Extending Structure Data—Exercises

Basic Data Setup


If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Structure Serial Range

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Structure
Inventory Part

  1. If you have not yet already done so, copy inventory parts with Commodity Group 2 equal to 200 from Site 1 to your site.
  2. Copy Product structure 20–230 
  3. Create two or more alternates for the structure 20–230. The same components but with different qty per assembly.
  4. Go to Inventory Part/Cost tab 
  5. Enter Estimated material cost.
    Part Estimated Material Cost  tab
    20-330 90
    20-331 120
    20-332 150


General exercise for Handling alternative

General exercise for Copy Inventory Part

General exercise for Copy Structure

Phantom Consumed Component                            

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Structure
Inventory Part
Production Line
Work Center

  1. If you have not yet already done so, copy inventory parts with Commodity Group 2 equal to 200 from Site 1 to your site.
  2. Copy Product Structure 20–270 and 20–371 to your site and set status to Buildable.
  3. Go to Inventory Part/Cost tab
  4. Enter Estimated material cost.
    Part Estimated Material Cost  tab Zero Cost
    20-370 120 Zero Cost Forbidden
    20-372 100 Zero Cost Forbidden
    20-471 5 Zero Cost Forbidden
    20-472 15 Zero Cost Forbidden
    20-473 2,50 Zero Cost Forbidden
    20-270 0 Zero Cost Allowed
    20-371 0 Zero Cost Allowed
  5. Create a Production line PL-1 "Exercise Prod.line" on your Site
  6. Go to the Part tab and create new record.
  7. Enter part 20-270
  8. Save
  9. Create a Work Center WC-1 "Exercise Work Center" on your Site
  10. Go to the detail tab and enter PL-1 as in the Production Line feild.
  11. Save
  12. Go to the Routing window and query for part 20-270
  13. Enter an operation 10 as in the table.  
    Operation No Description Work Center Mach Run Factor
    10 Assembling WC-1 1
  14. Set the routing to status Buildable

General exercise for Create Production Line

General exercise for Create Work Center

General exercise for Copy Structure
General exercise for Copy Inventory Part


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Structure
Inventory Part

  1. If you have not yet already done so, copy inventory parts with Commodity Group 2 equal to 200 from Site 1 to your site.
  2. Go to Inventory Part/Cost tab 
  3. Enter Estimated material cost.
    Part Estimated Material Cost  tab
    20-930 10

General exercise for Copy Inventory Part

Enter Scrap Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Structure
Inventory Part

  1. If you have not yet already done so, copy inventory parts with Commodity Group 2 equal to 200 from Site 1 to your site.
  2. Copy Product Structures 20–250 and 20–351 to your site.

General exercise for Copy Structure
General exercise for Copy Inventory Part

Product Structure 20–250 is by no means the perfect product for which to use component scrap/scrap factor. However, the principle is the same how to enter scrap/scrap factor, and the result is still easy to understand. If desired, you can create a product structure and use components that are more realistic. 

Required Data

Phantom Consumed Component

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up required data that is used in the exercises below.

Count per Inventory Part

  1. Open the Count per Inventory Part window.
  2. Query for Part 20–371 on your site.
  3. If you have a quantity on hand, set quantity counted to 0 (zero).
  4. Save your changes.


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up required data that is used in the exercises below.

Receive Inventory Part

  1. Make sure that you have a quantity on hand for part 20–930. If not, perform the following steps.
  2. Open the Receive Inventory Part window.
  3. Query for Part 20–930 on your site.
  4. Create new record and enter Quantity received 25 and Location No from LOV.  
  5. Save your changes.

Main Exercises

Structure Serial Range

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to governing alternate by serial range instead of date.

Product Structure

Inventory Part
Note: This feature is used when you want to implement a change in production from a certain serial number. You have production of a product that has serial tracking, and you need to keep track of the changes. The example from Serial 101, Alternate 2 of the structure will be used regardless of the date on which the 101 number will be produced. 

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Query for part 20–230. On the Manufacturing tab, verify that the structure effectivity is set to Serial.
  3. Open the Product Structure window.
  4. Query for part 20-230 on your site.
  5. Set the status to Buildable for all your alternative.
  6. Click the Serials tab.
  7. Create a new record and enter the serial begin 0 and serial end 100.
  8. Select an alternative from the List of Values.
  9. Create a new serial range that does not overlap the one already created. For example 101-200. 
  10. Select the second alternative from the List of Values.
  11. To be able to see how the structure is selected, you need to create shop orders and reserve serial numbers for the parent part.
  12. Open the Shop Order window, and create a new record for part 20-230.
  13. Reserve Serial No for this Shop Order. Note: You can not reserve serial No's that go across the different ranges in one Shop order. ( Ex. Serial 98-105 can not be produces by one Shop Order)
  14. Click OK
  15. Verify that you have the correct structure in the Material tab. You can also see the selected alternative in the Detail tab.

General exercise for Creating Shop Order 

Phantom Consumed Component

Note: This function doesn't work for Shop Order or Shop Floor Reporting

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to use phantom consumed in a structure.

Production Schedule by line
Background jobs
Product Structure
Inventory Transactions History

  1. Open the Production Schedule by line  window, and query for PL-1 
  2. Create new record and enter todays date , part No 20-270 and qty scheduled 2
  3. Save
  4. Select the row and right-click Production Receipt
  5. Enter location in Location No: feild and click OK
  6. Open the Background Jobs window.
  7. Populate the window.
  8. Verify that the state for the Production Receipt BackFlush background job is done.
  9. You will get an error. Highlight the job and right-click View Details...
  10. The error text will be Unable to issue quantity 2 for component 20-371. Not enough available inventory Negative On Hand Not Allowed. ORA-20110: ProductionReceipt.NEG_INV_NOT_ALLOWED
  11. Open the Product Structure window, and query for part 20–270 on your site.
  12. In the row for Component 20–371, set the part to phantom consume.
  13. Save
  14. Repeat steps 1 and 8.
  15. Open the Inventory Transactions History window.
  16. Query for your site and look at the latest transactions.
  17. You should have backflush transactions for components 20-370, 20-372 20-471, 20-472 and 20-473 
  18. Now you have made a super backflush for product 20-270. Component 20-371 was not available in stock but this component was set to phantom consumed in the structure so the backflush went down one level and issued the including components for 20-371. (which is 20-471, 20-472 and 20-473).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to use phantom consumed in a structure.

Product Structure
Shop Order

  1. Open the Product Structure window, and query for Part 20–313.
  2. Create a new row, and enter Component 20–930, quantity per assembly = 2.5. 
  3. Create a new row, and enter Component 20–935, quantity per assembly = –0.5.
  4. Set status to Buildable.
  5. Open the Shop Order window, and create an order for Part 20–313.
  6. Release and issue the shop order.
  7. Right-click and then click Material Action-Manually Receive.
  8. If you want to receive the by-products select By-product in the scroll down menu. Create a new record and receive the quantity you want.

General exercise for Creating Shop Order 

Enter Scrap Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to use phantom consumed in a structure.

Product Structure
Shop Order

  1. Open the Product Structure window, and query for your part or 20–250 on your site.
  2. Enter component scrap for one component.
  3. Enter the scrap factor for another component.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Open the Shop Order window, and create a new order for your part on your site.
  6. Go to Material tab and quantity required will now be calculated depending on scrap data.
  7. In this window, you can simulate different scrap factors or component scrap, or a combination of both. You can also change the lot size to see how this affects the quantity required when you have a scrap factor or component scrap. 

General exercise for Creating Shop Order