Performing Disposition Shop Order—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Create and Release Order Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create and release an MRO interim order structure to be used in the main exercises below. You must create a VIM serial structure for the specific aircraft engine to be overhauled. Release of the interim order structure causes a series of orders to be created including the disposition orders used in the exercises below. Once created, this serial and order structure can be used for a series of Work Scope Execution exercises. 

Prerequisites: Creating CAMRO Interim Order Structures, Handling Serials on Shop Orders, Performing Disassembly Shop Order

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Note: This exercise continues processing the work scope work order, order structure and shop orders created in the prerequisite exercise.

  1. Verify that you have created and released an order structure. Record the interim header ID, work order number as shown in the table below.
  2. If your order structure is not already released, then release it now.  Go to the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query your interim header ID.  Right-click anywhere in the header and release the entire order structure.  This runs a background job to release the MRO shop orders.  If you are not familiar with how to do this, see the exercises for Handling CAMRO Interim Order Structures.
  3. Throughout the disposition exercise, you will need to refer to the serial structure created in VIM for this specific engine. You can view this serial structure in the Serial Structure Info/Multilevel window for your top level part's serial.  For reference purposes, you can print and record the entire serial structure of the part using the tables created for this purpose in the General exercise for Overview of MRO Manufacturing Data. Alternatively, you can query your top level serial part in the Serial Structure Information window then click on the Multilevel tab.  Right-click anywhere in the table window, point to Table, and then click Print Contents to create a report of the entire serial structure. 
Site Part Number Part Description interim header ID Work Order No
Your Site 06C/7200 Engine 11000

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to inspect and disposition the disassembled products from MRO disassembly shop orders.

Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair
CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Your customer has sent a turbine aircraft engine for overhaul and repair according to your service agreement. The work scope for this specific engine has been decided and released to the shop for disassembly. The disassembly has occurred. You are now ready to inspect the components exposed and determine the disposition for each part. You must now process the disposition orders to determine modifications necessary, find and report discrepancies, and determine if repair, scrap, or replacement is necessary.

Note: The order structure for this engine includes several levels of orders. Be aware the items received on the earlier disassembly orders are dispositioned in this exercise. The results of this exercise are used in further Work Scope Execution exercises for repair and assembly.

Receiving Disposition Products for Reuse

You are inspecting parts disassembled from your customer's engine. The part you are currently assessing is in good condition and ready for re-installation without any further work. You want to receive this item into inventory and assign it for use in the engine's subsequent assembly order.

The disassembly product to be used in this disposition exercise. For reference, you may wish to record the lot number you received at disassembly in the table below.

Site Order Part Number Part Description Part Received Lot Number Parent Part
Your Site 06C/721103 Module 1, EMU1, Part 3 11000-1-1-03 06C/7211
  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise.  Locate the disposition order for the above part in the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure tab.  With that order node highlighted, click on the Supply Orders tab in the right hand pane to view pegged supply shop orders for this item.  You should see a shop order number listed there.
  2. Highlight the shop order supply record then right-click and click Shop Order to navigate to the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue. In the issue dialog box, select the Issue all reserved material check box and click on to issue the main disposition part, and any additional order materials, from inventory to the disposition order.
  4. Create a new record in the disposition line table window.  Enter a disposition quantity of 1, choose disposition code 10 from the List of Values, enter 11000-1-1-03 for Required Part field, enter your initials for Inspector ID field, enter 11000-1-1-03 for the Disposition Part No field, enter a Revision No of 1, enter receipt location number 11000, then choose condition code Normal from the List of Values.  Now save the disposition line record.
  5. Highlight the new disposition line record, then right-click and then click Record Serials or Lot Batch.
  6. In the Record Part Tracking Data dialog box, enter a new line in the table window to identify the lots and/or serials to be dispositioned for this disposition line.  Enter a disposition quantity of 1, then enter the lot number for the item issued to this order. Click OK to save the lot/serial information and exit the dialog box.
  7. You have now identified the disposition method and specific items that apply to this disposition line, and are now ready to mark the disposition line as having identified parts. Again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and click Parts Identified to indicate the identity of the parts being dispositioned has been verified.  If there were any modifications to be performed, these would now appear in the Modifications tab.
  8. Since you have no modifications or LLPs to be concerned with in this case, you should again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and click Release to receive the items into inventory.
  9. Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released.  Verify the serial is in the disposition location with the condition code you specified.  Also verify the quantity reserved for this part is zero.

