WO on Mobile Device Work Order Move from Facility to Inventory Move from Inventory to Facility Move from Repair Workshop to Facility Move from Repair Workshop to Inventory Service Request Transfer and Conclude Service Order Transfer WO to IFS Mobile Work Order Move Non-Serial Part to Inventory Prepare Route WO Free Time Search Improved Equipment Performance Separate WO from PM Plan and Prepare Service Order Work Order History Evaluate Requests and Fault Reports Resource Load Report In WO from Mobile Device Separate WO from PM Execute Route WO on Mobile Device Execute Separate WO on Mobile Device Allocation and Monitoring Work Order Work Order History Work Order, work done Authorize WO Transactions Route WO from PM Work Order Update Measurements Work Order History Work Order Execute WO Issue Material Resource Allocation Create Repair WO for Non-Serial Part Create Repair Work Order Work Order Return WO Purchase Requisition Working Hour Schedules Report In Service WO Voucher Repair Work Order