Manage Sales Promotions—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Create Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a customer to use in sales promotions.


  1. Create a new customer XXPROMOCUST Promotions Customer.

General exercise for Customer

Create Sales Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create sales parts to use in sales promotions.

Sales Part

Create sales parts according to the following table:

Sales Part No UoM Tax Code Price Price incl Tax
XXBLACK-SHIRT pcs 1 10 12,5
XXRED-SHIRT pcs 1 10 12,5
XXBLUE-SHIRT pcs 1 10 12,5
XXPINK-SHIRT pcs 1 10 12,5
XXRACKET pcs 1 100 125
XXBALL pcs 1 10 12,5
XXPENCIL pcs 1 10 12,5
XXERASER pcs 1 10 12,5
XXHAMMER pcs 1 100 12,5
XXSPANNER pcs 1 100 12,5

Note: Expected prices on sales promotion charges mentioned later on are based on the fact that the line price is equal to the prices in the table above.

General exercise for Sales Parts

Create Assortment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create assortments to use in sales promotions.


  1. Create two assortments XXSHIRTS and XXTOOLS.
  3. XXTOOLS consists of two sales parts: XXHAMMER and XXSPANNER

Note: Remember to activate the assortments.

General exercise for Assortments

Create Sales Charges Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create sales charge groups required for using sales promotions.

Sales Basic Data/Sales Charge Groups

  1. Create relevant sales charge group(s), e.g. XXPROMO.
  2. Enter description (Note that this description is visible on customer documents).
  3. Change the category to Promotion.

General exercise for Sales Charge Groups

Create Sales Charge Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create sales charge types to use in sales promotions.

Sales Charge Type

  1. Create relevant sales charge type(s), e.g. XXPROMO.
  2. If Print Charge is selected, it is important to enter the relevant description e.g. One Part A for free.
  3. Connect to the sales charge group you created in the above exercise.

Note: Tax and price cannot be changed since tax is inherited from the order lines and the price is calculated by the sales promotion algorithm.

General exercise for Sales Charge Types

Create Campaigns

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create campaigns required for using sales promotions.


  1. Create a new record(s).
  2. Enter an appropriate description for the campaign.
  3. If assortments are to be used in the sales promotion, enter an assortment(s)s e.g. XXSHIRTS or XXTOOLS.
  4. Specify the dates for when the promotion related to the campaign should start and end.
  5. On the Valid for Sites tab, add your site and on the Valid for Customers tab, add your customer XXPROMOCUST.

General exercise for Campaigns.

Main Exercise

Create and Apply Sales Promotion "Buy XXRACKET and 4 XXBALL, get 10 % discount"

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to define a sales promotion with two parts and apply this to a customer order.

Campaign/Sales Promotions
Customer Order
Customer Order/Charges

  1. Open the Campaign window.
  2. Query for the required campaign or create a new one.

Note: The customer, site and sales period must be correct on the selected or created campaign. The status of the campaign must be Planned in order to be allowed to define sales promotions.

  1. Open the Sales Promotion tab and create a new deal.
  2. In the Charge Type field, enter or select the required charge type using the List of Values.
  3. Make sure that the Notify Unutilized Deal check box is selected.
  4. In the Buy area, create a new record in the table. Enter a description (optional), sales part number XXRACKET and a minimum quantity of 1.
  5. In the Buy area, create a new record in the table. Enter a description (optional), enter sales part number XXBALL and a minimum quantity of 4.
  6. You can either enter the same in the table in the Get area or you can right-click in the Sales Promotion tab and then click Copy Buy to Get.
  7. If your company uses a VAT or Mixed tax regime, enter a tax code in the Get area.
  8. In the Get area, select Discount (%) and enter 10 %.  
  9. Save.
  10. Right-click on the header and then click Activate.
  11. Open the Customer Order window and click New.
  12. Enter an order for the customer XXPROMOCUST.
  13. Enter an order line with for the sales part XXRACKET with a quantity of 1. Note that you receive a notification about the deal when the parts from the deal are added.
  14. Enter another order line for the sales part XXBALL with a quantity of 1.
  15. Manually calculate the sales promotion by right-clicking in the customer order header, pointing to Sales Promotions and then clicking Calculate Sales Promotions. Since you have not fulfilled the required buying conditions, you receive a notification about unutilized deals that exist.
  16. Right-click in the customer order header, point to Sales Promotions  and then click View Calculated Sales Promotions. The Calculated Sales Promotion Deals per Order window appears with the data pertaining to the current order. In this window, you can see what to do in order to utilize potential deals. If you select the current deal record, you can see in the lower part of the window that a quantity of 3 is missing for the sales part XXBALL.
  17. Go back to the Customer Order window and add this quantity to the order and click Save.
  18. Calculate the sales promotion again by right-clicking in the customer order header, pointing to Sales Promotions and then clicking Calculate Sales Promotions.
  19. Click the Charges tab.
  20. Verify that the sales promotion charge is created as expected. The expected quantity is 1 and the expected price excluding tax is 10 % of (10*4 + 100*1) = 14.

