Creating Part Based Price Lists—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Create Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data which will be used in the exercises to create part based price lists.


  1. Create customers XX110 McLaren, XX120 Benetton, XX130 Ferrari and XX140 Team Rahal.

General exercise for Customer

Create Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data which will be used in the exercises to create part based price lists.

Sales Part

  1. Create five stored Sales Parts. One Car Body XX78-100 and three chassis XX48-100 Standard, XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race and one seat XX85-100 Leather.

General exercise for creating Sales Part.

Create Assortment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the assortment and connect a part to an assortment node which will be used in the exercises to create part-based price lists.


  1. Create an assortment XXA85 Seats. Create a sub node for the assortment XXA85-1 Rear Seats. Connect sales part, XX85-100 to the sub node.

General exercise for creating Assortment.

Main Exercise(s)

Create Part Based Price List

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a basic part based price list and connect it to a customer.

Sales Part Base Prices
Sales Price List
Customer/Order/Pricelist per Price Group

Steps: To complete this exercise, do the following steps in the sequence shown.

Customer XXMcLaren should receive a new price list in USD from IFS Racing Inc. The price list should include part Car Body XX72-100.

  1. Create a new Sales Part Base Price record.
  2. Enter Base Price Site.
  3. Enter Sales Part XX78-100 (Car Body).
  4. Optionally enter the percentage and amount offset from the baseline price in order to get the required base price on the sales price list.
  5. Save the record.
  6. If the base price has a status other than Active, right-click and then click Activate in the Sales Part Base Prices window.

You will use this sales part base price when you create a sales part price list.

  1. In the Sales Price List window, create a new record.
  2. Enter USD as currency.
  3. Enter Sales Price Group G1 and save the record.
  4. Create a new line in Part Based tab
  5. Enter XX78-100 (Car Body) in the Sales Part No field.
  6. Choose Base Price Site.
  7. Enter a minimum quantity of 1 and save the record.

Now a part-based price list has been created, including one part. You have the option of defining prices per assortment nodes in the same price list.

  1. In the Assortment ID field of the header, enter the value XX85A.
  2. Now Assortment Node Based tab will be enabled.
  3. Enter a new line for the assortment node XXA85-1 in the Assortment Node Based tab.
  4. Enter 1 as the minimum quantity, and a price.

Before the list is made available, you need to select the sites for which it should be valid.

  1. Click the Valid for Site tab.
  2. Select the sites for which the price list should be valid from the List of Values.
  3. Save the record.

A part-based price list including part, Car Body (XX78-100) and assortment node, Rear Seats( XXA85-1) has now been created, and is valid for at least one site. The final step is to connect the price list to a customer.

  1. In the Customer window, query for XXMcLaren and create new line in the Pricelist per Price Group tab.
  2. Select Price Group G1.
  3. Enter USD as the currency.
  4. Choose the price list created above and save the record.

Usage of Preferred Price Lists

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to use the price list that you have created, as a preferred price list on the customer-price list connection.

Customer/Order/Pricelist Per Price Group
Customer Price Group

IFS Racing is selling all their chassis and car bodies to various customers in different currencies. The customer XXMcLaren has subsidiaries in several countries and therefore wants to buy and get invoices in different currencies, (not only in USD). IFS Racing does not want to maintain price lists in several currencies, and therefore they use preferred price lists.

XXMcLaren already has a connected price list from the previous exercise.

Steps: To complete this exercise, 

  1. Go to the Customer/Order/Pricelist Per Price Group tab.
  2. To select the preferred price list, right-click and then click Set as Preferred Price List on the connected price list line.

Now Customer McLaren has a connected USD price list. Selecting it to be a preferred price list means that no matter what currency the order is placed in, the price will be retrieved from this price list and converted from USD to the order currency. There can be only one preferred price list per customer, selling company and sales price group. There can be several identical price lists connected to the same selling company and sales price group,  but in different currencies. If an order is placed in a currency that does not match a price list, the order will not use any price lists unless a list has been selected as preferred.

Create Part Based Price List with Offsets

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to understand how to set up part based price lists with different offsets and currencies. You will learn how to set up different prices for different quantity ranges (price breaks), how new parts can be added to several sales price lists at the same time and understand how to connect a price list to a customer price group.

Sales Basic Data/Sales Price Groups
Sales Part/General
Sales Part Base Prices
Price Break Template Price Breaks per Sales Part
Sales Price List
Customer/Order/Pricelist Per Price Group.

IFS Racing is selling the following chassis:XX48-100 Standard, XX48-200 Sport, and XX48-300 Race. IFS Racing works with three types of price lists. Gross price list for small retailers, net price list for the large customers, and a price list for the customers that are in between. Price breaks can be defined either manually part by part in the sales price list or via a price break template. A price break template groups parts with the same characteristics when it comes to different prices depending on the ordered quantity.

