Work Processing—Exercises

Main Exercises


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the crafts required for the Work Processing course.

Organization Basic Data

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.  
  2. Click the Craft Catalog tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5). 
  4. Enter MS as the craft ID and Mechanical Specialist as the description.
  5. Enter 10 as the parent craft.
  6. Enter the hourly rate for the craft.
  7. Accept the default currency or change it to a currency of your choice.  
  8. Save the new record (F12).

Connect Craft to Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to connect the crafts to the sites. This data is required for the Work Processing course.

Organization Basic Data/Craft to Site

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Craft to Site tab.
  3. To connect a single craft, follow the steps below:
  1. To connect an entire craft structure, follow the steps below:
  1. Save the record (F12).  

Link Employee to Craft

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to link employees to certain crafts that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Organization Basic Data/Link Employees/Crafts

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Link Employees/Crafts tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5). 
  4. Link yourself to an appropriate craft ID using the List of Values (F8). An employee can be linked to multiple crafts. 
  5. Specify which crafts are the defaults.
  6. Save the new record (F12) .

Link Sales Part to Craft 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to link sales parts to certain crafts that are required for the Work Processing course. This basic data is needed in only IFS/Service Management.

Organization Basic Data/Craft to Sales Part

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Crafts to Sales Part tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5), and select an appropriate craft identity using the List of Values (F8).
  4. Enter an appropriate sales part using the List of Values (F8). 

Note: An employee can be linked to multiple sales parts. 

  1. Specify which sales parts are the defaults.
  2. Save the new record (F12).

Maintenance Organizations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a new maintenance organization and connect it to a site. This basic data record is required for the Work Processing course.  

Organization Basic Data/Maintenance Organizations

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window and click the Maintenance Organizations tab.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter ME as the maintenance organization, and Mechanical as the description.
  4. Enter the maintenance organization’s hourly rate in the Rate/h field.
  5. Enter the address ID of the maintenance organization in the Address ID field if the address ID is different from the address for the site. Use the List of Values to select a valid address ID.
  6. Save the new record (F12). 

Organizations to Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to connect a sales part to a maintenance organization. This basic data record is required for the Work Processing course.  

Organization Basic Data/Organization to Sales Part

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Organizations to Sales Part tab.
  3. Click New (F5) to link a sales part to a maintenance organization.
  4. Select a maintenance organization using the List of Values (F8).
  5. Select a sales part using the List of Values (F8).
  6. Select whether the sales part will be the default.
  7. Save the new information (F12). 

Enter and Link Employee to Maintenance Organization 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter and link an employee and to connect this employee to a maintenance organization. This basic data is required for the Work Processing course.  

Organization Basic Data/Employees

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Employees tab.
  3. Right-click and then click Add Person to add a person.
  4. The Person window appears.
  5. Click New, and enter your identity (signature) and name. Enter additional information as needed. Save your changes (F12).
  6. Open the Company/Employees tab.
  7. Create a new record (F5).
  8. In the Employee ID field, enter your ID code.
  9. In the Person ID field, select your identity.
  10. Save the record.
  11. Switch to Organization Basic Data.
  12. On the Employees tab, create a new record (F5).
  13. Enter your signature in the Signature field. The employee ID will be displayed automatically.
  14. In the Maint. Org field, enter the maintenance organization to which the employee should belong.
  15. Enter 75(%) in the Maximum Load Level field to indicate that you are working part time. 
  16. Save the new information (F12).

Enter Maintenance Team 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter a new maintenance team. The team can later be used when planning operation lines on a standard job, PM action and/or work order.

Organization Basic Data/Teams

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Teams tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5), and enter a team identity and a team description.
  4. Enter 70 as the site.
  5. Add your self as the team leader by entering your signature in the Signature field. The Name, Employee ID and Maint. Org. fields will be populated automatically.
  6. Enter a date in the Valid To field to indicate when this team should no longer be used.
  7. Save the record (F12).
  8. Next, double click on the table below to create a new record. Enter your signature in the Signature field. This will add you as an active member of the team.
  9. Add two more members to the team, team members do not have to belong to the same site as the team.
  10. Save the record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record actions required for the Work Processing course. 

Maintenance Basic Data/Actions

  1. Open the Maintenance Basic Data window.
  2. In the Actions tab create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter INS as the action and Inspection as the description.
  4. Save the new record (F12).

Warranty Action

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the warranty action that is required for the Work Processing course.  

