Using Handling Unit Structure, EDI—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create stored sales parts and receive them into inventory in order to use them as complementary parts. 

Enter Customer


  1. Enter C.S.C. Cape Town as customer with XX1030 as the customer number.

General exercise for Customer  

Create Stored Sales Parts

Sales Part
Part/Handling Unit Capacity
Packing Instruction
Handling Unit Types
Inventory Locations
Inventory Part
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Enter two different sales parts. Street car with XX18-304 as the sales part number and Engine 1600 with X20-100 as the sales part number.
  2. Enter a handling unit type XX for your sales parts.
  3. Create relevant inventory location.
  4. Create corresponding inventory parts.
  5. Receive a sufficient number of parts into stock.

General exercise for Sales Part

General exercise for Inventory Locations

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

General exercise for Packing Instruction

General exercise for Inventory Locations

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Create Shipment Type

Sales Basic Data

  1. Open the Sales Basic Data window and click the Shipment Types tab.
  2. Create a shipment type XX, with a stop after each event.
  3. Open the Site window and click the Distribution tab.
  4. Enter the shipment type you just created. This will be the default value on all your customer orders and shipments.

General exercise for Shipment Type

Required Data

Entering Customer Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

  1. Open the customer C.S.C. Cape Town (XX1030) and enter our supplier number at C.S.C. Cape Town as Our ID at the Customer on the General tab.
  2. Open the Message Setup tab and activate the DESADV message. Indicate MHS as the Media Code and an address provided by the teacher. The message should be Method Default.
  3. Open the Address tab and set Shipment Creation to Add to Existing Shipment for the default delivery address.
  4. Enter a customer order with C.S.C. Cape Town (XX1030) as customer and wanted delivery date in a month's time. The order type should be NO, and you should use your User ID as the coordinator. Note the order number:_______.
  5. Enter two order lines with 5 pcs each of the sales part Street Car (XX18-304).
  6. Repeat step 4 and 5 above to create a second order. Note the order number:_______.
  7. Release both customer orders.
  8. Open the Shipment Lines window and search for your first order. Note the Shipment ID:_______.
  9. Mark the line, right-click and then click Shipment.

General exercise for Customer  
General exercise for Entering Customer Order

Main Exercise

Create Handling Unit Structure Manually and Print Handling Unit Labels

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize you with the adding of a handling units to the shipment and printing handling unit labels for the shipment.

Shipment/Handling Unit Structure

  1. Open the Shipment window and search for your shipment.

  2. Open the Handling Unit Structure tab.

  3. In the left graphical side of the tab, select the shipment symbol right-click and then click Add Handling Unit(s).

  4. The Add Handling Unit(s) window opens. Click New and enter a handling unit type using the List of Values.

  5. Use the default of 1 in the No of Units field.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select the created handling unit, right-click and then click Add Handling Unit.

  8. The Add Handling Unit window opens. Click New and enter a handling unit type using the List of Values.

  9. Use the default of 1 in the No of Units field.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Select the last created handling unit, then select the tab for Unattached Shipment Lines. In that tab, right-click on one of the shipment lines and then click Attach Parts to Handling Unit.

  12. The Attach Parts to Handling Unit window opens. Check that the value in the Qty to Attach field is correct and click OK.

  13. Right-click on the top-node handling unit on the Handling Units tab and then click Create this SSCC.

  14. Select the Print Handling Unit Label check box for the top-node handling unit in this structure, enter the desired number of copies in the No of Handling Unit Labels field. For instance, you might want a label on each side of the handling unit.

  15. Note: You have now created a homogenous handling unit.

  16. Repeat step 3 - 5 above to create a second top-node handling unit.

  17. Select the created handling unit, then select the tab for Unattached Shipment Lines. On that tab, right-click on one of the shipment lines and then click Attach Parts to Handling Unit.

  18. The Attach Parts to Handling Unit window opens. Check that the Qty to Attach is correct and click OK.

  19. Right-click on the created handling unit on the Handling Units tab and then click Create this SSCC.

  20. Select the Print Handling Unit Label check box for this handling unit, enter the desired number of copies in the No of Handling Unit Labels field.

    Note: You have now created a simplified handling unit.

  21. Repeat step 3 - 5 above to create a third handling unit.

  22. Repeat step 6 - 8 above and create sub-level handling units for the third handling unit.

  23. Select the first of the two latest created handling units for the third handling unit, then select the tab for Unattached Shipment Lines. In that tab, right-click on first of the shipment lines and then click Attach Parts to Handling Unit.

  24. The Attach Parts to Handling Unit window opens. Check that the the value in the Qty to Attach field is correct and click OK.

  25. Select the second of the two latest created handling units for the third handling unit, then select the tab for Unattached Shipment Lines. In that tab, right-click on remaining of the shipment lines and then click Attach Parts to Handling Unit.

  26. The Attach Parts to Handling Unit window opens. Check that the Qty to Attach is correct and click OK.

  27. Right-click on the created handling unit in the Handling Units tab and then click Create this SSCC.

  28. Select the Print Handling Unit Label check box for the two sub-level handling units - not the top-node, enter the desired number of copies in the No of Handling Unit Labels field.

    Note: You have now created a mixed handling unit.

  29. Select the shipment, right-click and then click Print Handling Unit Label(s).

    Note: You have now printed handling unit labels for the complete shipment. Labels are printed for handling units having the Print Handling Unit Label check box selected and in as many copies as specified in the No of Handling Unit Labels field.

  30. Select the homogenous handling unit, right-click and then click Print Handling Unit Labels.

    Note: You have now printed one transport label for the mixed handling unit - top node and in as many copies as specified in the No of Handling Unit Labels field.

  31. Select the mixed handling unit, right-click and then click Print Handling Unit Labels.

    Note: You have now printed two handling unit labels, one for each of the handling units connected to the mixed handling unit and in as many copies as specified in the No of Handling Unit Labels field.

  32. You can also print the handling unit labels individually one by one by selecting a specific handling unit, right-clicking and then clicking Print this Handling Unit Label.

    Note: To create SSCC for all the handling units in a sub-structure or for the whole shipment at once, you can use use the Create SSCC option by right-click on the relevant node in the handling unit structure. SSCC will be created for all handling units having the Create SSCC check box selected in the sub-structure.

    Note: The Create SSCC check box, the Print Handling Unit Labels check box and the No of Handling Unit Labels field can be set and inherited from a handling unit type or a packing instruction.

Create Handling Unit Structure Automatically and Send Dispatch Advice

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize you with how handling unit structures can be automatically created for a shipment, delivering the shipment and sending a dispatch advice message.

Shipment/Handling Unit Structure


  1. Open the Shipment window and search for the your shipment.

  2. Generate a handling unit structure automatically for the shipment by right-click, then click Pack According to Packing Instruction. A valid packing instruction must have been set on the unattached shipment lines.

  3. Open the Handling Unit Structure tab to view the automatically generated handling unit structure.

  4. Right-click on the shipment node and then click Create SSCC.

  5. SSCC are generated for the handling unit structure nodes according to their setting in the packing instruction (inherited to the handling unit structure created).

  6. Reserve, Create Pick List, Report Picking, Complete and Deliver your shipment by using the right mouse button options.

  7. In the header of the shipment, right-click and then click Send Dispatch Advice.

    Note 1: The dispatch advice message can be automatically sent if set up for the customer.
    Note 2: In order to deliver a shipment with deviations, a shipment location must be used.