Creating Configuration Action - Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. 
If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Create Configuration Characteristics

/Configuration Characteristics

  1. Configuration characteristics should be defined for this exercise.

BDR Exercise for Creating Configuration Characteristics.

Creating Configuration Family and Attach Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Family

  1. The configuration family should be defined for this exercise.

BDR Exercise for Creating Configuration Family and Attaching Characteristics

Create Configuration Part


  1. Configuration parts should be defined for this exercise.

General Exercise for Creating Configuration Part.

Required Data

Create Configuration Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Copy Parts to site.
Inventory Part.
Configuration Structure.

  1. Open Copy Parts to site window. 
  2. Copy all parts from Site 1 to your site using 910 as the value for Commodity Group 2.
  3. Change to the information as specified for the parts shown in the table below. 
Inventory Part Supply Type  DOP connection  Shortage notification
11 DOP Automatic DOP No
12 DOP Automatic DOP No
13 DOP Automatic DOP No
14 DOP Automatic DOP No
  1. If you have not yet already done so, copy Configuration Structure 11 from Site 1 to your site.

General exercise for Copy Inventory part
General exercise for Copy Structure

  1. Copy configuration structure 14 from site 1 to your site. (Configuration structure 14 has the following configuration.)
Part No Description Qty/Assembly Component Usage Factor
156 EasyFlex segment, aluminum profile 3.8 0.5
157 EasyFlex segment, steel profile 3.8 0.3
158 EasyFlex segment, fiberglass profile 3.8 0.2
155 EasyFlex segment, protective plate 1 1

General exercise for Creating Configuration Structure 

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the basic functionality for defining configuration actions and to understand fully when to use the actions and see the result of added actions.

Configuration Structure, or
Configuration Structure Graphic
Interim Demand Header

Create SET Action 

  1. Open the Configuration Structure window, Query for Part 11.
  2. Click the Config. Structure tab.
  3. Select the components 150,151 and 152 right-click for Configuration Structure rules
  4. In the Part No field, select the part 11 record for component 150.
  5. Click the Actions tab and create a new record there.
  6. In the Action field, select Set from the list.
  7. In the Item field, select Quantity Per Assembly from the List of Values. (This is the item to which you will attach the Set action. Note that the values in the list change depending on the action selected.)
  8. In the Value field, either enter LPAINT or select LPAINT from the Formulas tab. (Select from the tab by double-clicking on the LPAINT row. Note that to select a row, you click on the grey box at the far left of the row.) If you entered LPAINT (instead of selecting it), select Formula from the Value Type list. LPAINT is a formula that calculates paint consumption.
  9. Create another Set action that specifies a scrap factor of 10%. (Hint: Use the List of Values in the Item field, and enter the value as a percentage value in the Value field.)
  10. Save your changes.
  11. Repeat steps 5-10 for the 151 and 152 components.
  12. Next, you will evaluate your rules by using the Interim Order. Open the Interim Demand Header window.
  13. Create a new record for your site and enter a description (for example "Evaluation of part 11")
  14. Enter 11 for the part number, a demand quantity of 1 and set the required date to 1 month from todays date.
  15. Save the record.
  16. In the header, right-click, point to Configuration, and then click Create.
  17. Enter the following configuration in the Characteristics tab:
    Characteristic Id Characteristic Value
    GDHEIGHT 3000
    GDWIDTH 3600
  18. Click OK.
  19. A dialog box shows up Evaluate Rules. Evaluation criteria select Complete log? Click OK.
  20. For this configuration, the following components shall be in the Tree Structure tab 14, 150, 153, 178 and 182 (to see the component description you can go to the Component tab). If there are errors in the result log (on the Result log tab in the Interim Demand Header window), or if any components that should be in the structure are missing, you need to check your conditions. 
  21. For this configuration you should have one information message that regarding the paint, that says "Action XXX, Calculation of quantity required for component part 2.88 has resulted which is less than original quantity required 3." You should also receive another information message that resulted from the added scrap factor: "Action Set, Calculation of quantity required for component part 152 has resulted in 3.2, which is greater than original quantity 2.88."
  22. If the structure is in Tentative state, you will also have a warning message.

General exercise for Creating Interim Order

Create INSERT Action

Note: Insert Component 176 Primer for White paint.

  1. Open the Configuration Structure window
  2. Query for Part 11.
  3. Click the Config. Structure tab.
  4. Select component 152, right-click, and click Configuration Structure Rules.
  5. Click the Action tab
  6. Create a new action for Component 152, White Paint.
  7. Select INSERT, and then select Component from the List of Values as the value.
  8. Save your changes. 
  9. Select the action row you just created, right-click, and then click Config Action Attribute. A new window appears showing information that varies depending of the item you want to insert.
  10. Enter the information required for inserting Component 176, and click OK. You can use the List of Values, which shows all components on the site, when choosing Component 176 to insert. 
  11. Next, you will evaluate your rules by using the Interim Order. Open the Interim Demand Header window.
  12. Create new record for your site and enter a description (for example "Evaluation of part 11")
  13. Enter Part No 11, Demand Qty 1 and Required date todays date+1 month.
  14. Save
  15. In the header right-click Configuration-Create...
  16. Enter following configuration in Characteristics tab:
    Characteristic Id Characteristic Value
    GDHEIGHT 3000
    GDWIDTH 3600
  17. Click OK
  18. A dialog box shows up Evaluate Rules. Evaluation criteria select Complete log? Click OK
  19. For this configuration the following components shall be in the Tree Structure tab 14, 152,153,178,176 and 182 (to see the componet description you can go to the Component tab). If there are errors in the result log (Interim Demand Head/Result log tab ), or if any components that should be in the structure are missing, you need to check your conditions. 

General exercise for Creating Interim Order


Create DECLARE Action 

  1. Query for Part 14.
  2. Declare density that are used in the formula. You usually declare characteristics that are not defined by the customer but are necessary for production. The declared value overrides the option value in the configuration. If you declare a value in the configuration structure alternative or component, the new value will be used by the rules in that structure/component. 
Part No Description Declared GDSEGDEN
156 EasyFlex segment, aluminum profile 0.9
157 EasyFlex segment, steel profile 3.3
158 EasyFlex segment, fiberglass profile 1.7
  1. Create a new action for the components. 
  2. Chose DECLARE and Item GDSEGDEN from LOV.
  3. Enter the value to which you want GDSEGDEN to be declared according to the table above. Note that you have to enter the value exactly as it should be. No List of Values is available (option value for the charcteristics).
  4. Save.
  5. Evaluate your rules by using the Interim Order.
  6. Go to the Interim Demand Header window.
  7. Create new record for your site and enter a description (for example "Evaluation of part 14")
  8. Enter Part No 14, Demand Qty 1 and Required date todays date+1 month.
  9. Save
  10. In the header right-click Configuration-Create...
  11. Enter following configuration in Characteristics tab:
    Characteristic Id Characteristic Value
    GDWIDTH 3600
  12. Click OK
  13. A dialog box shows up Evaluate Rules. Evaluation criteria select Complete log? Click OK
  14. For this configuration the following components shall be in the Tree Structure tab 156 and 155 (to see the componet description you can go to the Component tab). If there are errors in the result log (Interim Demand Head/Result log tab ), or if any components that should be in the structure are missing, you need to check your conditions. 
  15. For this configuration you should have a Information message "Declared new characteristic GDSEGDEN with a value 0,9".

General exercise for Creating Interim Order