Completing Planned Counting—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Approval Functionality

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the approval functionality.


  1. Enter control values for your site.

General exercise for Setting Up the Approval Functionality

Inventory Parts with Inventory Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this functionality. In this exercise, three inventory parts with inventory balance will be entered.

Inventory Part
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Enter the following three inventory parts: Part XX62-200, with the description Race Tire Type 1; Part XX62-201, with the description Race Tire Type 2; and Part XX62-202, with the description Race Tire Type 3.
  2. Receive a suitable number of these inventory parts into a picking location.

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Main Exercise(s)

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to understand how to complete a counting using a count report, what the effects of the approval functionality are, and how to follow up on the count result.

Count per Count Report
Count Result per Count Report
Issue Inventory Part
Count Results
Quantity per Location Details
Inventory Transactions History

Note: The part is frozen while counting if you have not cleared the Freeze Part while Counting check box when you create the count report. To demonstrate this, try to issue one of the parts in the count report in the Issue Inventory Part window. The freeze status is removed once the count result has been confirmed.

Confirm and Approve Count Result

  1. Use your skills from the previous counting exercise to create a count report for parts XX62-200 and XX62-202.
  2. Enter a quantity for one of the parts, and enter a counted quantity that is outside the established control values for another one. What happens?
  3. Confirm the count result. 
  4. Print the control report in the Count Result per Count Report window.
  5. Approve or cancel the rejected lines. Use the Count Results window to find out the difference between canceling and approving rejected lines. You can get detailed information in the Quantity per Location Details window.
  6. Use the Inventory Transactions History. Which transactions are specified?

Confirm Count Result

  1. Use your skills from the previous counting exercise to create a count report for parts XX62-200, XX62-201, and XX62-202.
  2. Open the Count per Count Report window, and retrieve your count report. 
  3. Enter how many parts there were at one of the inventory locations. Save your changes.
  4. In the Count per Count Report window, select another line, and count without differences. What happens?
  5. In the Count per Count Report window, confirm the count result for the line that you just counted.
  6. Cancel all uncounted lines. What happens? What do you think is the difference between cancel uncounted lines and count without differences?
  7. Confirm all counted lines and open the Count Results window. Search for your count report. Are the canceled lines visible?
  8. Analyze one of the parts counted in the Inventory Transactions History window. What transaction history is displayed?