Basic Data for Export Control—Exercises

Required Data

Define Site 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a site to be used as the order site.

Menu Path: General Data for Inventory and Distribution/Sites

  1. Create a new site
  2. Ensure the site is connected to a company address that has a defined (order) country
    e.g. XX-SE connected to Swedish company 200 (country SE), where XX is replaced by your initials

General Exercise for Entering a Site

Connect Site to the User.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect the site you created to your user ID

Menu Path: General Data for Inventory and Distribution /System Data for Inventory and Distribution/Users

  1. Connect the site you created to your user ID.

General Exercise for Connecting a Site to a User

Define Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a customer to be used as the customer for the customer order flow.

Menu Path: Enterprise/Customer/Customer

  1. Create a new customer, or use an existing customer, e.g., 1010.
    Note: Make sure the selected Order Type has (only) a stop after Reserve Order.

General exercise for Create a Customer

Define Supplier

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a customer to be used as the supplier for a purchased part.

Menu Path: Enterprise/Supplier/Supplier

  1. Create a new supplier, or use an existing supplier, e.g., 5010.

General exercise for Create a Supplier

Define Customs

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a customs to be used as the issuing authority/customs in the export license.

Menu Path: Enterprise/Customs/Customs

  1. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  2. In the Customs ID field enter the value XX-US where XX is replaced by your initials.
  3. In the Description field enter the value US State Department.
  4. Save the record.(F12).

Define Manufactured Inventory Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define and classify a purchased inventory sales parts that should be export controlled.

Menu Path: Customer Orders/Sales Part/Sale Part

  1. Create new purchased inventory sales parts, XX-TANK where XX is replaced by your initials.
  2. Enter pcs as the UoM.
  3. Ensure the parts has inventory in stock, e.g. via count per inventory part, so that they can be used in a customer order.
    Note: You should first enter an estimated material cost on the inventory part, tab costs.
  4. Open Procurement/Part/Supplier for Purchase Part and connect your supplier to the created part.

General exercise for Create a Sales Part

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to define basic data for export control, by identifying the export control codes to classify parts, entering export license types for grouping of export licenses, defining end usage, identifying the authorizations that should apply for people working with export control, enabling applicable system parameters for which order flow that should interact with the export control,  

Menu Path: Export Control/Basic Data/Export Control Basic Data

Define Primary Classifications

The Primary Classification, Classification Scheme and Export Control Codes are used to group and classify the parts, where these classifications are decided and presented by the respectively government, for instance, the US regulations are often referred to as ITAR. 

  1. Click the Primary Classification tab.
  2. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  3. In the Primary Classification field enter the value XX-Military where XX is replaced by your initials.
  4. In the Description field enter the value Military use for which a license is needed.
  5. Select the License Needed check box.
  6. In the LOV Order field enter the value 1.
  7. Save the record.(F12).
  8. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  9. In the Primary Classification field enter the value XX-Dual where XX is replaced by your initials.
  10. In the Description field enter the value Dual use for which a license might be needed.
  11. In the LOV Order field enter the value 2.
  12. Save the record.(F12).
  13. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  14. In the Primary Classification field enter the value XX-Civil where XX is replaced by your initials.
  15. In the Description field enter the value Civil use for which a license is not needed.
  16. Make sure the License Needed check box is clear.
  17. In the LOV Order field enter the value 3.
  18. Save the record.(F12).
  19. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  20. In the Primary Classification field enter the value XX-Obsolete where XX is replaced by your initials.
  21. In the Description field enter the value Obsolete code not to be used any more.
  22. In the LOV Order field enter the value 0 (zero) or blank.
  23. Save the record.(F12).

