Performing Disassembly Shop Order—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Create and Release Interim Order Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create and release an CAMRO interim order structure to be used in the main exercises below.  You must create a VIM serial structure for the specific aircraft engine to be disassembled. Release of the interim order structure causes a series of orders to be created including the disassembly orders used in the exercises below.  Once created, this serial and order structure can be used for a series of Work Scope Execution exercises.

Prerequisites: Creating CAMRO Interim Order Structures, Handling Serials on Shop Orders

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Note: This exercise continues processing the work scope work order, order structure and shop orders created in the prerequisite exercise.


  1. Verify that you have created and released an order structure.  Record the interim header ID and the work order number as shown in the table below.
  2. If your order structure is not already released, then release it now.  Go to the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for your interim header ID.  Right-click anywhere in the header and release the entire order structure.  This runs a background job to release the MRO shop orders.  If you are not familiar with how to do this, see the exercises for Handling MRO Interim Order Structures.
  3. Throughout the disassembly exercise, you will need to refer to the serial structure created in VIM for this specific engine. You can view this serial structure in theSerial Structure Info/Multilevel tab for your top level part's serial.  For reference purposes, you can print and record the entire serial structure of the part using the tables created for this purpose in the General exercise for Overview of CAMRO Manufacturing Data. Alternatively, you can query your top level serial part in theSerial Structure Information window then click on the Multilevel tab.  Right-click anywhere in the table window, point to Table, and then click Print Contents to create a report of the entire serial structure. 
Site Part Number Part Description Interim Header Id Work Order No
Your Site 06C/7200 Engine 11000

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to receive disassembled products on MRO shop orders using manual receipt.

Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair
CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Your customer has sent a turbine aircraft engine for overhaul and repair according to your service agreement.  The work scope for this specific engine is decided and now released to the shop for disassembly.  The customer also delivered historical information on the specific serialized assemblies and components you should find upon disassembly.  This serial structure is recorded and disassembly shop orders are created for this specific engine. You must now process the disassembly orders to expose parts requiring maintenance.

Note: The order structure for this engine includes several levels of disassembly orders.  Be aware that the items received on these lower level disassembly orders are used in further Work Scope Execution exercises for disposition, repair and assembly.

The following parts will need to be disassembled, based on the work scope you created in the Creating CAMRO Interim Order Structures exercise.

Site Parent Part Part Description Shop Order No Serial No
Your Site 06C/7200 Engine 11000
Part Number Part Description Real Part Serial No
06C/7200 Engine 11000  
06C/7210 Module 1 11000-1  
06C/7220 Module 2 11000-2  
06C/7230 Module 3 11000-3  
06C/7211   11000-1-1  
06C/7221   11000-2-1  
06C/7222   11000-2-2  
06C/7231   11000-3-1  
06C/7232   11000-3-2  

Manually Receiving Disassembly Products for Expected Items

For the top level disassembly shop order, you want to receive each of the disassembled products.  The serial numbers you receive match the serial numbers expected by the VIM serial structure.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise.  On the Tree Structure tab, click on the top level node in the Disassembly tab representing the disassembly order for the engine item. Now click on the Supply Orders tab in the right hand pane to view pegged supply shop orders for this item. You should see a shop order number listed there.
  2. Highlight the shop order supply record then right-click and click Shop Order to navigate to the MRO Shop Order window.
  3. In the MRO Shop Order window, click on the Material tab and note the top level position part, 06C/7200, is already reserved to this order.  However, the inventory assignment is for the specific serial engine part 11000 received from the customer in the prerequisite exercise.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue.  In the issue dialog box, select the Issue all reserved material check box and click OK to issue the engine from inventory to the disassembly order.
  5. Click on the Produced Part tab to view the list of position parts expected to be received for this disassembly order.
  6. Right-click anywhere in the header and click Report to navigate to the MRO Report Shop Order Operation window.  In this window, click on the Operations tab and highlight all the records there then right-click and select Report Time to report standard operation hours for the disassembly order.  Close this window.
  7. Return to the MRO Shop Order window and right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive to navigate to the Receive MRO Shop Order window.
  8. In the Received Part area of the Receive MRO Shop Order window, verify that the first field has Disassembly Products selected.  Now select the specific disassembly product you wish to receive from the List of Values.  You will receive each of the serialized items listed below on line items 1 through 4.  The part on line item 5 (the Engine 11000 Accy Part) will not be received at this time.
Line Item Disassembly Product Part Description Manufactured Part Qty to Receive
1 11000-1 Module 1 06C/7210 1
2 11000-2 Module 2 06C/7220 1
3 11000-3 Module 3 06C/7230 1
4 11000-4 Module 4 06C/7240 1
5 11000-90 Engine 11000, Accy Part 06C/720090 2
  1. Create a new record in the table on the Serial Inventory Receipt tab.  Enter 1 in the Quantity Received field, 11000 in the Location No field and enter the Serial Number expected for the part in this position (from the VIM Serial Structure created earlier).  In the Condition Code field, use the List of Values to select condition Normal.  Save the information.