Maintenance Basic Data/Warranty Action

  1. Open the Maintenance Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Warranty Action tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter RW as the warranty action and Rust Warranty as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Performed Actions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record performed actions required for the Work Processing course.  

Maintenance Basic Data/Performed Actions

  1. Open the Maintenance Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Performed Actions tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5). 
  4. Enter LS as the performed action ID and Left Spare on Site as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12). 


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record causes required for the Work Processing course.  

Maintenance Basic Data/Causes

  1. Open the Maintenance Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Causes tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5). 
  4. Enter LM as the cause ID and Lack of Maintenance as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record units required for the Work Processing course. 

Maintenance Basic Data/Units

  1. Open the Maintenance Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Units tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5). 
  4. Enter an appropriate unit code and description. 
  5. Select an appropriate factor. 

Note: The factor column shows how to convert from a unit to its base unit, i.e., how many base units comprise one unit. If a unit is a base unit itself, the same unit is shown in both the Unit Code and the Base Unit field. The Factor field then contains the value 1(one).

  1. Select a base unit using the List of Values (F8).

Note: All units entered are connected to a base unit, i.e., a meter is the base unit for millimeter, etc. 

  1. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record parameters that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Maintenance Basic Data/Parameters

  1. Open the Maintenance Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Parameters tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter T as the parameter ID and Temperature as the parameter name.
  5. Set the value type to Limit.

Note: The Limit type parameter is used to specify a maximum and/or minimum value, e.g., an oil level that must be kept between a minimum and maximum point. The Accumulated type parameter is used to specify a cumulative value, e.g., operation time.

  1. Save the new record (F12).

Tools and Facilities Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record tools and facilities types that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Tools and Facilities Basic Data/Tools and Facilities Type

  1. Open the Tools and Facilities Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Tools and Facilities Type tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter T1 as the tool and facility type and T1 Tool and Facility Type as the description.
  5. Set the hour cost to 25.00.
  6. Set the currency to EUR.
  7. Save the new record (F12).

Tools and Facilities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record tools and facilities that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Tools and Facilities Basic Data/Tools and Facilities

  1. Open the Tools and Facilities Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Tools and Facilities tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter T1 as the tool and facility ID and T1 Tools and Facility ID as the description.
  5. Choose the tool and facility type you just created, T1,  from List of Values.
  6. Set the hour cost to 25.00.
  7. Set the currency to EUR.
  8. Save the new record (F12).

Connect Tools and Facilities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record connect tools and facilities that is required for the Work Processing course.  

Tools and Facilities Basic Data/Connect Tools and Facilities

  1. Open the Tools and Facilities Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Connect Tools and Facilities tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter T1 as the tool and facility ID.
  5. Select a site from the List of Values.
  6. Select a maintenance organization from the List of Values.
  7. Set the quantity to 1.
  8. Save the new record (F12).

Instruction Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how set up the basic data record instruction type that is required for the Work Processing course.  

Operation Basic Data/Instruction Type

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Instruction Type tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter EX as the instruction type and Exchange as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Instruction Location

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how set up the basic data record instruction location that is required for the Work Processing course.  

Operation Basic Data/Instruction Location

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Instruction Location tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter Eng as the instruction location and Engine as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Cancel Cause

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the cancel causes required for the Work Processing course.

Operation Basic Data/Cancel Cause

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Cancel Cause tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Create 4 cancel causes by using the following data:
Cancel Cause Description
1 Short of Spare Parts
2 Short of Personnel
3 Short of Tools
4 Short of Facilities
  1. Save the information (F12).

Cancel Cause Access

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up user access to the cancel causes created in the previous exercise.

Operation Basic Data/Cancel Cause Access

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Cancel Cause Access tab.
  3. Query (F3) for your user ID.
  4. Create a new record (F5) in the table.
  5. In the Cancel Cause field, enter the cause for cancelling. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. Save the information (F12).
  7. Alternatively, you can assign all existing cancel causes to the selected user by right-clicking on the header of the tab, and then clicking Assign All Causes.

On Hold Cause

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the causes for setting a work order operation on hold.

Operation Basic Data/On Hold Cause

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window.
  2. Click the On Hold Cause tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Create 2 on hold causes by using the following data:
On Hold Cause Description
RES Lack of Resources
MAT Lack of Material
  1. Save the information (F12).

Work Progress Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a progress template and to connect one or more work progress templates to a site.

Operation Basic Data/Work Progress Template

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Work Progress Template tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5) in the table.
  4. In the Template ID field, enter an identity for your template.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description of the template.
  6. Save the information (F12).
  7. In the table, all valid operation statuses appear automatically.
  8. In the Cumulative Progress (%) field, enter or update the progress per operation status.
  9. Save the information (F12).