Sales part XX48-100 Standard is added to the three price lists, according to the table below:

Min Quantity Gross Price List Regular Price List Net Price List
0 pcs 10% addition USD 2 in addition Base Price
50 pcs 5% addition USD 1 in addition. 10% discount
100 pcs Base Price Base Price 20% discount

Sales parts XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race are added to the three price lists, according to the price break template below ( the offset for 0 quantity in the table above should be used):

Min Quantity Percentage Offset from Base Price
0 pcs 10 % addition
50 pcs 5 % addition
100 pcs 0 % addition
  1. Connect chassis XX48-100 Standard, XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race to sales price group 10 and the same price unit of measure.
  2. Open the Price Break Template window and create new price break template with ID XX, a description and unit of measure corresponding to the price unit of measure for the parts. Save the record.
  3. In the table area, enter quantities and the percentage offsets from base price according to table above. Save the records.
  4. In the header, right-click and then click Activate. The template is now ready for use.
  5. Open the Sales Part Base Prices window and enter the spare parts by right-clicking, then clicking Add New Sales Parts, enter sale price group 10. Select Online and click OK.
  6. In the Sales Part Base Prices window, connect your price break template to the sales parts XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race by entering the template ID.
  7. If your base prices have a status other than the Active status, right-click and then click Activate in the Sales Part Base Prices window.
  8. Create a gross price list in the Sales Price List window by starting with the header. Enter a price list ID, a description, USD as currency, and 10 as sales price group. In the General tab, enter your base price site, a percentage offset of 10, amount offset 0, enable the use of price break templates, disable the review of base price updates and enable subscription to new sales parts. Save the record.
  9. Right-click then click Add New Sales Parts. Note that you get the base price site and a percentage offset 10 by default in the General tab. Execute online.
  10. For sales part XX48-100 Standard, add the remaining quantities (50 pieces and 100 pieces) manually, according to the data in the Gross Price List column in the above table. For the sales parts XX48-200 Sport and XX48-300 Race, the quantities are added automatically from the template.
  11. Finish by entering site(s) in Valid for Site tab.
  12. Create a new price list header according to the Regular Price List in the table above. Use the same information as in step 8 but with a percentage offset of 0 and amount offset of 2 in the General tab.
  13. Create a new price list header according to the Net Price List in the table above. Use the same information as in step 8 but with a percentage offset of 0 and amount offset of 0 in the General tab.
  14. Add the three sales parts to both the Regular Price List and the Net Price List at the same time by opening the Sales Part Base Prices window. In this window right-click and then click Add New Sales Parts to Sales Price Lists. Click Online in the Execute area and your base price site and then click OK. Note that the sales price list must have subscription to new sales parts enabled.
  15. Open the Sales Price List window and search for the Regular Price List. For sales part XX48-100 Standard, add the remaining quantities (50 pieces and 100 pieces) manually, according to the data in the Regular Price List column in the above table.
  16. Enter valid sites.
  17. Repeat step 15-16 for the third price list, Net Price List, using the data in the Net Price List column in the above table.

Three different price lists have been created. Now you will connect them to customers. XX110 McLaren and XX120 Benetton should have individual price lists, whereas XX130 Ferrari and XX140 Team Rahal should use the same list. You can do this by connecting the price list directly to the customer, and by using customer price groups.

  1. Connect the gross price list to customer McLaren and Net Price List to Benetton.
  2. Open the Customer Price Group window and create a customer price group called XXR.
  3. Enter a new line with Sales Price Group 10, currency USD, and price list XXR.
  4. Open the Customer window and query for Ferrari.
  5. Enter Customer Price Group XXR on the Order/General tab.
  6. Repeat step 21-22 for Team Rahal.

XX130 Ferrari and XX140 Team Rahal has now been connected to same customer price group (XXR). Since the gross price list has been previously connected to XXR, both customers will use that list.

Note 1:The discounts on the net price list can be entered in two ways: as a deduction in the Percentage Offset field, or using a discount type in the field with the same name. Note, however, that an offset means a sales price reduction, whereas a discount affect order line value, but not sales price. Discounts may be changed on order and invoice lines and followed up using posting control. This is not possible using offsets.

Note 2: When using a price break template on a part, the price breaks are achieved by having different base prices for different quantities on the sales price list. The sales part base price is adjusted with the percentage offset in the price break template before being distributed to the sales price list. The Price Breaks per Sales Part window provides an overview of this calculation.

Note 3: Optionally you can enable the review of lines before they are active, when several parts are added or updated from the base price. Lines to be reviewed receive the Planned status and need to be activated before use.

Note 4: It is possible to analyze the contribution margin of the sales price list line in order to get an accurate price. The default cost source to be used when the contribution margin is calculated, is configured in the Sales Basic Data/Pricing Contribution Margin Control tab. It is possible to simulate other cost sources on the sales price list line.