Managing Intrastat Reporting—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Intrastat reporting is done for import and export between countries within the EU. Therefore, your site must be connected to a company located in an EU country, but not to Italy or France since they are used as import and export countries in the exercises.

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a supplier that you can purchase goods from.


  1. Enter supplier XX-1020 C.S.C Maranello, located in Italy.
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Supplier


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect a buyer to your user.

Procurement Basic Data

  1. Create a buyer.
  2. Connect the buyer to your user.

General exercise for Buyer


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect a coordinator to your user.

Sites per User

  1. Create a coordinator.
  2. Connect the coordinator to your user.

General exercise for Coordinator

Enter Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a customer record.


  1. Enter C.S.C. Paris as the customer, XX-1002 as the customer number, and located in France.

General exercise for Enter Customer  

Basic Data for Intrastat Import

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up conditions for Intrastat reporting.

ISO Code Usage/Country
Ship Via Codes
Supplier/Address/Purchase Address Info
Inventory Basic Data/Customs Stat No


C.S.C. Maranello (XX-1020) is an Italian company, and among other products, IFS Racing imports XX-18-350 Ferrari Street Car from them. The XX-18-350 part is usually shipped by truck or air.

  1. Open the ISO Code Usage/Country window and check that Italy is indicated as an EU Member. It is probably already indicated by default.
  2. Check the delivery modes in the Ship Via Codes window. The Mode of Transport field should correspond to the entered delivery mode. For instance, truck should correspond to number 3 Road Transport.
  3. Open the Supplier/Address/Purchase Address Info window and check that the two delivery modes are entered on C.S.C. Maranello.
  4. Open the Inventory Basic Data/Customs Stat No. window, and enter the customs statistical number, X911.1010 Maranello. No unit of measure is needed.

Stored Purchase Part

Inventory Part
Inventory Locations
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Enter XX-18-350 Ferrari Car as a stored purchase part. Enter the customs statistical number. 
  2. Create relevant inventory locations.
  3. Create corresponding inventory parts.
  4. Receive a sufficient number of parts into stock. Use the Receive into Inventory receive case on the purchase part.

General exercise for Purchase Part

General exercise for Inventory Locations

General exercise for Minimal Inventory Part

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter parts that you can buy from your supplier.

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Connect the inventory purchase part  XX-18-350 Ferrari Car to the supplier C.S.C. Maranello.

General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Basic Data for Intrastat Export

ISO Code Usage/Country
Customer/Address/Order Address Info

C.S.C. Paris (XX-1002) is a French company that buys, among other products, XX-18-350 Ferrari Street Car from IFS Racing. The XX-18-350 Ferrari Street Car part is usually shipped by truck or air.

  1. Open the ISO Code Usage/Country window and check that France is indicated as an EU Member. It is probably already indicated by default.
  2. In the Customer/Address/Order Address Info window, check that the two delivery modes are entered on C.S.C. Paris.

Enter Sales Part

Sales Part
Inventory Part
Inventory Locations
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Enter XX-18-350 Ferrari Street Car as a stored sales part.
  2. Create relevant inventory locations.
  3. Create corresponding inventory parts
  4. Receive 150 parts manually into stock.

General exercise for Sales Part

General exercise for Inventory Locations

General exercise for Minimal Inventory Part

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Required Data

Receiving Import Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up required data for Intrastat import.

Purchase Order
Register Purchase Order Arrivals

IFS Racing needs two deliveries from C.S.C. Maranello; one with 50 pieces XX-18-350 Ferrari Street Car and one with 10 pieces XX-18-350 Ferrari Street Car. The first delivery should be sent by truck, and the second, by air.

  1. Create two purchase orders with different delivery modes and release them.
  2. Receive the order lines in to stock.

General exercise for Entering Purchase Order

General exercise for Handling Purchase Order

Selling Parts for Export

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up required data for Intrastat export.

Customer Order

C.S.C. Paris wants two deliveries of XX-18-350 Ferrari Street Car: one delivery of 40 pieces by truck and one delivery of 5 pieces by air.

  1. Create two customer orders, with different delivery modes and use order type QO.
  2. Release the orders.

General exercise for Entering Customer Order

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create and print an Intrastat report.

Collect Intrastat
Background Jobs

Create Intrastat Import Report

  1. In the Collect Intrastat dialog box, create an Intrastat report. The validity period should be this month, including today's date.
  2. To view the report, open the Intrastat window and search for the Intrastat report. This may take a few moments; you can check the progress in the Background Jobs window.
  3. To confirm the report, point to Operations and then click Confirm.

Note: Optionally, you may add or change lines on the report before confirming.

  1. To transfer the report to a file, point to Operations and then click Transfer to File. The Transfer Intrastat to File dialog box opens.
  2. Under Transfer Options, click Transfer Import.
  3. In the Transfer File Name field, enter the path and file name for the Intrastat report file or browse to select the file.
  4. Click OK. You can view the generated file by opening it in a text editor.

Create Intrastat Export Report

  1. In the Collect Intrastat dialog box, create an Intrastat report. The validity period should be this month, including today's date.
  2. To view the report, open the Intrastat window and search for the Intrastat report. This may take a few moments; you can check the progress in the Background Jobs window.

Note: Optionally, you may add or change lines on the report before confirming.

  1. To confirm the report, point to Operations and then click Confirm.
  2. To transfer the report to a file, point to Operations and then click Transfer to File. The Transfer Intrastat to File dialog box opens.
  3. Under Transfer Options, click Transfer Export.
  4. In the Transfer File Name field, enter the path and file name for the Intrastat report file or browse to select the file.
  5. Click OK. You can view the generated file by opening it in a text editor.

Note: It is possible to select both Transfer Import and Transfer Export to include both import and export data in the file.

Print Intrastat Report

Note: You must perform the previous Intrastat exercises before this one. An Intrastat report with Confirmed status must exist.

  1. Point to Operations and click either Print Intrastat Import or Print Intrastat Export, depending on which type of report you wish to print.
  2. Click OK.