Qty Counted and the Catch Quantity Counted fields.
  4. Save the record.

General exercise for Preparing Planned Counting  

Using Catch Unit in Purchasing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how the catch quantity is used in registering purchase order arrivals.

Purchase Order
Register Purchase Order Arrivals

Registering Purchase Order Arrivals

  1. Open the Purchase Order window.
  2. Select a catch enabled part.
  3. Create a purchase order and release it.
  4. Open the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window.
  5. Select the purchase order.
  6. Use existing values or enter new values in the Purchase Qty to Receive and Inventory Qty to Receive fields.
  7. Enter a value in the Catch Qty to Receive field. 
  8. Right-click on the line and and then click Receive Orders, to receive the order.

General exercise for Entering Purchase Orders
General exercise for Handling Purchase Orders   

Using Catch Unit in Customer Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how the catch quantity is used in processing, reserving, report picking, and delivering a customer order.

Customer Order
Report Picking of Pick List Lines
Deliver Customer Orders Lines

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Create a customer order for a catch enabled part and release it.
    Note: The price calculation of the order line will be based on the price conversion factor defined for the sales part and the sales quantity on the line.
  3. Reserve the customer order, and create a pick list.
  4. Open the Report Picking of Pick List Lines window.
    Note: If the entire inventory quantity of the location is to be report picked, you can use the Report Picking of Pick Lists window. 
    The price calculation of the order line will be based on the picked quantity and calculated price conversion factor. (The calculation of the price conversion factor is based on the quantity picked and previously delivered quantities if any).
  5. Use the existing value or enter a new value in the Qty to Pick field. Enter a value in the Catch Qty to Pick field. 
  6. Right-click on the line and then click Report Picking from Selected Locations, to report pick the order.
  7. Open the Deliver Customer Order Lines window.
    Note: If the entire inventory quantity of the location is to be delivered, you can use the Deliver Customer Orders Lines window. 
    The price calculation of the order line will be based on the quantity delivered and calculated price conversion factor. (The calculation of the price conversion factor is based on the quantity delivered and previously delivered quantities if any).
  8. Use the existing value or enter a new value in the Inv Qty to Deliver and Catch Qty to Deliver fields. 
  9. Click the header, and select Deliver with Differences from the Operations menu.

General exercise for Entering Customer Order  
General exercise for Managing Reservations
General exercise for Handle Picking
General exercise for Distributing Customer Orders