Note: There is a reference to the campaign and the deal in fields on the charge line.

  1. Print an order confirmation or pro forma invoice in order to see how the sales promotion charge appears on customer documents.
  2. Repeat the exercise with other settings e.g. offer a price or discount amount in the deal, change quantities on the order lines. Verify the result.

Note: It is possible to perform steps 12-21 via a sales quotation instead of a customer order.

Create and Apply Sales Promotion "Buy 4 SHIRTS, pay 40"

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to define a sales promotion with assortments and apply this to a customer order.

Campaign/Sales Promotions
Customer Order
Customer Order/Charges

  1. Open the Campaign window.
  2. Query for the required campaign or create a new one. If you are using the Price Including Tax option in the Get area, select the Use Price Incl Tax check box in the campaign header.

Note: The customer, site and sales period must be correct on the selected or created campaign. The assortment XXSHIRTS must be entered on the campaign. The status of the campaign must be Planned in order to be allowed to define sales promotions.

  1. On the Sales Promotion tab, create a new deal.
  2. In the Charge Type field, enter or select the required charge type using the List of Values.
  3. Make sure that the Notify Unutilized Deal check box is selected.
  4. In the Buy area, create a new record in the table. Enter a description (optional), an assortment XXSHIRTS and a minimum quantity of 4.
  5. You can either enter the same in the table in the Get area or you can right-click in the Sales Promotion tab and then click Copy Buy to Get.
  6. If your company uses a VAT or Mixed tax regime, enter a tax code.
  7. In the Get area, select Price and enter a price including tax 40.  
  8. Save.
  9. Right-click on the header and then click Activate.
  10. Open the Customer Order window and click New.
  11. Enter an order for a customer XXPROMOCUST.
  12. Enter order lines for sales parts XXBLACK-SHIRT and XXRED-SHIRT with a quantity of 2 each and then order lines for sales parts XXBLUE-SHIRT and XXPINK-SHIRT with a quantity of 1 each. Note that you receive a notification about the deal when the parts from the deal are added.
  13. Manually calculate the sales promotion by right-clicking on the customer order header and then clicking Sales Promotions/Calculate Sales Promotions.
  14. On the Charges tab, verify that the sales promotion charge is created as expected. The expected quantity is 1 and the expected price including tax is (12,5*4) - 40 = 10.
  15. Right-click in the customer order header, point to Sales Promotions and then click View Calculated Sales Promotions. The Calculated Sales Promotion Deals per Order window appears with the data pertaining to the current order. In this window, you can see what to do in order to utilize this deal one more time. If you select this deal record, you can see in the lower part of the window that a quantity of 2 is missing in order to utilize this deal one more time.
  16. If you select the condition with the missing quantity and right-click and then click Sales Parts, you can see the sales parts belonging to the assortment node. In this way, you know which sales parts to add.
  17. Go back to the Customer Order window and add a quantity of 2 for any of those sales parts and click Save.
  18. Calculate the sales promotion again by right-clicking in the customer order header, pointing to Sales Promotions and then clicking Calculate Sales Promotions.
  19. On the Charges tab, verify that the sales promotion charge is created as expected. It is expected that the deal is applied twice since the buying behavior is fulfilled twice.

Note: There is a reference to the campaign and the deal in fields on the charge line.

  1. Print an order confirmation or pro forma invoice in order to see how the sales promotion charge appears on customer documents.
  2. Repeat the exercise with other settings e.g. offer a discount % or a discount amount in the deal, change quantities on the order lines. Verify the result.

Note: It is possible to perform steps 11-20 via a sales quotation instead of a customer order.

Create and Apply Sales Promotion "Buy 2 XXPENCIL, get one 1 XXERASER for free"

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to define a sales promotion with different parts in the buy and get conditions and apply this to a customer order.

Campaign/Sales Promotions
Customer Order
Customer Order/Charges

  1. Open the Campaign window.
  2. Query for the required campaign or create a new one.

Note: The customer, site and sales period must be correct on the selected or created campaign. The status of the campaign must be Planned in order to be allowed to define sales promotions.

