Sales Charge Type—Basic Data and Requirements Exercise

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Entering Sales Charge Groups

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

  1. Enter XXFREIGHT as sales charge group.

General exercise for Sales Charge Groups

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the basic functionality of how to create sales charge types.

Sales Charge Type

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

  1. Select New (F5).
  2. Enter the short code XXAIR as charge type.
  3. Enter the description, Airfreight Charges.
  4. Select charge group XXFREIGHT by using the List of Values.
  5. Enter the charge type category from the list.Note: For pack size charge calculation, select Pack Size, and for freight calculation select Freight.
  6. Enter a charge amount in the field Charge Price Charge Price incl. Tax, or Charge% if you want a default value to be copied to the charge line.
  7. Enter an amount in the Charge Cost or Charge Cost % fields if you want a default value to be copied to the charge line. For a company using a VAT tax regime, if the Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected, only the charge price including tax can be entered.
  8. Select an appropriate VAT (tax) code or tax class by using the List of Values. (Charge category Pack size - It is only allowed 0% tax code.)
  9. The specified charges are added per unit. Select an appropriate sales unit of measure from the List of Values.
  10. Click Taxable if the charge should be basis for Sales Tax.
  11. Click Print Charge if you want the charge to be printed on external reports.
  12. Click Print Collect Charge if any collect charge is to be printed on the sales quotation and/or order confirmation.
  13. Click Intrastat Exempt if you want to exclude the specified sales charge type from Intrastat reports.
  14. Select the Unit Charge check box if you want to specify the charge amount for a single unit of the sales part.
  15. Select the language code for an alternative language you want to use.
  16. Enter the translation of Airfreight.
  17. Select Save (F12).
  18. Repeat steps 1–15 to enter these additional charge types: XXTRUCK - Truck Freight Charges, and XXPARCEL - Parcel Charges.