Export Control Order Flow—Exercises

Required Data

Basic Data for Export Control

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter necessary base data to be used when running the export control, identifying site, customer, supplier, sales part and export control basic data.

  1. Define and connect site to the user.
  2. Connect site to the user.
  3. Define customer.
  4. Define supplier.
  5. Define manufactured inventory sales part.
  6. Define basic data for export control.

General exercise for Basic Data for Export Control 

Define Export Controlled Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to classify export-controlled parts.

  1. Define national classification on part catalog.
  2. Define supplier classification on supplier for purchase part.

General exercise for Define Export Controlled Parts.

Enter Export License

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to identify the export license that are needed to export this sales part.

  1. Enter an export license for the national part defined in part catalog.
  2. Enter an export license for the purchased part.

General exercise for Enter Export License.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a sales order for an export-controlled part to find matching export licenses.

Menu Path: Sales/Order/Customer Order

Create Customer Order for an Export-Controlled Part

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Create a new record. (F5).
  3. In the Customer field select or enter your customer no, e.g. 1010.
    Note: Make sure the selected Order Type has (only) a stop after Reserve Order.
  4. Save the record. (F12).
  5. Click the Order Lines tab.
  6. Create a new record (F5).
  7. In the Sales Part No enter or select the sales part you have created, e.g. XX-Tank where XX is replaced by your initials.
  8. In the Sales Qty field enter the sales quantity, e.g. 1.
  9. Save the record (F12)
    The Export License Status is now set to Planned.
  10. In the customer order header right-click and click Released.
    You will get a message informing about export-controlled parts.

Find and Connect Export License

  1. On the order line, right-click and select Find and Connect Export Licensee.
  2. The Find and Connect Export License object is opened for the selected order lines.
    Note: The Find Export License is disabled, as some needed information, such as the end usage, is not yet entered.
  3. In the License Type field enter or select the license type you have created, e.g. XX-EXPORT.
  4. In the End Use tab (that is already opened) enter wanted End User Country, e.g. US.
  5. Save the record (F12).
    Note 1: After saving,  Find Export License is enabled as all necessary data has been entered.
    Note 2: Address data from the customer order is seen in the Customer tab. 
  6. Click Find Export License.
  7. Click the Connection Log tab, read and act on any messages, for instance, if any part data is incorrect.
  8. Click the Export License Tree tab.

Note: In the tree you can see for which part source, Part Catalog or Supplier for Purchase Part, licenses are needed, and the possibility for matching.

Tips! Read the online help (F1), and especially the about description and activity description for finding export license to learn more about the matching logic.

Process the order

  1. In the customer order header, right-click and click Released.
    The order is released
  2. Repopulate the customer order (Shift+F5), the order Status is now Released.
  3. On the order line, right-click and click Manual Reservation.
    Note: You can only do this if you have quantity in stock, for instance, via Count per Inventory Part.
  4. Close the reservation window.
  5. Repopulate the customer order (Shift+F5), the order Status is now Reserved.
  6. On the order line, right-click and select Report Reserved Quantities as Picked.
    Note 1: You will have a message informing that needed licenses must be connected.
    Note 2: This stop can be overruled by a user with the Override License Connections authorization, as set in the Export Control Basic Data/Authorizations tab.

Connect Licenses to the Order Parts

  1. On the order line, right-click and click Find and Connect Export Licenses.

    Note: There are two alternative to connect licenses,
                 a. One by one via the Connect Assistance tab.
                 b. Viewing all  in the Export License Tree tab.
  2. Open the Connect Assistance tab.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Now you will see possible matched license(s) for the first part source.
  5. Select the Connected. check box.
  6. Save (F12) plus Next, or just click Next to save and display next.
    Note: If there are any visual restrictions in the connected license, then an information message will be displayed.
  7. Repeat step 4 to 6 for each part needing a license.
  8. When done, and all license are connected and the Status in the header will be set to Approved.
  9. For a connected part, right mouse click and select Export License.
    Note: In the Coverage tab the Qty Released is now updated.

Proceed the order

  1. Go back to the customer order.
  2. On the order line, right-click and click Report Reserved Quantities as Picked.
    The order proceeds.
  3. Repopulate the customer order (Shift+F5), and notice the order status.
  4. On the order line, right-click and click Find and Connect Export Licensee.
  5. Open the Export License Tree, select a connected part source and right-click Export Licensee.
    Note: In the Coverage tab the Qty Released is now reduced and the quantity field applicable to the order status is now updated.