Transfer VIM Template Structure to Manufacturing - Key Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Setting Up VIM Template Structure Transfer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Manufacturing Standard Basic Data
Manufacturing Standards Basic Data/Default Part Template

If you not already have, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter a manufacturing engineer.
  2. Set up an engineering transfer site role.
  3. Set up the default part template.

General exercise for Setting up VIM Template Structure Transfer  

Required Data

VIM Serial Structure Template Definition


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify VIM serial structure template definition ready to be transferred.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Query for part number 11000.
  3. Click the Serial Structure Template/Multilevel tab.
  4. Verify that all level structures for top template part 11000 are defined and catalog number are uniquely identified each part. These are the structures to be transferred to IFS/Manufacturing.
  5. Click the Serial Structure Template/General tab.
  6. Verify that structure status is set to Active.

Alternates Definition


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify whether alternative part definitions exist for installed components.

Template Alternates

  1. Open the Template Alternates window.
  2. Query for template part number 11000.
  3. Verify that alternates are defined for installed component 11000-90.
Template Part Number Installed Part Number Alternate Part Number Interchangeability Description
11000 11000-90 11000-90-1 Two way interchangeable
11000 11000-90 11000-90-2 Two way interchangeable
11000 11000-90 11000-90-3 Two way interchangeable
11000 11000-90 11000-90-4 Two way interchangeable

Note: If you have not had this alternate definitions already set in VIM, you still can continue the transfer process.

Modification Definition


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify whether modification definitions exist in VIM.

Affected Parts


In The IFS/VIM product contains high-level definitions of service bulletins, Airworthiness Directives and other sundry change or maintenance request definitions for an engine type (or a top-level part). These are generically called Modifications. A Modification on a part might actually require different work activities and/or spare parts be used on the part, or on its components. The components that are impacted by a Modification (because work is performed on them) are called Affected Parts. For example, a Modification on a jet engine might require that work be done on the three main rotor hubs of the Fan Module subassembly. The modification is defined as being on the jet engine, with Affected Parts being the rotor hubs that are actually two or three levels down in the overall jet engine structure.

  1. Open the Affected Parts window.
  2. Query for modification code 100-2.
  3. Verify that affected parts are defined for modification code 100-2.
Modification Code Modification Part Number Affected Part Number
100-2 11000-1 11000-1-1-04
100-2 11000-2 11000-2-1-04
100-2 11000-2 11000-2-2-04
100-2 11000-3 11000-3-1-04
100-2 11000-3 11000-3-2-03

Note: If you have not had this modification definitions already set in VIM, you still can continue the transfer process and may transfer the modification definition separately.


Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a new revision of  assembly and disassembly structures and transferring the modifications information.

Template Part
Transfer Template Structure
Inventory Parts
Product Structure
Modification Repair Code


You want to transfer 11000 Engine structure all levels from VIM serial structure template definitions to IFS/Manufacturing. You have already had these template structures defined in IFS/Vehicle Information Management. In order for these structures to be available for used in MRO manufacturing site for assembly and disassembly orders you need to prepare the transfer and then confirm the transfer to your site. You also want these assembly and disassembly structure revisions to be phased in at today's site date.

Because the data to create allocations and operations is not present in VIM and would only be used by Shop Orders, you also want to take modification defined for module part 11000-1,11000-2,11000-3 and affected parts information in VIM and transfer them into Manufacturing, so that you can associate repair codes to point out the allocations and operations needed to do the work.

Transfer VIM Serial Structure Template to Holding Table

You have VIM serial structure template with alternates and modifications already defined in IFS/VIM. You want to prepare transferring these structures to manufacturing and creating position parts.

  1. Open the Template Part window.
  2. Query for template part number 11000.
  3. Right-click and then click Serial Structure Templates Prepared to Manufacturing.
  4. On window Serial Structure Templates Prepared for Manufacturing, Right-click and then click Prepare Transfer to Manufacturing.
  5. On Transfer Options dialog, enter 06C in the Transfer Prefix field if template part has not been transferred previously. Clear the Run In Background check box. Click OK. This will start transfer of serial structure template to holding table.
  6. Click the Serial Structure Templates Prepared for Manufacturing/Temporary Transfer tab.
  7. Part No shown on the detailed table is the Position Part No created during prepare transfer process.  The format is following this formula:  Transfer Prefix + Delimiter  + Catalog Number (CSN).
  8. Detailed table shows temporary structures on holding table for position parts. The similar information can be viewed on cross reference table in Part/Position Part tab.