Note:  At this point you have performed the main tasks to disposition this item, the material and labor transactions are completed.  The next steps involve an approval step to indicate dispositioning is complete.

  1. Highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose View Disposition Line Status. Review the status indicators for this disposition line. Verify that all required steps according to the disposition code specified are done.  Click OK to exit the dialog box.
  2. With the disposition line record highlighted, right-click and click Approve. This indicates the disposition line is completed.
  3. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise. Locate the assembly order for the above part's parent part in the Assembly tab of the Tree Structure tab. This is the assembly order to re-install this component. With that order node highlighted, click on the Assignments tab in the right hand pane to view assigned inventory for the assembly order. Verify your component lot quantity and location are now assigned to the assembly order.
  4. Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released. Verify the quantity reserved for this part is now equal to the quantity assigned to the order.
  5. Complex Assembly Work Order window and query your work order.  Click on the Transaction History tab and verify the material and labor reporting transactions reported on your shop order are listed here under the different cost categories.

Disposition of a Position Part

You are inspecting the accessory parts removed from the customer's engine. These parts were too dirty to allow the floor worker performing the disassembly to clearly identify the parts, so they were received from the disassembly as position parts. This means that rather than simply verifying part identity during disposition, you are responsible for actually identifying the parts and any tracking data.

The disassembly product to be used in this disposition exercise. The part in question was received as a position part, so there is no serial information from the disassembly receipt; you will be recording the serial as part of this exercise.

Site Order Part Number Part Description Part Received Parent Part
Your Site 06C/720090 Engine 11000, Accy. Part 06C/720090 06C/7200
  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise.  Locate the disposition order for the above part in the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure tab.  With that order node highlighted, click on the Supply Orders tab in the right hand pane to view pegged supply shop orders for this item.  You should see a shop order number listed there.
  2. Highlight the shop order supply record then right-click and click Shop Order to navigate to the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue. In the issue dialog box, select the Issue all reserved material check box and click on to issue the main disposition part, and any additional order materials, from inventory to the disposition order.
  4. Create a new record in the disposition line table window.  Enter a disposition quantity of 2, choose the disposition code 10 from the List of Values, enter 11000-90 for Required Part field, enter your initials for Inspector ID field, enter 11000-90 for the Disposition Part No field, enter a revision number of of 1, enter receipt location number 11000, then choose condition code Normal from the List of Values.  Now save the disposition line record.
  5. Highlight the new disposition line record, then right-click and choose Record Serials or Lot Batch.
  6. In the Record Serials or Lot Batch dialog box, enter a new line in the table window to identify the lots and/or serials to be dispositioned for this disposition line.  Enter a disposition quantity of 2, then enter the serial numbers for the item issued to this order. Click OK to save the lot/serial information and exit the dialog box.
  7. You have now identified the disposition method and specific items that apply to this disposition line, and are now ready to mark the disposition line as having identified parts. Again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and click Parts Identified to indicate the identity of the parts being dispositioned has been verified. If there were any modifications to be performed, these would now appear in the Modifications tab.
  8. Since you have no modifications or LLPs to be concerned with in this case, you should again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose Release to receive the items into inventory.
  9. Navigate to the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released. Verify the serial is in the disposition location with the condition code you specified. Also verify the quantity reserved for this part is zero.

Note:  At this point you have performed the main tasks to disposition this item, the material and labor transactions are completed.  The next steps involve an approval step to indicate dispositioning is complete.