To connect a progress template to the site, do the following.

  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary site.
  3. Click the Maintenance tab and create a new record (F5) in the table of the window.
  4. In the Progress Template field, enter the template. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description for your template.
  6. Save the information (F12). The Default Template check box will be selected automatically upon saving, provided that a default template is not already defined.

Note: The default progress template for the site can be changed by right-clicking on the required progress template record, and then clicking Set Default.

Operation Filter

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up an operation filter and to connect this filter to your employee.

Operation Basic Data/Operation Filters
Organization Basic Data/Employees/Operation Filter

  1. Open the Operation Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Operation Filters tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Filter ID field, enter an identity for your filter.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the filter.
  5. If you only want to display the operations planned on your site, enter the site in the Site field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. If you only want to display the operations with a particular craft requirement, enter the ID of the craft in the Craft field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  7. If you only want to display the operations in either the Released or Started status, select the relevant check box. Note that the All check box is selected by default, but may be modified.
  8. Select the Auto Start Populate check box if you want the operations to be displayed automatically when you open the Work Order Operation List window.
  9. If you want to limit the operations displayed that are planned to start from a particular date onwards, enter the number of days relative to the system date in the Period Min field. Both positive and negative values can be entered.
  10. If you want to limit the operations displayed that are planned to start before a particular date, enter the number of days in the Period Max field. Both positive and negative values can be entered. If you enter values in both the Period Min and Period Max fields, only the operations that are planned to start between this date range will be displayed.
  11. If you only want to display the operations planned for a particular team, enter the ID of the team in the Team ID field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  12. If you only want to display the operations planned for a particular maintenance organization, enter the ID of the maintenance organization in the Maint Org field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  13. If you only want to display operations in the work list, select the Show Operations check box.
  14. If you only want to display allocations for a particular employee matching the criteria in the work list, select the Show Allocations check box.
  15. Save the information (F12).

To assign this filter to your employee, do the following.

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Employees tab window.
  3. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for your employee name in the Signature field.
  4. Click the Operation Filter tab.
  5. In the Filter ID field, enter the ID of the filter you created. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. Save the information (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the discoveries that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Discoveries

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Discoveries tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter OP as the discovery ID and During Operation as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the symptoms that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Symptoms

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Symptoms tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter HOT as the symptom ID and Running Hot as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Quotation Statistical Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the quotation statistical codes required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Quotation Statistical Code

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Quotation Statistical Codes tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter QSC1 as the statistical code and Quoted Price Unacceptable as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Fault Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the types that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Fault Types

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Fault Types tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter the ELE as the type and Electrical Error as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the classes that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Classes

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Classes tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter M as the class and Mechanical Class as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the events that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Events

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Events tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter WS as the event and Winter Shutdown as the description.
  5. The event count shows how many times this event has been generated previously. You cannot change this value.
  6. Save the new record (F12).

Work Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the work types that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Work Types

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Work Types tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter IN as the work type and Inspection as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Operational Status

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the operational status that is required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Operational Status

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Operational Status tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter ISO as the operational status and Fully Isolated as the description.
  5. Set the operational status to Not Obstructive.
  6. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the priorities that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Priorities

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Priorities tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter the H as the priority and High as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Permit Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the record permit types that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Permit Types

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Permit Types tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter ES as the permit type and Enclosed Space as the description.
  5. The permit classification should be set to User Defined.

Note: The permit classification can be either User Defined or Isolation. Upon new entry, the permit classification is automatically set to User Defined. The permit classification that is set to Isolation is to be used for work clearances. There is only one such classification.

  1. You can also connect attributes to the permit type. Select the newly created row, right-click, and then click Attributes. The Attributes for Permit Type window appears.
  2. In the table, create a new record.
  3. Choose an appropriate attribute code using the List of Values (F8). The description appears automatically. 
  4. Save the new record (F12), and close the window. A new permit type is created, with permit attributes linked to it.

Permit Attributes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the permit attributes that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Permit Attributes

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Permit Attributes tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter GOG as the permit attribute and Goggles as the short description.

Note: If you prefer, you can enter a more detailed description in the Description field.

  1. Save the new record (F12).

Route Definitions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the route definitions that are required for the Work Processing course.  

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Route Definitions

  1. Open the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Route Definitions tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter E90 as the route ID and Electrical Route 90 as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Define Repair Workshop

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define a repair workshop. This basic data is required for the Work Processing course.  

