Completing CAMRO Work Scope Execution—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Create and Release Order Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create and release an MRO interim order structure to be used in the main exercises below.  You must create a VIM serial structure for the specific aircraft engine to be disassembled. Release of the interim order structure causes a series of orders to be created including the disassembly orders used in the exercises below.  Once created, this serial and order structure can be used for a series of Work Scope Execution exercises.

Prerequisites: Creating MRO Interim Order Structures, Performing Disassembly Shop Order, Performing Disposition Shop Order, Performing Repair Shop Order, Performing Assembly Shop Order

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Note: This exercise completes the processing of the work scope shop orders created in the prerequisite exercises.

  1. If you have not done so, verify that you have created and released an order structure.  Record the interim header ID, work order number and top level part's serial number, as shown in the table below.
  2. If your order structure is not already released, then release it now.  Go to the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for your interim header ID.  Right-click anywhere in the header and release the entire order structure.  This runs a background job to release the MRO shop orders.  If you are not familiar on how to do this, see the exercises for Handling MRO Interim Order Structures.
  3. Now complete the prerequisite exercises.
Site Part Number Part Description Interim Header ID Work Order No
Your Site 06C/7200 Engine 11000

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to perform the tasks required to complete the manufacturing portion of MRO Workscope Execution, resulting in closed shop orders for the visit.

Your customer has sent a turbine aircraft engine for overhaul and repair, according to your service agreement. The work scope for this specific engine has been decided and released to the shop for disassembly and disposition. Performed repairs and modifications, and has been reassembled. You must now run the CAMRO processes required to prepare the shop orders from this visit for closure, and then close the orders.

Work Scope Task Sign Off

Define Work Scope

  1. Query the work order number for your MRO Shop Visit.
  2. Go to the Task Sign Off tab to see all of the life limited and modification tasks included for your MRO Shop Visit are listed in the upper table. In the bottom table, the shop order responsible for the modification is displayed. For a modification task, a repair shop order is displayed in order for the user to verify whether the operations for the modification were actually performed. For a life-limited task, an assembly shop order is displayed for the user to verify whether the original part and the serial number have been replaced.
  3. Once it is verified that the task has been successfully completed, highlight the task record in the upper table and use the right mouse button option, Sign Off Tasks. As a result of this process, the Sign Off flag is set for the task and the appropriate historical information is updated within VIM for the part and serial numbers.  The sign off of tasks may occur at any time once the repair and or assembly shop orders are completed.

Work Scope Task Cancel

Define Work Scope

  1. Query for the work order number for your MRO Shop Visit.
  2. Go to the Task Sign Off tab to see all of the life-limited and modification tasks included for your MRO Shop Visit that are listed in the upper table. Since it is possible to exclude modification tasks during the execution process, there may be one or more tasks which were not performed. This is indicated by the Exclude flag on the task record.
  3. Use the right mouse button option, Cancel to cancel a task.

Note:  Work Scope Task Cancellation is not required for the training; it is included here just in case the tester opted to exclude a modification during the processing of the work scope.

Conformance Check

Define Work Scope

As a final check for your MRO shop visit, it is necessary to have the system validate the structure of the overhauled object based on the configuration rules within the VIM Serial structure template and the work scope for the visit. Before running this check, all the tasks included in the work scope for the visit should be signed off.

  1. Query for the work order for your MRO shop visit.
  2. Go to the Conformance Log tab.
  3. From the table section, use the right mouse button option, Run Config. Conformance Check. You can select to run this check in the background or not.

Note:  If you have followed the prerequisite training sessions properly and have not tampered around with other orders and dispositions for the visit, you should ideally have no entries in the Conformance Log. However, it is possible that date problems or additional processing on work scope orders not specifically covered in the prerequisite exercises may result in log entries.  The process runs the same checks when a serial structure is set to Operational. The remaining life of the life-limited parts is checked and the approved modifications for the work scope are verified as being recorded in the history. Any exceptions are displayed in the table window when the process is completed. The conformance log contains warnings and errors for:

Any log warning can be addressed by correcting the errors within the serial structure or by approving the warnings. This is necessary before the operational condition of the overhaul object can be set to Operational. To approve a warning, highlight the record and use the right mouse button option Approve Warning, to acknowledge the exception as acceptable. After making corrections or approving the warning, you can re-run the Conformance Check to verify no additional problems exist. When there are no exceptions or all the exceptions have been approved, the overhaul object's condition becomes Operational and the status of the work order is set to Work Done.

Close Shop Orders

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

During the early stages of the execution process, it may be necessary to adjust shop orders in order to accommodate any changes due to work scope adjustments. Therefore, all of the shop orders created for an MRO shop visit can not be closed until the final assembly shop order is completed.

  1. Query for the work order for your visit.
  2. In the header section, use the right mouse button option Close All Shop Orders. This process will close all the supply shop orders associated with the work order for your shop visit.