  1. Highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose View Disposition Line Status. Review the status indicators for this disposition line. Verify that all required steps according to the disposition code specified are done. Click OK to exit the dialog box.
  2. With the disposition line record highlighted, right-click and choose Approve.  This indicates the disposition line is completed.
  3. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise. Locate the assembly order for the above part's parent part in the Assembly tab of the Tree Structure tab. This is the assembly order to re-install this component. With that order node highlighted, click on the Assignments tab in the right hand pane to view assigned inventory for the assembly order.  Verify your component lot quantity and location are now assigned to the assembly order.
  4. Navigate again to the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released. Verify the quantity reserved for this part is now equal to the quantity assigned to the order.
  5. Navigate to the Complex Assembly Work Order window and query your work order.  Click on the Transaction History tab and verify the material and labor reporting transactions reported on your shop order are listed here under the different cost categories.

Receiving Disposition Products with Life Limit

You are inspecting parts disassembled from your customer's engine. The part you are currently assessing is a life-limited part with a life limited task indicating insufficient life remaining. You want to scrap this item and identify the part number to be used in the engine's subsequent assembly order.  A replacement serial item will be identified later at assembly time.

The disassembly product to be used in this disposition exercise. For reference, you may wish to record the serial number you received at disassembly in the table below.

Site Order Part Number Part Description Part Received Serial Number Parent Part
Your Site 06C/722201 Module 2, EMU2, Part 1 11000-2-2-01 06C/7221
  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise.  Locate the disposition order for the above part in the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure tab.  With that order node highlighted, click on the Supply Orders tab in the right hand pane to view pegged supply shop orders for this item. You should see a shop order number listed there.
  2. Highlight the shop order supply record then right-click and click Shop Order to navigate to the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue. In the Issue dialog box, select the Issue all reserved material check box and click on OK to issue the main disposition part, and any additional order materials, from inventory to the disposition order.
  4. Click on the LLP Tasks tab and verify a record appears here for your serial indicating an LLP task exists.
  5. Create a new record in the disposition line table window.  Enter a disposition quantity of 1, choose the disposition code 40 from the List of Values, enter 11000-2-2-01 for Required Part field, enter your initials for Inspector ID field, enter 11000-2-2-01 for the Disposition Part No field, enter a revision number of 1, enter a scrap reason from the List of Values, then choose condition code Normal from the List of Values. Now save the disposition line record.
  6. Highlight the new disposition line record, then right-click and choose Record Serials or Lot Batch.
  7. In the Record Serials or Lot Batch dialog box, enter a new line in the table window to identify the lots and/or serials to be dispositioned for this disposition line.  Enter a  disposition quantity of 1, then enter the serial number for the item issued to this order. Click OK to save the lot/serial information and exit the dialog box.
  8. You have now identified the disposition method and specific items that apply to this disposition line, and are now ready to release the disposition line. Again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and then click Release to scrap this LLP item.
  9. Navigate to the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and serial you have released.  Verify the serial no longer exists in inventory.

Note: At this point you have performed the main tasks to disposition this item, the material and labor transactions are completed.  The next steps involve an approval step to indicate dispositioning is complete.

  1. Highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose View Disposition Line Status. Review the status indicators for this disposition line. Verify that all required steps according to the disposition code specified are done. Click OK to exit the dialog box.
  2. With the disposition line record highlighted, right-click and choose Approve. This indicates the disposition line is completed.
  3. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise. Locate the assembly order for the above part's parent part in the Assembly tab of the Tree Structure tab.  This is the assembly order to re-install this component. With that order node highlighted, click on the Assignments tab in the right hand pane to view assigned inventory for the assembly order.  Verify no inventory assignment record exists, as the part has been scrapped.  At assembly time, the replacement part must be manually assigned to this assembly order.
  4. Complex Assembly Work Order window and query your work order.  Click on the Transaction History tab and verify the material and labor reporting transactions reported on your shop order are listed here under the different cost categories.