Functional Object

Note: You create a new repair workshop in IFS/Equipment as a regular functional object.

  1. Open the Functional Object window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Optionally, enter an object ID and description.
  4. Enter the object level for this functional object using the List of Values (F8).
  5. Save the new repair workshop, or functional object (F12).

Standard Job

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the standard job that is required for the Work Processing course.  

Separate Standard Job

Note: A separate standard job is a way of putting together a definition of standard text, operation planning, material demands, and documents needed for a specific type of job. Standard jobs can be used for preparation of separate preventive maintenance actions and as templates for work orders. When you need to create many similar separate PM actions or work orders, you can create a separate standard job first, and then, during preparation, link this job to a PM action or work order. All previously entered information is then copied.

  1. Open the Separate Standard Job window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter your initials as the standard job identity and Standard Job Category 200 as the standard job description. 
  4. Enter an appropriate work description on the Separate Standard Job/Prepare tab.
  5. Save the new record (F12).
  6. Click the Operations tab.
  7. Double-click on the tab to enter a new operation. Enter a description, planned men = 3, maintenance organization, planned hours, and the identity of your team in the relevant fields.
  8. Enter a second operation with a description, craft, planned men = 1, craft identity and planned hours.
  1. Save the new rows (F12).
  2. Click the Materials tab.
  3. Use the List of Values (F8) to enter information about the part and the planned quantity required for this standard job.
  4. Save the new rows (F12). The standard job is now prepared with information on both operation and material.
  5. Right-click, point to Standard Job Status and click Active.

Note: The operation and material planning entered on this window will be included in a PM action, a work order quotation, and a work order when connected. The relevant tabs also contains information about sales parts that are used in IFS/Service Management.


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the supplier that is required for the Work Processing course.  


  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Specify an ID and name for the supplier.
  4. Choose a default language and country, if appropriate.

Note: The language and country that you enter for the supplier has no practical meaning in IFS/Enterprise. However, these values may be used in other installed components.

  1. Save the new record (F12).

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a supplier for a purchase part. This basic data is required for the Work Processing course.  

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window.

Note: Use this window to link approved suppliers to purchase parts. This is a cross-reference of supplier to purchase part information. It enables you to record multiple sources of supply for a single purchase part.

  1. Create a new record (F5), and select an appropriate part number using the List of Values (F8).
  2. Enter a supplier using the List of Values (F8). 
  3. Enter an appropriate purchase price.
  4. Save the new record (F12).

Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the inventory part that is required for the Work Processing course.

Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter an appropriate part number and description.
  4. Select a planner for the inventory part using the List of Values (F8). 
  5. In the U/M field, enter the unit of measure using the List of Values (F8).
  6. Save the new inventory part (F12).
  7. Click the Costs tab, and enter the material cost for the part.
  8. Save the new record (F12).

Customer Order Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up customer order type that is required for the Work Processing course.
Note: You need to run the Distribution executable in order to complete this exercise.

Sales Basic Data

Note: In this window, you can enter the order types corresponding to the various customer order routines that you use in the company. You can do this by indicating the steps in the order flow that will be performed automatically and those that will be performed manually.

  1. Open the Sales Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Order Types tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter SEO as the order type and Service Order as the description. (This is a standard order type and therefore it already exists in the database.)
  5. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a new customer. This basic data is required for the Work Processing course.

Note: You need to run the Distribution executable in order to complete this exercise.


  1. Open the Customer window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter an ID, name, and default language for the customer. 
  4. Save the new information (F12).
  5. Click the Address tab. 
  6. Create a new record (F5), and enter an address ID (maximum fifty characters).
  7. Enter the address for the customer. 
  8. Save the new information (F12).
  9. Click the Order Address Info tab.
  10. Create a new record (F5). Select the delivery terms and ship-via code using the List of Values (F8). 
  11. Save the new information (F12).
  12. Click the Invoice tab.
  13. Create a new record (F5). Select a company, customer type, currency, customer group, and payment term using the List of Values (F8). 
  14. Save the new information (F12).
  15. Click the Order/General tab. 
  16. Create a new record (F5), and select the customer statistical group and currency. 
  17. Save your changes (F12), and close the window.

Coordinator Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a coordinator group. This basic data record is required for the Work Processing course.
Note: You need to run the Distribution executable in order to complete this exercise.