  1. On the Sales Promotion tab, create a new deal.
  2. In the Charge Type field, enter or select the required charge type using the List of Values.
  3. In the Buy area, create a new record in the table. Enter a description (optional), sales part XXPENCIL and a minimum quantity of 2.
  4. In the Get area, create a new record in the table. Enter description (optional), sales part XXERASER and a quantity of 1.
  5. If your company uses a VAT or Mixed tax regime, enter a tax code.
  6. In the Get area, select Discount (%) and enter 100% i.e. for free.  
  7. Save.
  8. Right-click on the header and then click Activate.
  9. Open the Customer Order window and click New.
  10. Enter an order for a customer XXPROMOCUST.
  11. Enter order lines for sales part XXPENCIL with quantity 2 and XXERASER woth quantity 1.
  12. Manually calculate the sales promotion by right-clicking on the customer order header, pointing to Sales Promotions and then clicking Calculate Sales Promotions.
  13. On the Charges tab, verify that the sales promotion charge is created as expected. The expected quantity is 1 and the expected price excluding Tax is 10.

Note: There is a reference to the campaign and the deal in fields on the charge line.

  1. Print an order confirmation or pro forma invoice in order to see how the sales promotion charge appears on customer documents.
  2. Repeat the exercise with other settings e.g. offer a price or discount amount in the deal, change quantities on the order lines. Verify the result.

Create and Apply Sales Promotion Initiating from Sales Quotation "Buy 400 of assortment tools, get discount amount 40"

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to define a sales promotion with an assortment and a minimum amount and apply this to a sales quotation and customer order.

Campaign/Sales Promotions
Customer Order
Sales Quotation
Customer Order/Charges

  1. Open the Campaign window.
  2. Query for the required campaign or create a new one.

Note: The customer, site and sales period must be correct on the selected or created campaign. The assortment XXTOOLS must be entered on the campaign. The status of the campaign must be Planned in order to be allowed to define sales promotions.

  1. On the Sales Promotion tab, create a new deal.
  2. In the Charge Type field, enter or select the required charge type using the List of Values.
  3. In the Buy area, create a new record in the table. Enter a description (optional), assortment XXSHIRTS and a minimum net amount of 400.
  4. You can either enter the same in the table in the Get area or you can right-click and then click Copy Buy to Get.
  5. In the Get area, select Discount Amount and enter a discount amount excluding tax 40.  
  6. If your company uses a VAT or Mixed tax regime, enter a tax code.
  7. Save.
  8. Right-click on the header and then click Activate.
  9. Open the Sales Quotation window and click New.
  10. Enter a sales quotation for a customer XXPROMOCUST.
  11. Enter quotation lines for sales parts XXHAMMER with a quantity of 3 and XXSPANNER with a quantity of 2.
  12. Manually calculate the sales promotion by right-clicking on the quotation header, pointing to Sales Promotions and then clicking Calculate Sales Promotions.
  13. On the Charges tab, verify that the sales promotion charge is created as expected. The expected quantity is 1 and the expected price excluding tax is 40.

Note: There is a reference to the campaign and the deal in fields on the charge line.

  1. Release the sales quotation.
  2. Make sure that the Create CO in Release Status check box is cleared in the Site/Sales and Procurement tab.
  3. Use the right mouse button option in the sales quotation header to create a customer order.
  4. Notice that sales promotion charges are not copied to the customer order from the sale quotation.
  5. Manually calculate the sales promotion by right-clicking on the customer order header, pointing to Sales Promotions and then clicking Calculate Sales Promotions.
  6. On the Charges tab, verify that the sales promotion charge is created as expected.
  7. Print an order confirmation or pro forma invoice in order to see how the sales promotion charge appears on customer documents.
  8. Repeat the exercise with other settings e.g. offer a discount % or price in the deal, change quantities on the order lines. Verify the result.

Analyze Performance of Sales Promotions

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to analyze the performance of sales promotions.

Campaign/Follow Up/Sales Promotions Charges
Customer Order Charges

Analyze sales promotion via the Campaign window:

  1. Open the Campaign window.
  2. Query for the campaign where sales promotions charges are generated on customer order(s).
  3. On the Follow Up tab, click on the Sales Promotions Charges tab.
  4. Applied sales promotion charges connected to this campaign are displayed.
  5. It is possible to analyze the result with group and sum, output channel etc.

Analyze sales promotion via the Customer Order Charges window:

  1. Open the Customer Order Charges window.
  2. Query for the charges where the Campaign ID field has a value or for a specific campaign that you are interested in.
  3. Applied sales promotion charges connected to your query are displayed.
  4. It is possible to analyze the result with group and sum, output channel etc.

Note: An exercise for analyzing sales promotions via accounting rules is not provided.