Maintain Part Based Price Lists—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Create Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required to create part based price lists.


  1. Create customers XX110 McLaren, XX120 Benetton and XX130 Ferrari.

General exercise for creating Customer.

Create Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required to create sales parts, which will be used in part based price lists

Sales Part

  1. Create five stored Sales Parts. One Car Body XX78-100 and three chassis XX48-100 Standard, XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race and one seat XX85-100 Leather.

General exercise for creating Sales Part

Create Assortment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the assortment and connect a part to an assortment node which is to be used in part-based price lists.


  1. Create an assortment XXA85 Seats. Create a sub node for the assortment XXA85-1 Rear Seats. Connect sales part, XX85-100 to the sub node.

General exercise for creating Assortment

Main Exercises

Update Price Lists from Base Prices

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to update part based price lists.

Sales Part Base Price
Sales Price List/Part Based

  1. Create a price list including sales part XX78-100 (Car Body).

Volumes on Body XX78-100 have increased so much that it is possible to lower the price by 2%. On the other hand, your overhead costs have increased and you have decided to add a percentage offset of 10% before the base price is distributed to the price list. The price change should be valid from the end of this month.

  1. Open the Sales Part Base Prices window and search for part XX78-100.
  2. If the base price has a status other than the Active status, right-click and then click Activate in the Sales Part Base Prices window.
  3. Right-click, then click Update Base Prices.
  4. Click the Manual Pricing option.
  5. Click Online in the Execute area.
  6. Click the By Percentage option and indicate -2 in the connected field.
  7. Click the Replace Offset option and enter 10 in the Percentage Offset field.
  8. Enter XX78-100 in the Sales Part Number field, and click OK.
  9. View the result in the Baseline Price, Percentage Offset, Base Price and Previous Base Price fields in the Sales Part Base Prices window.
    Note: The net prices are directly affected while the gross prices are indirectly recalculated using the tax codes (for VAT tax regimes). Base price is updated according to the new baseline price with percentage offset and amount offset taken into consideration.
  10. Update the price lists by right-clicking, then clicking Update Sales Price Lists from Base Price in the same window.
  11. Click the Manual pricing option and the Online option. Enter the desired date and sales part number in the appropriate fields. Click OK.
  12. Open the Sales Price List/Part Based tab and review the results. What happens if you select the View with Valid Date option and enter the start date of the new prices?

Note: Optionally you can enable the review of lines before they are active, when several parts are added or updated from the base price. Lines to be reviewed receive the Planned status and need to be activated before use.

Update Offsets on Part Based Price Lists

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to update offsets on part based price lists.

Sales Price List/Part Based

IFS Racing sells the following chassis:XX48-100 Standard, XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race. IFS Racing works with three types of price lists: gross price list for small retailers, net price list for the large customers, and a price list for the customers that are in between.

  1. Set up three price lists according to the data below and connect XX110 McLaren to Gross Price List, XX120 Benetton to Net Price List, and XX130 Ferrari to Regular Price List (This is done in Create Part Based Price Lists).

Sales part XX48-100 Standard is added to the three price lists, according to the table below:

Min Quantity Gross Price List Regular Price List Net Price List
0 pcs 10% addition USD 2 in addition Base Price
50 pcs 5% addition USD 1 in addition. 10% discount
100 pcs Base Price Base Price 20% discount

Sales parts XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race are added to the three price lists, according to the price break template below (offset for 0 quantity in the table above should be used):

Min Quantity Percentage Offset from Base Price
0 pcs 10% addition
50 pcs 5% addition
100 pcs 0% addition

Now, you may attach an assortment to the one of these sales price lists, Net Price List and define prices per assortment node.

  1. In the Assortment ID field of the Net Sales Price List, enter value XXA85.
  2. In the Assortment Node Based tab, for the  assortment node XXA85-1, enter these prices.
Min Quantity Price
0 pcs 100
50 pcs 90
100 pcs 80

After some time, our supplier of spare parts informs us that they will raise their prices, so IFS Racing is forced to change their sales prices also. The new prices should be valid from the 1st of next month.

Change the prices according to the table below for sales part XX48-100 Standard:

Min Quantity Gross Price List Regular Price List Net Price List
0 pcs 11% addition USD 2.20 in addition 1% addition
50 pcs 6% addition USD 1.10 in addition 9% discount
100 pcs 1% addition Base Price 19% discount

In the same time, change the prices according to the table below for sales parts XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race:

Min Quantity Gross Price List Regular Price List Net Price List
0 pcs 11% addition USD 2.20 in addition 1% addition
50 pcs 11% addition USD 2.20 in addition 1% addition
100 pcs 11% addition USD 2.20 in addition 1% addition

All percentage additions on the gross price list will increase by 1, all amount additions on the regular price list will increase by 10%, and all percentage discounts/additions on the net price list will decrease/increase by 1.

  1. Search for the Gross Price List price list in the Sales Price List window.
  2. In the upper part of the window, right-click, then click Adjust Offsets.
  3. Indicate the start date of the new offsets in the Valid From field, select the Add to Offset option and enter 1 in the Percentage Offset field. Click OK.
  4. Review the result on the price list. Do offsets correspond to the ones stated in the above tables?
  5. Search for the Regular Price List price list and choose Adjust Offset once again.
  6. Indicate the start date of the new offsets in the Valid From field, select Adjust Offset, and enter 10 in the Amount Offset field. Click OK.
  7. Review the results on the price list. How does this change differ from the two other price lists? Why does it differ?
  8. Repeat steps 2-4 for price list Net Price List.

Copy Price List to a new Price List

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to create a new price list by copying an already existing price list.

Sales Price List

  1. Search for one of the three price lists, created in the exercise above.
  2. Copy the price list by using the Copy Sales Price Lists Operations menu option on header.
  3. Select the Create New Price List option.
  4. Enter the ID of your new price list in the Price List No field in the Copy To section.
  5. Enter a description for the new price list and select a company from the list in the Copy To section
  6. If you need to use different currencies on the price lists, you can indicate a currency rate altering the default value retrieved from currency rate from the Copy To company section.
  7. Click OK and search for the new price list in the Sales Price List window and view the results.

Records will be copied to both the Part Based  and Assortment Node Based tabs.

Copy Prices to an existing sales price list

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to copy prices to an existing sales price list from a price list.

Sales Price List

  1. Search for one of the three price lists, created in the exercise above.
  2. Select Copy Sales Price Lists from Operations menu option on header.
  3. Select the Copy to an existing Price List option.
  4. Select the ID of a price list in the Copy To section from the List of Values.
  5. If currencies are different on the price lists, you can indicate a currency rate altering the default value retrieved from currency rate from the company in the Copy To section.
  6. Click OK and search in the Sales Price List window for the price list which the prices are copied to. View the results.

Note: To copy the destination price list, the source price list must have the same setting for the Use Price Incl Tax check box.

If both price lists are having the same Assortment ID, records will be copied to both the Part Based and Assortment Node Based tabs. Otherwise only the records in the Part Based tab will be updated.

Remove Prices on a Part Based Price List

Purpose: To understand how to remove prices on a part based price list.

Sales Price List

  1. Search for one of your price lists in the Sales Price List window. Complete the Updating offsets on a Part Based Price Lists exercise, if you have not previously done so.
  2. In the header, right-click, then click Remove Invalid Prices.
  3. Indicate the 1st of next month as start date in the dialog box. Click OK.
  4. View the result. What prices remain, and why?

Remove Invalid Prices feature affects prices in both the Part Based and Assortment Node Based tabs.