Creating Configuration Condition - Exercises 

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. 
If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Characteristics

  1. Configuration characteristics should be defined for this exercise.

BDR Exercise for Creating Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Family and Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Family

  1. The configuration family should be defined for this exercise.

BDR Exercise for Creating Configuration Family and Attaching Characteristics

Configuration Parts


  1. Configuration parts should be defined for this exercise.

General Exercise for Creating Configuration Part

Required Data

Create Configuration Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Copy Parts to site.
Inventory Part.
Configuration Structure.

  1. Open Copy Parts to site window. 
  2. Copy all parts from Site 1 to your site using 910 as the value for Commodity Group 2.
  3. Change the part data to reflect the data in the table below: 
Inventory Part Supply Type (Planning tab)  DOP connection (Aquisition tab) Shortage Notification
(Misc Part Info tab)
11 DOP Automatic DOP No
12 DOP Automatic DOP No
13 DOP Automatic DOP No
14 DOP Automatic DOP No
  1. If you have not yet already done so, copy configuration structure 11 from site 1 to your site.

General exercise for Copy Inventory part
General exercise for Copy Structure

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to enter a condition so that the correct component is selected according to the specified configuration. 

Configuration Structure
Interim Demand Header

Note: When working with CTO parts, you build a configuration structure that consists of all components needed for every  possible configuration, including the possible options. To create a structure for production that corresponds to the customer specification and production demands, you enter conditions to select the correct parts for each case. Defined rules (condition/action) in IFS Applications are handled the same way regardless of the elements to which the rules are attached. You can define rules for configuration structure alternative, routing alternative, components, operations, work guidelines, and tools. 

Creating Configuration Conditions

  1. Open the Configuration Structure window and query for part 11 (EasyFlex Garage Door) on your site. 

Note: You will enter the conditions for part 11's component parts, so that they correspond to the option values in the family. (You will not  enter conditions for parts 14 and 153 because there are no options for these components. These parts always will be included in part 11 and therefore no condition is needed). 

  1. Select component 150, Grey Paint.
  2. Right-click and then click Configuration Structure Rules. The component data is displayed in the header portion of the window.
  3. Click the Condition tab, and create a new line.
  4. Enter the condition shown in the table below. (You can use the List of Values to enter the value for the Value 2 field.)
    Value 1 Type 1 Rel. Op Value 2 Type 2
    GDCOLOR Characteristic value Equal to GREY Entered value
  5. Continue to create conditions for the other components, making sure you select the corresponding characteristic and option value for each component. The following table shows the conditions to enter for each component. (You can use the List of Values to enter the values for the Value 2 fields.)
    Component Value 1 Type 1 Rel. Op Value 2 Type 2
    151 GDCOLOR Characteristic value Equal to BLACK Entered value
    152 GDCOLOR Characteristic value Equal to WHITE Entered value
    178 GDLOCK Characteristic value Equal to ASSA Entered value
    179 GDLOCK Characteristic value Equal to ABLOY Entered value
    180 GDHANDLE Characteristic value Equal to CLASSIC Entered value
    181 GDHANDLE Characteristic value Equal to ELEGANT Entered value
    182 GDHANDLE Characteristic value Equal to STANDARD Entered value
    Note: If you have the same condition for many components but different option values, you can select the condition to copy in the Condition tab and use the Copy Conditions and Paste Conditions options.
  6. To evaluate your rules by using the Interim Order, first open up the Interim Demand Header window.
  7. Create a new record for your site and enter a description (for example "Evaluation of part 11").
  8. In the Part No field, enter 11.
  9. In the Demand Quantity field, enter 1.
  10. In the Required Date field, enter a date that is one month from today's date.
  11. Save the record.
  12. In the header, right-click, point to Configuration, and then click Create.
  13. Enter the following configuration in the Characteristics tab:
    Characteristic ID Characteristic Value
    GDHEIGHT 3000
    GDWIDTH 3600
  14. Click OK
  15. Click OK when the Evaluate Rules dialog box displays. 
  16. Note that for this configuration, the following components will display in the Tree Structure tab: 14, 150, 153, 178 and 182.  (You can see the component descriptions on the Component tab.).
  17. Open the Result Log tab to see if there are any errors in the result log.
  18. If you discover that any components are missing from the tree structure or if there are errors in the result log, check your conditions again. 

Note: If you have the same condition for many components but different option values, you can select the condition to copy in the Condition tab and use the Copy Conditions and Paste Conditions options.

General exercise for Creating Interim Order 

Create Configuration Condition with AND and OR

In this exercise, you will define the conditions so only component 152 (White paint) will be selected if the GDFINISH characteristic has the Value 2 field defined as a 2 (Steel finish) or a 3 (Fiberglass finish). In other words, you will prohibit the aluminum garage door (GDFINISH Value 2 = 1) from being painted white.

  1. Evaluate the rules in the Interim Demand Header, and try several different configurations.

Note: Parentheses are used to group conditions. For example, this component 152 will be part of the structure only if the GDFINISH is steel or Fiberglass, and GDCOLOR is white. 

Log.Op ( Value 1 Type 1 Rel.Op Value 2 Type 2 )
 ( GDFINISH Characteristic value  Equal to 2 Entered value
OR GDFINISH Characteristic value Equal to 3 Entered value


AND GDCOLOR Characteristic value Equal to White Entered value


General exercise for Interim Order