Structure Level Structure Address (Actual) Part Number Part Revision Part Description (Position) Part No
+ .1 TEMPLATE 11000     06C/7200
+ ..2 101 11000-1 R01 Module 1 06C/7210
+ ...3 106 11000-1-1 R01 Module 1, EMU 1 06C/7211
+ ....4 118 11000-1-1-01 R01 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 1 06C/721101
+ ....4 119 11000-1-1-02 R01 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 2 06C/721102
+ ....4 120 11000-1-1-03 R01 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 3 06C/721103
+ ....4 121 11000-1-1-04 R01 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 4 06C/721104
+ ....4 122 11000-12-01 R01 Module 1, EMU 1 & 2, Part 1 06C/721105
+ ...3 107 11000-1-2 R01 Module 1, EMU 2 06C/7212
+ ....4 123 11000-1-2-01 R01 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 1 06C/721201
+ ....4 124 11000-1-2-02 R01 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 2 06C/721202
+ ....4 125 11000-1-2-03 R01 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 3 06C/721203
+ ....4 126 11000-1-2-04 R01 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 4 06C/721204
+ ....4 127 11000-12-01 R01 Module 1, EMU 1 & 2, Part 1 06C/721205
+ ...3 108 11000-1-90 R01 Module 1, Accy Part 06C/721090
+ ..2 102 11000-2 R01 Module 2 06C/7220
+ ...3 109 11000-2-1 R01 Module 2, EMU 1 06C/7221
+ ....4 128 11000-2-1-01 R01 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 1 06C/722101
+ ....4 129 11000-2-1-02 R01 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 2 06C/722102
+ ....4 130 11000-2-1-03 R01 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 3 06C/722103
+ ....4 131 11000-2-1-04 R01 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 4 06C/722104
+ ....4 132 11000-2-1-02 R01 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 2 06C/722105
+ ...3 110 11000-2-2 R01 Module 2, EMU 2 06C/7222
+ ....4 133 11000-2-2-01 R01 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 1 06C/722201
+ ....4 134 11000-2-2-02 R01 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 2 06C/722202
+ ....4 135 11000-2-2-03 R01 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 3 06C/722203
+ ....4 136 11000-2-2-04 R01 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 4 06C/722204
+ ...3 111 11000-2-90 R01 Module 2, Accy Part 1 06C/722090
+ ...3 112 11000-2-91 R01 Module 2, Accy Part 2 06C/722091
+ ..2 103 11000-3 R01 Module 3 06C/7230
+ ...3 113 11000-3-1 R01 Module 3, EMU 1 06C/7231
+ ....4 137 11000-3-1-01 R01 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 1 06C/723101
+ ....4 138 11000-3-1-02 R01 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 2 06C/723102
+ ....4 139 11000-3-1-03 R01 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 3 06C/723103
+ ....4 140 11000-3-1-04 R01 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 4 06C/723104
+ ...3 114 11000-3-2 R01 Module 3, EMU 2 06C/7232
+ ....4 141 11000-3-2-01 R01 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 1 06C/723201
+ ....4 142 11000-3-2-02 R01 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 2 06C/723202
+ ....4 143 11000-3-2-03 R01 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 3 06C/723203
+ ...3 115 11000-3-90 R01 Module 3, Accy Part 06C/723090
+ ..2 104 11000-90 R01 Engine 11000, Accy Part 06C/720090
+ ..2 105 11000-4 R01 Module 4 06C/7240
+ ...3 116 11000-4-1 R01 Module 4, Part 1 06C/724001
+ ...3 117 11000-4-2 R01 Module 4, Part 2 06C/724002

Transferring Structure from Holding Table to Manufacturing

Transfer 11000 Engine structure all levels to your site.

  1. Open the Transfer Template Structure window.
  2. Query for top template part number 11000.
  3. Verify the value of Last Changed and Transfer Prepared Date on the header. Last Changed is the date of last change on VIM serial structure template. Transfer Prepared Date is the date of last transfer from VIM serial structure template to holding table.
  4. Click the Transfer Template Structure/Transfer to Site tab. Verify the value of Date Last Transferred and Last Phase In Date on your site XX90. These fields are blank if no transfer was done for the site. The Transfer Template Id field is filled with default part template XXMRO and the New Phase In Date is defaulted to today's site date.
  5. Select the row on your site XX90. Right-click on the row, and then click Transfer to Manufacturing. Click OK to confirm the transfer.
  6. Verify the value of Date Last Transferred is today's site date, Last Phase In Date is today's site date, and proposed New Phase In Date is today's site date + 1 on your site XX90.

Verifying Transfer History and Logging Information

Errors, Warnings and Informational messages are created when doing a transfer from the holding table to a manufacturing Site. You want to verify whether transfer was successful or failed, and also if there are problems on transfer you want to resolve it.

  1. Open the Transfer Template Structure window.
  2. Query for top template part number 11000.
  3. Click the Transfer Template Structure/Template Transfer History tab.
  4. Verify that value of Transfer Result is Success . That means there are no Error on the transfer. However, warnings and information may be logged during the transfer. You can verify these messages by selecting the row on your site XX90, right-click on the row, and then click Template Transfer Log.
Site Transfer Result Position Part No Transfer Phase In Date Transfer Date Evaluation Session Id
XX90 Success 06C/7200 today's site date today's site date a unique number


Verifying Data Created by Transfer Process

Verifying Assembly and Disassembly product structures.