Note Before you receive all of the parts for line items 1 through 4 items above, complete the steps 10 and 13 below to observe how the order structure is updated.  As each position in the structure is received and identified at disassembly with specific real part numbers and serials, the order structure components for the disassembly orders are updated from position parts to real parts.

Note Disassembly product 11000-4 above is a lot-tracked, but not serial-tracked, item.  When receiving this item, you must enter a lot number of your preference.  You receive this item on the Inventory Receipt tab.

  1. Navigate to the CAMRO Interim Order Structure form and query for your interim demand ID.  Click on the top level order node in the tree structure on the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure Tab.  Now click on the Components tab in the right hand pane to see the components for this order.  Verify the Component Part has been updated for those received items to reflect the real part number, replacing the position part used in the initial order structure.
  2. In the Disassembly tree structure click on a lower level component disassembly order for a product that has already been received.  Click on the Assignments tab in the right hand pane and verify that the real component part serial has been reserved to the next level disassembly order.  If this disassembly order has already been released, verify the Reserved to Supply check box is selected.
  3. Navigate to the Serial Structure Information window and query for your top level serial part.  Now click on the Consists Of tab to view the first level of the serial structure.  Verify the serials that have been received no longer appear in the structure, as the engine no longer contains these items.
  4. Navigate to the  Inventory Part in Stock window and query for a received disassembly product and serial.  Verify that the condition code for the item is set to Normal, reflecting the condition identified at disassembly receipt.  Also verify that the ownership of this item is set to Customer Owned for Customer 11000, American Airlines.  The ownership is controlled by the ownership of the top level item received.
  5. Navigate to the Complex Assembly Work Order window and query your work order.  Click on the Transaction History tab and verify that the material and labor reporting transactions reported on your shop order are listed here under the different cost categories.
  6. Repeat the receipt process now for the other disassembly products (line items 2 through 4), shown in the table for step 8, leaving the receipt of line item 5 for later.  
  7. Close the Receive MRO Shop Order window.
  8. On the MRO Shop Order window click on the Produced Part tab and verify the Qty Complete for the disassembly products shown in step 8 is updated to reflect all items received.

Note The next exercise involves further receipts on the disassembly order for part 06C/7200 that was used in the Manually Receiving Disassembly Products for Expected Items exercise.

Receiving Position Parts

The Engine Accessory Parts, position 06C/720090, are not disassembled any further, as they are lowest-level components in this work scope.  These parts have significant soot buildup and the part/serial tag is illegible.  The parts will be sent to disposition as position parts for cleaning, inspection and identification, so they will be received as position parts on the disassembly order.

  1. Return to the MRO Shop Order window and query the disassembly order for 06C/7200 used in the previous exercise.  Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive to navigate to the Receive MRO Shop Order window.
  2. In the Received Part area of the Receive MRO Shop Order window, select line item 5, the Engine 11000 Accy Part. from the List of Values, and verify that the first field has Position Part selected. You will only be dealing with line item 5, the Engine 11000 Accy Part.
Line Item Disassembly Product Part Description Manufactured Part Qty to Receive
1 11000-1 Module 1 06C/7210 0
2 11000-2 Module 2 06C/7220 0
3 11000-3 Module 3 06C/7230 0
4 11000-4 Module 4 06C/7240 0
5 11000-90 Engine 11000, Accy Part 06C/720090 2
  1. Create a new record in the table on the Inventory Receipt tab.  Enter 2 in the Quantity Received field, and 11000 in the Location No field.  Because you are receiving a position part, the part is not serialized and does not use Condition Code tracking.  Save the information.