Coordinator Groups

  1. Open the Coordinator Groups window.
  2. Create a new record (F5). 
  3. Enter F as the coordinator group ID and Financials Group as the description.
  4. Enter an appropriate order number and a quotation number.
  5. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a new coordinator. This basic data record is required for the Work Processing course. The coordinator will later be the person responsible for creating the invoices for the service work orders.

Note: You need to run the Distribution executable in order to complete this exercise.


  1. Open the Coordinators window.
  2. Create a new record (F5). Select an appropriate coordinator ID using the List of Values (F8). This makes the person a coordinator.

Note: This requires that a person ID already exist. If you need to enter a new one, use the Zoom feature in the Coordinator ID field, and enter a new person ID record. You do not need to connect the person ID to a user at this point.

  1. Select a coordinator group for the coordinator ID using the List of Values (F8). This determine which customer order numbers will be generated as the coordinator processes service orders and payment plans to the customer order for invoicing. 
  2. Save the new record (F12).

Create Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a new object. This basic data record is required for the Work Processing course. In this exercise, you create a service object (functional object), which you will use as a superior object on a customer order line to specify the object to which a delivered SM object should belong.

Functional Object

  1. Open the Functional Object window.
  2. Create a new record (F5) and enter the object ID, description, and site.
  3. Select an object level from the List of Values (F8).
  4. If you want to use the object as a superior object for a part that will create an SM object, the object level for the superior object must allow serials. If you want to use the superior object to capture cost and revenue information for sold spare parts, you can use any object level.
  5. Save the record (F12).

Sales Part (Spare Part)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a new sales part required for the Work Processing course. In this exercise, you create a spare part that you can connect to a superior object to capture cost and revenue information in IFS Applications for Service Management.

Sales Part

  1. Open the Sales Part window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter a sales part number and description for a spare part that you will provide to a customer.
  4. Use the List of Values (F8) to enter inventory, price, and sales units of measure (U/M). Also enter a sales price group.
  5. Select Spare Parts as the sales group using the List of Values (F8).
  6. Enter a default price for the sales part. 
  7. Save the new record (F12).

Serialized Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a serialized part that is required for the Work Processing course. In this exercise, you create a serialized part that you eventually can use to create Service Management objects.


  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Specify a part number and description.
  4. Select the Inventory Serial Tracking and After Delivery Serial Tracking check boxes.
  5. Select the Automatic serial rule. Under this rule, serial numbers are assigned automatically to parts that are received into inventory.
  6. Select a unit code using the List of Values (F8).
  7. Save the new record (F12).

Create a Sales Part (SM Object)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a sales part that is required for the Work Processing course. In this exercise, you can create a sales part that will create an SM object in IFS/Equipment once it is delivered on a customer order line.

Sales Part
Inventory Part

  1. Open the Sales Part window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter an appropriate sales part number and description.
  4. Enter the inventory, price, and sales units of measure (U/M) using the List of Values (F8).
  5. Select a sales price group, sales group, and VAT code for the part using the List of Values (F8).
  6. Specify a sales price for the part.
  7. Save your changes (F12).
  8. Click the Misc Part Info tab.
  9. Select the Create SM Object check box.

Note: You also can establish a part using a different sequence.

  1. Create a sales part, and enter the required information.
  2. Open the Inventory Part window.
  3. Query (F3) for the part number, and add the material cost.
  4. Save your changes (F12).

Note: You can skip step 12 and instead specify the material cost when you receive the part into inventory for the first time.

  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Query (F3) for the part, and select the appropriate check boxes.
  3. Return to the Sales Part window, and select the Create SM Object check box.
  4. Save the new information (F12).

Receive Parts into Inventory

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to receive parts into inventory. This basic data is required for the Work Processing course. In this exercise, you will learn a way to receive parts into inventory quickly so that you can deliver SM objects, or spare parts on a customer order. This exercise requires that an inventory part be established and that an inventory location exist on the site.

Receive Inventory Part

  1. Query (F3) for the inventory part number that you want to receive into inventory. 
  2. Create a new row (F5), and enter the quantity that you want to receive into inventory.
  3. Use the List of Values (F8) to select the location number of the location to which you want to receive the part. 
  4. Save the new information (F12).
  5. If the Define Cost Structure dialog window opens, create a new line and enter 110 (Estimated Material Cost) as Cost Bucket and a value in the Unit Cost field.

Note: If the part is serialized, the Serial Number window appears. You should then define the serial number that you want to receive. If the part is set up with automatic serial handling in IFS/Part Catalog, serial numbers are automatically assigned to the received parts. 

  1. Click OK.

Define Aviation Authority

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a new authority. This basic data record is only required if the maintenance is done on commercial aviation objects in the Work Processing course or as part of a Supply Chain process.