Receiving Disposition Products with Modifications

You are inspecting parts disassembled from your customer's engine. The part you are currently assessing is identified in the work scope as affected by a modification. You want to acknowledge the modification task and identify the appropriate repairs necessary to perform the modification.

The disassembly product to be used in this disposition exercise. For reference, you may wish to record the serial number you received at disassembly in the table below.

Site Order Part Number Part Description Part Received Serial Number
Your Site 06C/721104 Module 1, EMU1, Part 4 11000-1-1-04
  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise.  Locate the disposition order for the above part in the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure tab. With that order node highlighted, click on the Supply Orders tab in the right hand pane to view pegged supply shop orders for this item.  You should see a shop order number listed there.
  2. Highlight the shop order supply record then right-click and click Shop Order to navigate to the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue.  In the issue dialog box, select the Issue all reserved material check box and click on to issue the main disposition part, and any additional order materials, from inventory to the disposition order.
  4. Create a new record in the disposition line table window.  Enter a disposition quantity of 1, choose the disposition code 40 from the List of Values, enter 11000-2-2-01 for Required Part field, enter your initials for Inspector ID field, enter 11000-2-2-01 for the Disposition Part No field, enter a revision number of 1, enter a scrap reason from the List of Values, then choose condition code Normal from the List of Values. Now save the disposition line record.
  5. Highlight the new disposition line record, then right-click and choose Record Serials or Lot Batch.
  6. In the Record Serials or Lot Batch dialog box, enter a new line in the table window to identify the lots and/or serials to be dispositioned for this disposition line. Enter a disposition quantity of 1, then enter the serial number for the item issued to this order. Click OK to save the lot/serial information and exit the dialog box.
  7. You have now identified the disposition method and specific items that apply to this disposition line, and are now ready to mark the disposition line as having identified parts.  Again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose Parts Identified to indicate the identity of the parts being dispositioned has been verified.  If there were any modifications to be performed, these would now appear in the Modifications tab.
  8. Since you have modifications to be concerned with in this case, select the Modifications tab and go to the record for the modification xxxxx. Highlight the record and use your right mouse button to click on the Include option.
  9. you should again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose Release to receive the items into inventory.
  10. Navigate to the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released. Verify the serial is in the disposition location with the condition code you specified. Also verify the quantity reserved for this part is zero.

Note:  At this point you have performed the main tasks to disposition this item, the material and labor transactions are completed.  The next steps involve an approval step to indicate dispositioning is complete.

  1. With the disposition line record highlighted, right-click and choose Modifications Complete. Then choose Create Repair Codes.
  2. Verify in the Repair Codes tab that there is now a repair code shown.  In the lower portion of this tab there should be an indicator that the repair code is present because you have included a modification.
  3. Highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose View Disposition Line Status.  Review the status indicators for this disposition line. Verify that all required steps according to the disposition code specified are done.  Click OK to exit the dialog box.
  4. With the disposition line record highlighted, right-click and choose Approve.  This indicates the disposition line is completed.
  5. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the Interim Demand ID for this exercise. Locate the repair order for the part you just dispositioned in the Assembly tab of the Tree Structure tab. This is the order to perform modifications on this part.  With that order node highlighted, click on the Assignments tab in the right hand pane to view assigned inventory for the assembly order.  Verify your component lot quantity and location from the disposition line are now assigned to the repair order.
  6. Navigate again to the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released. Verify the quantity reserved for this part is now equal to the quantity assigned to the order.
  7. Navigate to the Complex Assembly Work Order window and query your work order.  Click on the Transaction History tab and verify the material and labor reporting transactions reported on your shop order are listed here under the different cost categories.

Receiving Disposition Products with Discrepancies

You are inspecting parts disassembled from your customer's engine. The part you are currently assessing is in good condition and ready for re-installation without any further work. You want to receive this item into inventory and assign it for use in the engine's subsequent assembly order.

The disassembly product to be used in this disposition exercise. For reference, you may wish to record the lot number you received at disassembly in the table below.