  2. Navigate to the CAMRO Interim Order Structure form and query for your interim demand ID.  Click on the top level order node in the tree structure on the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure Tab.  Now click on the Components tab in the right hand pane to see the components for this order.  Verify the Component Part has not been updated for the 06C/7200090 part to reflect the real part number.
  3. Navigate to the Serial Structure Information window and query for your top level serial part.  Now click on the Consists Of tab to view the first level of the serial structure.  Verify the 06C/7200090 part (part 11000-90) has not been disconnected from the serial structure. 
  4. Navigate to the Inventory Part in Stock window and query for part 06C/720090  Verify that the part appears in on-hand inventory.
  5. Navigate to the Complex Assembly Work Order window and query for your work order.  Click on the Transaction History tab and verify the material and labor reporting transactions reported on your shop order are listed here under the different cost categories.
  6. Close the Receive MRO Shop Order window.
  7. On the MRO Shop Order window click on the Produced Part tab and verify the Qty Complete for the 06C/720090 disassembly product is updated to reflect all items received.
  8. Right-click anywhere in the header of the MRO Shop Order window, and then click Close to close the shop order.  Click OK in the Close Shop Order dialog box.

Note The next exercise involves further disassembly of the products on the order structure used to this point.


Manually Receiving Disassembly Products for Different Than Expected Item

Upon disassembly of a lower level EMU within Module 1 of the aircraft engine, you discover a component that does not match the serial structure registered for this work order.  The part number you receive is a valid alternate part for this position in the structure, but is a mismatch with the serial structure for this item.

Note This exercise requires you to fully disassemble the order for the part 06C/7210, Module 1, received in the previous exercise.  The order used in this exercise is a disassembly order for a component of this order, component 06C/7211, Module 1, EMU1.

  1. Process the completely disassembly order for part 06C/7210, Module 1 from the previous exercise.  Refer to the previous exercise, if necessary, to complete the disassembly steps (i.e. Issue, Report, and Manually Receive).  Receive all the expected serial items for your serial structure.
  2. Once you have received components for the above order, begin processing the next level of disassembly order for part 06C/7211, Module 1, EMU1.  This is the disassembly order used in this exercise.  In the MRO Shop Order window, perform the normal Issue and Report actions for this order.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the header of the MRO Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive to navigate to the Receive MRO Shop Order window.
  4. In the Received Part area of the Receive MRO Shop Order window, verify that the first field has Disassembly Products selected. Now select the alternate disassembly product you wish to receive from the List of Values.  Instead of the expected disassembly product, select the alternate disassembly product as shown in the box below.
Shop Order Part No Expected Disassembly Product Alternate Disassembly Product Received
06C/7211 11000-12-01 11000-12-01-1
  1. Create a new record in the table on the Serial Inventory Receipt tab.  Enter 1 in the Quantity Received field, 11000 in the Location No field and enter a Serial Number of your preference for the part in this position.  In the Condition Code field, use the List of Values to select condition Normal. Save the information.
  2. Navigate to the CAMRO Interim Order Structure form and query for your interim demand ID.  Click on the disassembly order node in the tree structure on the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure for item 06C/7211.  Now click on the Components tab in the right hand pane to see the components for this order.  Verify the Component Part has been updated to reflect the alternate part number received, replacing the position part used in the initial order structure.
  3. In the Disassembly tree structure click on the disposition order node for item 06C/721105, corresponding to the position for the alternate item received.  Click on the Assignments tab in the right hand pane and verify that the alternate component part serial you received has been reserved to the disposition order.  If this disposition order has already been released, verify the Reserved to Supply check box is selected.
  4. Navigate to the Serial Structure Information window and query your serial part for item 11000-1-1.  Now click on the Consists Of tab to view the serial structure.  Verify the serial component 11000-12-01 that was expected to be received still appears in the structure, but that the Structure Error check box for this part is selected.
  5. Navigate to the Serial Structure Mismatch Log window and query for your work order.  Verify that a log record exists here indicating the expected and received serials for this structure.

