Define Services—Key Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Define Equipment Object and/or VIM Serial

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Functional Object
Category Object

Serial Object

  1. Create an equipment object or object structure. General exercise for Functional Object, Serial Object and Object Structure
  2. Create a VIM serial object or VIM serial object structure. General exercise for Serial Structure

Define Maintenance Basic Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Work Order and PM Basic Data
Organization Basic Data

  1. Create work types. General exercise for Work Type
  2. Create a maintenance organization and connect a work time calendar to it. General exercise for Maintenance Organization  

Service Contract - BDR Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Service Contract Basic Data

  1. Open the Service Contract Basic Data window and set up an SLA and agreement invoice rules.

General exercise for Service Contract—Basic Data Requirements Exercises

Define Service Contract and Invoice Parameters

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Service Contract

  1. Define a service contract. General exercise for Define Service Contract—Key Exercises  
  2. Define an invoice plan. General exercise for Define Invoice Parameters—Key Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create service lines for objects.

Service Contract/Services
Service Contract/Vehicle Services

Create Service Line for Object or VIM serial

For Object

  1. Open the Service Contract window, click the Services tab and create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter the following information
    Field Service Line 1 Service Line 2 Service Line 3
    Description Base Fee Fixed Price Service Emergency Service
    Location ID AREA 1 AREA 1 AREA 2
    Quantity 50 50 -
    Maint. Org 1300 1300 1300
    Work Type 701 702 703
    Std Job ID 400 - -
  3. Enter the time period for which the service line is valid in the Date From and Expiry Date fields.
  4. Save the information (F12).

VIM serial

  1. Open the Service Contract window, click the Vehicle Services tab (if using IFS Vehicle Information Management) and create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter the following information
    Field Vehicle Service 1 Vehicle Service 2
    Description VS 1 VS 2
    Top Part No X747-900 X32NLG7001
    Top Part Rev * *
    Work Shop LAX-L LAX-L
    Work Type 11 12
  3. Follow steps 3 and 4 above.

Service Line Structure

  1. Enter service line 1 as the parent of service line 2 and 3, you now have a parent-child structure.

Enter Invoicing Information

  1. Enter the following values for the service lines you created


    Service Line

     1 2 3
    Invoice Rule No. - - STANDARD
    Invoice Type Invoice Plan Fixed Price Resources Used
    Cap Price - 10000  
    Sales Part No. (Fixed Price Execution area) - 6900 -
    Discount - 20 -
    Sales Part No. (Periodic Prices area) 6700 10 -
  2. Save the information (F12). Note: For service line 1 you will see a periodic price line created.

Revaluating a Periodic Price Line

  1. Select the relevant periodic price, right-click and then click Price Change for Periodic Price.
  2. Enter a revaluation date in the dialog box that appears.
  3. Change the values in the Percentage % and Revaluation Text fields if required.
  4. Based on the value entered in step 3 the New Amount will be calculated, change this value if required and click OK.
  5. On the Services (or Vehicle Services) tab select the new periodic price line, right-click and then click Accept Price Changes to accept the new price or Rollback Price Changes to reject it.

Enter PM Settings

  1. To enter PM settings click the PM Settings tab on the Service Contract window and create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter the line number of one of the service lines you created in the previous exercise in the Line No. field.

Note: When you enter a line number the following fields will be populated with the values from the service line: Object Site, Object ID, Work Type, Valid From as well as Maint. Org. and Valid To (if entered on the Services tab). Make sure that the valid time period of the PM action does not fall outside the valid time period of the service line.

  1. Enter a value in the Action Code field by using the List of Values.
  2. If you want a maintenance plan generated (work order generation = Calendar Generation) include values in the Start Unit, Start Value, Interval Unit and Interval Value fields. For event generation enter values in the Event, Start Event and Event Interval fields.
  3. Additionally enter values in the remaining fields as per your requirement.
  4. Save the information (F12).
  5. Repeat steps 2-6 as required.
  6. Once you have created the PM actions, select the rows, right-click, point to PM Action Status and then click Active to activate the PM actions.

Connect Service Line to Service Request (Service Order)

Service Contract/PM Maintenance Plan
Service Request
Prepare Work Order

Generate Work Order

  1. Click the Service Contract/PM Maintenance Plan tab.
  2. Select the maintenance plan row for which you want to generate a work order, right-click and then click Generate Work Order.

Connect a Service Line manually

  1. Open the Service Request or Prepare Work Order window and query for a suitable record (F3).
  2. Enter the identity of the service contract and service line in the Contract ID and Line No fields respectively.
  3. Save the information (F12).