Site Order Part Number Part Description Part Received Lot Number
Your Site 06C/723203 Module 3, EMU2, Part 3 11000-3-2-03
  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise.  Locate the disposition order for the above part in the Disassembly tab of the Tree Structure tab. With that order node highlighted, click on the Supply Orders tab in the right hand pane to view pegged supply shop orders for this item.  You should see a shop order number listed there.
  2. Highlight the shop order supply record then right-click and click Shop Order to navigate to the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue.  In the Issue dialog box, select the Issue all reserved material check box and click on to issue the main disposition part, and any additional order materials, from inventory to the disposition order.
  4. Create a new record in the disposition line table window.  Enter a disposition quantity of 1, choose the disposition code 40 from the List of Values, enter 11000-2-2-01 for Required Part field, enter your initials for Inspector ID field, enter 11000-2-2-01 for the Disposition Part No field, enter a revision number of 1, enter a scrap reason from the List of Values, then choose condition code Normal from the List of Values. Now save the disposition line record.
  5. Highlight the new disposition line record, then right-click and choose Record Serials or Lot Batch....
  6. In the Record Serials or Lot Batch dialog, enter a new line in the table window to identify the lots and/or serials to be dispositioned for this disposition line.  Enter a disposition quantity of 1, then enter the Lot Number for the item issued to this order.  Click OK to save the lot/serial information and exit the dialog box.
  7. You have now identified the disposition method and specific items that apply to this disposition line, and are now ready to mark the disposition line as having identified parts.  Again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose Parts Identified to indicate the identity of the parts being dispositioned has been verified.  If there were any modifications to be performed, these would now appear in the Modifications tab.
  8. Since you have no modifications or LLPs to be concerned with in this case, you should again highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose Release to receive the items into inventory.
  9. Navigate to the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released. Verify the serial is in the disposition location with the condition code you specified. Also verify the quantity reserved for this part is zero.

Note:  At this point you have performed the main tasks to disposition this item, the material and labor transactions are completed.  The next steps involve identifying the discrepancies found, and an approval step to indicate dispositioning is complete.

  1. With the disposition line record highlighted, go to the Discrepancies tab.  Create a record in this tab and enter Discrepancy Code 1 (Minor Discrepancy 1). Save the record.
  2. With the disposition line record highlighted, right-click and choose Discrepancies Complete. Then choose Create Repair Codes.
  3. Verify in the Repair Codes tab that there is now a repair code shown.  In the lower portion of this tab there should be an indicator that the repair code is present because you have reported a discrepancy, Discrepancy Code 1.
  4. Highlight the disposition line record, then right-click and choose View Disposition Line Status. Review the status indicators for this disposition line. Verify that all required steps according to the disposition code specified are done. Click OK to exit the dialog box.
  5. With the disposition line record highlighted, right-click and choose Approve. This indicates the disposition line is completed.
  6. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for the interim demand ID for this exercise. Locate the repair order for the part you just dispositioned in the Assembly tab of the Tree Structure tab.  This is the order to perform the repair of the discrepancy on this part. With that order node highlighted, click on the Assignments tab in the right hand pane to view assigned inventory for the assembly order.  Verify your component lot quantity and location from the disposition line are now assigned to the repair order.
  7. Navigate again to the Inventory Part In Stock window and query for the part and lot you have released.  Verify the quantity reserved for this part is now equal to the quantity assigned to the order.
  8. Navigate to the Complex Assembly Work Order window and query your work order.  Click on the Transaction History tab and verify the material and labor reporting transactions reported on your shop order are listed here under the different cost categories.

Complete Dispositioning Process

Process the remaining disposition orders for this overhaul visit.  Most of these dispositions should be executed as described above for the Receiving Products for Reuse case.  If you included additional modifications, you may need to disposition some parts following the guidelines in the Receiving Disposition Products with Modifications case.  You will need to complete all dispositions before you will be able to fully re-assemble the overhaul object.