Note:  The Serial Structure Mismatch Log record created here is used in further exercises for assembly orders to illustrate the resolution of structure mismatches.  You may wish to make a note of this record for later use.

Receiving Partial Parts

The disassembly of part 06C/7210 (real part 11000-1) does not fully disassemble that part.  You need to account for the remainder of the part so that it can be tracked and accounted for.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise.  On the Tree Structure tab, click on the node in the Disassembly tab representing the disassembly order for the Module 1 item (position part 06C/7210). Now click on the Supply Orders tab in the right hand pane to view pegged supply shop orders for this item. You should see a shop order number listed there.
  2. Highlight the shop order supply record then right-click and click Shop Order to navigate to the MRO Shop Order window.
  3. In the MRO Shop Order window, click on the Material tab and note that the position part 06C/7210 is already reserved to this order.  However, the inventory assignment is for the specific real part 11000-1 received from the disassembly in the Manually Receiving Disassembly Products for Expected Items exercise.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue. In the issue dialog box, select the Issue all reserved material check box and click OK to issue the engine from inventory to the disassembly order.
  5. Click on the Produced Part tab to view the list of position parts expected to be received for this disassembly order. Verify that part 06C/7210 is shown as one of the parts to be produced by this order.
  6. Right-click anywhere in the header and click Report to navigate to the MRO Report Shop Order Operation window. In this window, click on the Operations tab and highlight all the records there then right-click and select Report Time to report standard operation hours for the disassembly order. Close this window.
  7. Return to the MRO Shop Order window and right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive to navigate to the Receive MRO Shop Order window.
  8. Verify that the Part Part Receipt Required flag on the form is selected.  This is selected because the maintenance level chosen for 06C/7210 did not expose all of its possible components.
  9. In the Received Part area of the Receive MRO Shop Order window, verify that the first field has Disassembly Products selected.  Now select the specific disassembly product you wish to receive from the List of Values.  You will receive each of the items listed below. 
Line Item Disassembly Product Part Description Manufactured Part Qty to Receive
1 11000-1-1 Module 1, EMU 1 06C/7211 1
2 11000-1-90 Module 1 Accy Part 06C/721090 1
  1. For each of the produced parts, create a new record in the table on the Serial Inventory Receipt tab.  Enter 1 in the Quantity Received field, 11000 in the Location No field and enter the serial number expected for the part in this position (from the VIM Serial Structure created earlier).  In the Condition Code field, use the List of Values to select condition Normal. Save the information.
  2. In the Receive MRO Shop Order window, right-click anywhere in the header, and point to and click Receive Partial Part.  In the Receive Partial Part dialog box that appears, enter location 11000 and NORMAL Condition Code, and click OK.
  3. Navigate to the CAMRO Interim Order Structure form and query for your interim demand ID.  In the Assembly tab of the Tree Structure, select the assembly order for part 06C/7210 and click on the Supply Orders tab.  Select the shop order shown there and right-click on the Shop Order choice.  This will call up the MRO Shop Order form and query the assembly order for part 06C/7210.  Verify in the Material tab of that form that there is an allocation for part 06C/7210, and that the allocation is in a Reserved state. So in effect the order to assembly 06C/7219 will have an allocation for 06C/7210.
  4. Close the Receive MRO Shop Order window.
  5. Right-click anywhere in the header of the MRO Shop Order window, and then click Close to close the shop order.  Click OK in the Close Shop Order dialog box.

Complete Multi-Level Disassembly Processing

You continue to process all the disassembly shop orders for your order structure to expose parts for maintenance. 

Note: The parts you disassemble here are used in subsequent exercises for dispositioning.  No further disassembly is required here for purposes of this lesson, but are necessary to continue with the Work Scope Exercise lessons..

  1. Continue processing all levels of disassembly shop orders, receiving all expected items in the structure.