Risk Assessment—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Define Company Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define the locations in your companies.

Safety Inspection Basic Data

  1. Organize your companies in to the following locations.
    Company Location ID
    10 OFFICE
    20 OFFICE

General exercise for creating basic data safety inspections.

Define Hazards

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define potential hazards that could affect company operations.

Risk Assessment Basic Data

  1. Define the following hazards.
    Hazard ID Hazard Type Hazard Description
    Traffic Movement Manual Handling Traffic movements in the warehouse during deliveries etc
    Tools Equipment Heavy tools manually handled
    Falling Objects Height Falling objects from racks and during movement
    Noise Environment Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2006
    Confined Space Environment The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997

General exercise for creating risk assessment basic data

Define Personnel Groups

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define personnel groups that could be affected by hazards in the company.

Risk Assessment Basic Data

  1. Define the following personnel groups.
    Personnel Group Personnel Group Description
    Maintenance Team Persons assigned to maintenance work at the location.
    Drivers Persons transporting goods.
    Visitors Persons/Inspectors visiting the location.
    All All persons present at the location

General exercise for creating risk assessment basic data.

Define Control Measures

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define control measures for hazards.

Risk Assessment Basic Data

  1. Define the following risk control measures.
    Control Measure
    Protective Helmets
    Warning signs

General exercise for creating risk assessment basic data.

Safety Actions and Templates

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Safety Action Basic Data

  1. Create the following safety actions and templates. 
    Safety Action
    Action Type Safety Actions
    Warehouse - Risk Handling Preventive Employee Training - Safety procedures in office building
    Preventive Employee Training - Safety procedures in main warehouse
    Warehouse - Risk Awareness Corrective Remove destroyed equipment and tools
    Preventive Sign boards indicating potential danger to visitors

General exercise for creating safety actions.

Required Data

Work Order Permits

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. Go to the Permit window.
  2. Ensure that work order permits are created.

General exercise for defining work permits.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how risk assessments can be recorded.

Risk Assessment

Create Risk Assessment Report

  1. Open the Risk Assessment window and create a new record.
  2. Enter a number in the Risk Assessment No field.
  3. Enter Periodical Risk Assessment in Warehouse as the description.
  4. In the location field, enter location WAREHOUSE in the Location ID field. Select value from the list.
  5. Enter a planned date for the assessment in the Planned Date field.
  6. Save the information.

Register Identified Hazards

  1. Open the Risk Assessment window and select the risk assessment you created in the previous procedure. 
  2. Go to the Hazards tab, create new records and link the following predefined hazards to the risk assessment;
    Hazard ID Hazard Type Hazard Description
    Traffic Movement Manual Handling Traffic movements in the warehouse during deliveries etc
    Tools Equipment Heavy tools manually handled
    Falling Objects Height Falling objects from racks and during movement
    Noise Environment Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2006
    Confined Space Environment The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997
  3. Save the information.
  4. All the hazard ID's given above which you linked to the risk assessment will be listed in the navigator pane of the Hazards tab.

Link Control Measures to Hazard

  1. Open the Risk Assessment window and select the risk assessment you created in the previous procedure.
  2. Go to the Hazards navigator and select the Falling Objects hazard ID. The Risk Control Measure tab is enabled on the right pane of the window.
  3. Create a new record and link the following control measures to the hazard ID;
    Control Measure Measure Description
    Protective Helmets To be worn by workers as well as visitors.
    Warning signs Visible signs should be in place to warn people that there is a danger in that area.

Categorized Personnel Groups affected by Hazard

  1. Open the Risk Assessment window and select the risk assessment you created in the previous procedure.
  2. Go to the Hazards navigator and select the Tools hazard ID. The Potential Harm tab is enabled on the right pane of the window.
  3. Create a new record in the table.
  4. Enter the personnel group Maintenance Team in the Personnel Group field.
  5. In the How People May be Harmed field,  explain how the persons belonging to maintenance team can be harmed from the hazard. E.g. 'May suffer injury due to the misuse of equipment'.
  6. Repeat the steps to connect so that the persons at risk due to the hazard are linked to each hazard ID as given in the table below;
    Hazard ID Personnel Groups
    Exposed to Hazard
    Description of potential harm (How People May be Harmed)
    Traffic Movement ALL The movement of a lot of vehicles within the location can cause accidents.
    Tools Maintenance Team May suffer injury due to the misuse of equipment
    Falling Objects Maintenance Team Objects can fall from racks during the storing process. The maintenance workers who regularly work in this area are exposed to this threat.
    Visitors Objects can fall on persons when persons visit the site causing injuries.
    Noise All The level of noise emitted from the machines affects all persons in the vicinity.
    Confined Space Maintenance Team The lack of space could case mental distress to maintenance workers. Also this could cause accidents such as dropping equipment etc.
    Drivers The lack of space may force vehicle accidents because it is difficult to manage a large vehicle within the confined space.

Create Action Plan to avoid Risk

  1. Open the Risk Assessment window and select the risk assessment you created in the previous procedure.
  2. Go to the Hazards navigator and select the Tools hazard ID. The Potential Harm tab is enabled on the right pane of the window.
  3. Select the Falling Objects hazard ID in the navigator.
  4. Go to the Risk Handling tab. The two personnel groups you connected to the hazard in the previous procedure will be listed in the Potential Harm table.
  5. Now, select the Maintenance Team personnel group in the Potential Harm table.
  6. Go to the Actions table, right-click and click Get Actions from Template to open the Select Safety Action Template dialog box. Enter the Warehouse - Risk Handling template and click OK
  7. The safety actions defined for the template will be listed in the table for the selected personnel group.
  8. Now, select the Visitors personnel group in the Potential Harm table.
  9. Go to the Actions table and open the Select Safety Action Template dialog box again. Enter Warehouse - Risk Awareness template and click OK.
  10. The safety actions defined for the template will be listed in the table for the selected personnel group.
  11. Save the information.

    Note: You can assign actions for each of the personnel groups separately as explained above.

Schedule Risk Assessments

  1. Open the Risk Assessment window and select the risk assessment you created in the previous procedure.
  2. Right-click and click Generate Scheduled Risk Assessment to open the Create Scheduled Risk Assessment dialog box.
  3. In the Date of Next Scheduled Risk Assessment field, specify the planned date of the next scheduled risk assessment.
  4. Click OK. The risk assessment details are shown in the Risk Assessment/Schedule tab.

Connect Work Permits for Workers

  1. Open the Risk Assessment window and select the risk assessment you created in the previous procedure.
  2. Go to the Permit to Work tab and create a new record.
  3. Enter the permit in the Permit Sequence field. Select the required permit using the list.
  4. Save the information.