  1. Open the Product Structure window.
  2. Query for top template part number 06C/7200 on your site XX90.
  3. Click the Product Structure/Query - Multi Level tab.
  4. The template structure transfer creates inventory parts for all the position parts, actual parts, and alternate parts on your site XX90. The template structure transfer also creates disassembly and assembly structures that match the VIM serial structure template. These manufacturing structures are constructed using the position parts.
    Level Part No Component Part Qty Per Assembly
    1 06C/7200 06C/7210 1
    2 06C/7210 06C/7211 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721101 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721102 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721103 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721104 4
    3 06C/7211 06C/721105 1
    2 06C/7210 06C/7212 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721201 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721202 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721203 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721204 2
    3 06C/7212 06C/721205 1
    2 06C/7210 06C/721090 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721101 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721102 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721103 1
    3 06C/7211 06C/721104 4
    3 06C/7211 06C/721105 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721201 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721202 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721203 1
    3 06C/7212 06C/721204 2
    3 06C/7212 06C/721205 1
    1 06C/7200 06C/7220 1
    2 06C/7220 06C/7221 1
    3 06C/7221 06C/722101 1
    3 06C/7221 06C/722102 1
    3 06C/7221 06C/722103 1
    3 06C/7221 06C/722104 4
    3 06C/7221 06C/722105 1
    2 06C/7220 06C/7222 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722201 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722202 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722203 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722204 2
    2 06C/7220 06C/722090 1
    2 06C/7220 06C/722091 4
    3 06C/7221 06C/722101 1
    3 06C/7221 06C/722102 1
    3 06C/7221 06C/722103 1
    3 06C/7221 06C/722104 4
    3 06C/7221 06C/722105 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722201 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722202 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722203 1
    3 06C/7222 06C/722204 2
    1 06C/7200 06C/7230 1
    2 06C/7230 06C/7231 1
    3 06C/7231 06C/723101 1
    3 06C/7231 06C/723102 1
    3 06C/7231 06C/723103 2
    3 06C/7231 06C/723104 4
    2 06C/7230 06C/7232 1
    3 06C/7232 06C/723201 1
    3 06C/7232 06C/723202 2
    3 06C/7232 06C/723203 10
    2 06C/7230 06C/723090 1
    3 06C/7231 06C/723101 1
    3 06C/7231 06C/723102 1
    3 06C/7231 06C/723103 2
    3 06C/7231 06C/723104 4
    3 06C/7232 06C/723201 1
    3 06C/7232 06C/723202 2
    3 06C/7232 06C/723203 10
    1 06C/7200 06C/720090 2
    1 06C/7200 06C/7240 1
    2 06C/7240 06C/724001 1
    2 06C/7240 06C/724002 1

    Verify that your actual engineering parts are transferred to your site.

  5. Open the Inventory Parts window.
  6. Query for part 11% on your site XX90.  The actual parts for are listed.
  7. Verify the value of Planner is DAMON as defined in engineering site role setup. The inventory part created for position part is of type Manufactured.
  8. The actual inventory part records for prime/installed parts:

    Site Part No Part Description Inventory U/M Planner Part Type
    XX90 11000 Engine 11000 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1 Module 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1 Module 1, EMU 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-01 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-01-1 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-01-2 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-02 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-02-1 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-02-2 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-03 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-03-1 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-1-04 Module 1, EMU 1, Part 4 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-2 Module 1, EMU 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-2-01 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-2-02 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-2-03 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-2-04 Module 1, EMU 2, Part 4 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-90 Module 1, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-90-1 Module 1, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-90-2 Module 1, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-1-90-3 Module 1, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-12-01 Module 1, EMU 1 & 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-12-01-1 Module 1, EMU 1 & 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-12-01-2 Module 1, EMU 1 & 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-12-01-3 Module 1, EMU 1 & 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-12-01-5 Module 1, EMU 1 & 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2 Module 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1 Module 2, EMU 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1-01 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1-02 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1-02-1 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1-02-3 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1-02-4 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1-03 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-1-04 Module 2, EMU 1, Part 4 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-2 Module 2, EMU 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-2-01 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-2-02 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-2-03 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-2-04 Module 2, EMU 2, Part 4 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-90 Module 2, Accy Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-2-91 Module 2, Accy Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3 Module 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-1 Module 3, EMU 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-1-01 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-1-02 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-1-03 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-1-04 Module 3, EMU 1, Part 4 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-2 Module 3, EMU 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-2-01 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-2-02 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-2-03 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-2-03-1 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-2-03-2 Module 3, EMU 2, Part 3 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-3-90 Module 3, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-4 Module 4 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-4-1 Module 4, Part 1 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-4-2 Module 4, Part 2 PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-90 Engine 11000, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured

    The actual inventory part records for alternate parts:

    Site Part No Part Description Inventory U/M Planner Part Type
    XX90 11000-90-1 Engine 11000, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-90-2 Engine 11000, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-90-3 Engine 11000, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured
    XX90 11000-90-4 Engine 11000, Accy Part PCS DAMON Manufactured

    Verifying Modification Transfer Result.

  9. Open the Modification Repair Code window.
  10. Query for modification code 100-2 on your site.
  11. Verify that records are created for each assigned part. For each assigned part, affected parts are listed.