Prepare Work Order/Jobs
Prepare Work Order Quotation/Prepare/Jobs
Report In Work Order/Jobs
Report In Route Work Order/Jobs
Service Request/Jobs

[About Work Order]

[To WO Processing] [To Service Order Processing] [To Handle WO Quotation] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Work Order]


Use this tab to view and enter information on the jobs that are to be connected to the work order.

Use the lower table on the tab to view the operation lines that are connected to the jobs, and to connect or disconnect operation lines from the jobs. Note: Operation lines cannot be entered on the Service Request/Jobs tab and the Report In Route/Jobs tab. 

Connect operation lines using one of the following methods:

To remove the connection between the operation and the job, right-click on the operation line and then click Disconnect Operation

If the work order is preventive maintenance (PM) generated, the job details and the connections to operations (if any exist) are copied from the PM actions to this tab. If a standard job ID is entered on the Jobs tab, the entire operation planning is copied from the standard job to this tab.

If the work order is CRO generated different jobs can be pre defined depending on the selected service type(s) for the part. In the Part Service Definition and Pricing window, it is possible to connect repair code(s) to service type in order to predefine a work scope. If the Part No and Repair Codes categories in the Separate Standard Job/Prepare tab match with the part on the CRO line and the repair code is connected to the service type, then job will be predefined in the Prepare Work Order/Jobs tab.

All predefined job(s) are listed together with the service type which generated job(s) so that all transactions that occur due to the processing of the job(s) can be sorted and grouped to it’s service type. This is for follow up reasons on the CRO. On the CRO, it is necessary to follow up costs for each service type included in the work scope. It is however possible to use the list of values to change the service type connection for a job to any other service types defined as a part of the work scope in the Component Repair Order/CRO Lines/Service Type tab.

Activity Diagrams

Prepare General Information
Prepare Craft Requirement
Prepare General Information Route
Create WO Quotation
Modify CRO Work Scope


Enter Jobs
Enter Standard Jobs
Enter Standard Job, Service Request
Add Standard Job on Work Order
Connect Operations to Work Order