Part Certificate Basic Data

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed.

  1. Open the Part Certificate Basic Data window and click the Authority tab.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter NCAA as the authority ID, and Civil Aviation Authority - Norway as the description.
  4. Enter NO as the country code.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Define Authority Approvals

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the valid approval types per aviation authority.

Part Certificate Basic Data

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed.

  1. Open the Part Certificate Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Authority Approvals tab and query for the authority ID NCAA.
  3. Create a new record (F5) in the table.
  4. Enter AOC as the approval type and Air Operator Certificate as the description.
  5. Save the new record (F12).

Define Approvals per Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a new authority, define a valid approval type for the authority and connect the approval to a maintenance organization.

Part Certificate Basic Data

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed.

  1. Open the Part Certificate Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Approvals Per Maintenance Organization tab and create a new record.
  3. In the Maint. Org. field, use the List of Values and select XX_100, which is connected to the site XX90.
  4. Create a new record (F5) in the table.
  5. Connect the authority ID NCAA and approval type AOC to the maintenance organization.
  6. In the Approval Certification No field, enter 123 as your certification number.
  7. In the Accountable Manager field, enter your user ID.
  8. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, enter the first and last date the approval certificate is to be valid.
  9. Save the record (F12).
  10. The approval is set to the New status. You can move the approval to one of the following statuses, if this is needed:
  1. To continue with entering the capability list, authorized approvers and valid form types per approval, right-click on the approval record, and then click Approval. The procedure is described in exercises Define Capability List, Define Authorized Part Certificate Approvers and Define Valid Form Types per Approval.

Define Part Certification Form Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the types of part certification forms that are valid for use.

Part Certificate Basic Data

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed.

  1. Open the Part Certificate Basic Data window and click the Form Types tab.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter EASA FORM ONE as the form type and description.
  4. Enter revision 1.
  5. Enter a valid layout for the this part certificate report by selecting a predefined value from the List of Values.
  6. Select the Used for Vehicles check box.
  7. Save the information (F12).
  8. In the same way enter information for the following part certificate for types: FAA 8130-3, Dual Release, Release to Service for Aircraft and Release to Service for Engine.
  9. Save the information (F12).

Note: The form types EASA, FAA Dual Release and Release to Service may have already been defined, in which case you can add new form types.

Connect Regulation Codes to Form Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to connect airworthiness regulation codes to the form types for which they are valid.

Part Certificate Basic Data

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed and the previous exercise must have been completed.

  1. Open the Part Certificate Basic Data window and click the Airworthiness Regulation Codes per Form Type tab.
  2. Query (F3) for the Release to Service for Engine form type. Note that new part certification form types can be create in this tab as well.
  3. Select the Used by Form Type check box for the Other reg. in Block 12 and Other reg. in Block 13 regulation codes.
  4. Save the information (F12).

Define Capability List

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to manually set up the list of parts that your maintenance organization is allowed to work on for a certain approval.

Authority Approval
Part Certificate Basic Data/Approvals Per Maintenance Organization

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed.

  1. Open the Authority Approval window (either using the right mouse button option in the Approvals Per Maintenance Organization tab or directly from the navigator).
  2. Query for the approval type AOC and maintenance organization XX_100.
  3. Click the Capability List tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter information on the parts that are valid to work on for the approval.
  5. Save the information (F12).

Define Authorized Part Certificate Approvers

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up an authorized approver, i.e., the employee that is responsible for creating certificates.

Authority Approval
Part Certificate Basic Data/Approvals Per Maintenance Organization

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed.

  1. Open the Authority Approval window (either using the right mouse button option in the Approvals Per Maintenance Organization tab or directly from the navigator).
  2. Query for the approval type AOC and maintenance organization XX_100.
  3. Click the Authorized Approvers tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. Use List of Values to select the required Employee ID.
  5. Enter AU-123 as the authorization number.
  6. Save the information (F12).

Define Valid Form Types per Approval

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the form types that are valid for use on an approval certificate.

Authority Approval
Part Certificate Basic Data/Approvals Per Maintenance Organization

Prerequisites: IFS/Part Certificates must have been installed.

  1. Open the Authority Approval window (either using the right mouse button option in the Approvals Per Maintenance Organization tab or directly from the navigator).
  2. Query for the approval type AOC and maintenance organization XX_100.
  3. Click the Form Types tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. Use the List of Values to select the required Form Type.
  5. Save the information (F12).