Overview of Discrete CAMRO Data—Introductory Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Note: This exercise is compulsory for all exercises in the Execute Work Scope course.

Create an Additional Modification

Purpose:  The modifications already defined for the VIM template structure will be used in the exercise, but may not include a modification that would require work on a part you would normally disassemble and reassemble.  If this modification is not already defined in VIM, you should define it before performing the transfer of data to your site.

Define Modification

  1. In the header portion of the form, create modification 100-4, with the description Assembly Mod Test and Mod Revision 1.

  2. In the Definition tab, enter Category = Recommended, Assignment Type = All Serials, Workshop Code = 100, Mod Type = SB, Level = 1, Days Forewarn = 30, Rescission Date = 2010-01-01, Effective Date = 2006-01-01, Hours Est Per Serial = 5 and Dur Workshop = 2 Days

  3. In the Assign Part Revision tab, specify Part No = 11000-1, Revision = R01, Create New Part Revision = No.

  4. From the header portion of the form use the right-click Modification Details

  5. In the Affected Parts tab of the form that appears, specify Affected Part Number = 11000-1 and Affected Part Revision = R01

  6. In the Execution tab, specify Terminating Action information for the modification; Operation Parameter = EHR and Limit = 1000.

  7. Return to the Define Modification form, and in the header portion use the right mouse button option Status/Set Active to set the modification to an active status.

Setting Up VIM Template Structure Transfer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify the existence of the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Manufacturing Standard Basic Data
Part Transfer Template

If you haven't done so already, set up the information listed below.

  1. Enter a manufacturing engineer.
  2. Set up an engineering transfer site role.
  3. Set up the default part template.

General exercise for Setting up VIM Template Structure Transfer

Required Data

Initial Transfer to Manufacturing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that the transfer from VIM has been done on your site.

Transfer Template Structure

  1. Open the Transfer Template Structure window.
  2. Query for top template part number 11000.
  3. Click the Transfer Template Structure/Transfer to Site tab. Verify the values of Date Last Transferred and Last Phase In Date  fields on your site. These fields show when the last transfer was done and on which date structure revision is phased in. If these fields are blank, you need to do initial transfer exercise.

General exercise for Transfer VIM Template Structure Transfer to Manufacturing

Adding Maintenance Level to Assembly and Disassembly Structures

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create all possible maintenance levels for any parts that you wish to maintain.

Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level
Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level Part
Maintenance Level Structure

General exercise for Define and Maintain Maintenance Level Structure

Verify maintenance level definition.

  1. Open the Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level tab.
  2. The maintenance levels below should appear in your site. If not, you will need to create them.
Maintenance Level Maintenance Description
1 Conditional Maintenance Level 1
2 Conditional Maintenance Level 2
3 Conditional Maintenance Level 3
10 Conditional Maintenance Level 10

Verify maintenance level part definition.

  1. Open Repair Setup Basic Data/Maintenance Level Part tab.
  2. Query for the maintenance levels in the table below.
  3. The maintenance level parts for the position part below should appear in your site. If not, you will need to create them.
Maintenance Level Part No
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7200
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7210
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7211
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7212
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7220
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7221
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7222
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7230
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7231
1, 2, 3, and 10 06C/7232
1, 2, and 10 06C/7240
  1. Open Maintenance Level Structure window.
  2. Query for position part 06C/7200, structure revision 1 on your site XX90.
  3. The maintenance level structures below should appear in your site the identified maintenance levels. If not, you will need to create them.
  4. Included Line Item No Component Part Part Description Qty Per Assembly
    TRUE 1 06C/7210 Module 1 1
    TRUE 2 06C/7220 Module 2 1
    TRUE 3 06C/7230 Module 3 1
    TRUE 4 06C/720090 Engine 11000, Accy Part 2
    FALSE 5 06C/7240 Module 4 1

Main Exercise

This exercise is incomplete and all of the following needs to be replaced.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to understand how the racing engine is built.

Structure Graphic
Structure Graphic/Graphical Structure
Inventory Part
Inventory Part/Costs
Inventory Part/Manufacturing
Part Cost

Viewing the Discrete Manufacturing Racing Engine

  1. Open the Structure Graphic window.
  2. Query for the 21-110 part number and your site.
  3. If the record for revision 1 of the manufacturing structure is not selected, select it.
  4. Click the Graphical Structure tab and right-click on the 21-110 part in the structure tree and then click Expand Descendents to view the complete structure.
  5. Verify that each of the alternatives is in a build-able state.
  6. Open the Inventory Part window, and query for the 21-110 part number and your site. 
  7. Click the Costs tab, and verify that the Inventory Value field displays 4133.71.
  8. Click the Manufacturing tab, and verify that the Cum. Leadtime field displays 5, the Fixed Leadtime by Day field displays 0.0875, the Variable Leadtime by Day field displays 0.2375, the Fixed Leadtime by Hour is 0.7, and the Variable Leadtime by Hour field displays 1.9.

Note: If the values in the steps above do not match what is actually displayed in the application, the actual results you receive in some discrete manufacturing exercises will not match the results documented in the instructions. This may not be important if the exercises concerning shop order costs or scheduling will not be performed. To correct the values, the problem is likely to be one of the following:

Note: If it is difficult to find the source of the discrepancy, it may be helpful to compare the part cost of the parts in your site with those in site 1 using the Part Cost window.