Handling Routing and Structure Alternates—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Creating Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Product Structure

Note: If you already have the racing engine parts in your site, use your existing structure. These parts all have part numbers with the format 20-nnn.

  1. Build a product structure for Part 20–250 on your own site using the information in the table below.
Level Component Part No. Part Description Qty per Assembly
1 20–350 Fuel Tank 1
1 20–351 Carburetor  1
1 20–352 Fuel Pump 1
  1. Save your changes.

General exercise for Creating Product Structure

Creating Routing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.


Note: If you already have the racing engine parts in your site, use your existing routing. These parts all have part numbers with the format 20–nnn.

  1. Create a routing for Part 20–250 using the information in the table below.
Operation No. Description Work Center Machine Set up time Machine Run Factor Factor Unit
10 Assemble Part 300 0 0.2 Hours/Unit
20 Adjusting 650 5 2 Hours/Unit
  1. Save your changes.

General exercise for Creating Routing

Main Exercise

Purpose: Enter an alternate for a routing/structure for the part that will be manufactured. This alternate will be used in exceptional cases.

Product Structure
Recipe Structure
Configuration Structure

Copying Alternative

  1. Open the Product Structure window, and query for Part 20–250.
  2. In the header portion of the Structure tab, right-click and then click Copy Structure Alternative.
  3. Under Destination Alternative, select Destination Part 20–250 in the Part No field.
  4. In the Revision No field, select the revision you work with from the List of Values.
  5. In the Alternative field, enter Alternative 1.
  6. Select the Manufactured structure type from the List of Values.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Verify that two alternates are connected to the structure header, Revision 1, by opening the Structure window for Part 20–250.
  9. Change the quantity per assembly for the Part 20–250 in Alternative 1.
  10. Save your changes (F12). The same procedure applies for recipe structures, configuration structures, and routings.

Note: You can copy an alternate to another part and/or site using the functionality described above. Instead of using the copy option, you can create an alternative manually by following the remaining steps below.

  1. Open the Product Structure window, and query for Part 20–250.
  2. In the header portion of the Structure tab, create a new record (F5) in the Alternative field.
  3. Enter 2 for the alternative.
  4. Save your changes (F12).
  5. In the Product Structure tab, create a new record (F5).
  6. Enter the component parts shown in the table below. Use the List of Values to select from the available parts.
    Level Component Part No. Part Description Qty per Assembly
    1 20–350 Fuel Tank 1
    1 20–351-1 Weber Carburetor 1
    1 20–352 Fuel Pump 1


  7. Save your changes (F12). The same procedure applies for routings and recipe structures.