Define Classification Schemes

  1. Click the Classification Scheme tab.
  2. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  3. In the Classification Scheme field enter the value XX-ITAR where XX is replaced by your initials..
  4. In the Description field enter the value US Military List.
  5. In the Primary Classification field select List of Values (F8) and select XX-Military
    Notice, the XX-Obsolete is not seen as its LOV Order is 0, and if entered manually you will get an error message
  6. In the LOV Order field enter the value 1.
  7. Save the record. (F12).
  8. In the popped-up Order Country window enter or select the (order) country you connected to your site, e.g. SE
  9. Save the record. (F12).
  10. Go back to the Export Control Basic Data window.
  11. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  12. In the Classification Scheme field enter the value XX-UKML where XX is replaced by your initials..
  13. In the Description field enter the value British Military List.
  14. In the Primary Classification field enter or select XX-Military from the List of Values (F8).
  15. In the LOV Order field enter the value 2.
  16. Save the record. (F12).
  17. In the popped-up Order Country window enter or select the (order) country you connected to your site, e.g. SE
  18. Save the record. (F12).
  19. Go back to the Export Control Basic Data window.
  20. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  21. In the Classification Scheme field enter the value XX-DUAL where XX is replaced by your initials..
  22. In the Description field enter the value Dual use, only needing a license if the top part needs a license.
  23. In the Primary Classification field enter or select XX-Dual from the List of Values (F8).
  24. In the LOV Order field enter the value 3.
  25. Save the record. (F12).
  26. In the popped-up Order Country window enter or select the (order) country you connected to your site, e.g. SE
  27. Save the record. (F12).
  28. Go back to the Export Control Basic Data window.
  29. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  30. In the Classification Scheme field enter the value XX-CIVIL where XX is replaced by your initials.
  31. In the Description field enter the value Civil use, not needing any license.
  32. In the Primary Classification field enter or select XX-Dual from the List of Values (F8).
  33. In the LOV Order field enter the value 4.
  34. Save the record. (F12).
  35. In the popped-up Order Country window enter or select the (order) country you connected to your site, e.g. SE
  36. Save the record. (F12)
  37. Go back to the Export Control Basic Data window.

Define Export Control Codes

  1. Click the Export Control Codes tab.
  2. Right-click on the header and click Search (query).
  3. In the Primary Classification field Enter XX% where XX is replaced by your initials, and click OK.
  4. In the Classification Scheme field select the XX-ITAR.
  5. In the Export Control Code table window click New (F5).
  6. In the Export Control Code field enter the value XX-Tank-PC where XX is replaced by your initials.
  7. In the Description field enter the value Aircraft Wing Tank Part Catalog.
  8. In the LOV Order field enter the value 1.
  9. Save the record. (F12)
  10. Click New (F5).
  11. In the Export Control Code field enter the value XX-Tank-PP where XX is replaced by your initials.
  12. In the Description field enter the value Aircraft Wing Tank Purchased Part.
  13. In the LOV Order field enter the value 2.
  14. Save the record. (F12)
  15. In the Classification Scheme field select the XX-UKML.
  16. Perform above step 5 to 14.
    Tips: You can mark the previous entered record and select RMB "Edit/Copy Object", respectively RMB "Edit/Past Object"
  17. In the Classification Scheme field select the XX-DUAL.
  18. In the Export Control Code table window click New (F5).
  19. In the Export Control Code field enter the value XX-Tank-Dual where XX is replaced by your initials.
  20. In the Description field enter the value Dual product, needing a license if the top part needs a license.
  21. Select the Dual check box.
  22. In the LOV Order field enter the value 1.
  23. Save the record. (F12)
  24. In the Classification Scheme field select the XX-CIVIL.
  25. In the Export Control Code table window click New (F5).
  26. In the Export Control Code field enter the value XX-Civil where XX is replaced by your initials.
  27. In the Description field enter the value Civil Product not needing any license.
  28. In the LOV Order field enter the value 1.
  29. Save the record. (F12)

Export License Type

Used to group and classify the export license, optionally by the type of license as given by the respectively government.

  1. Click the Export License Types tab.
  2. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  3. In the License Type field enter the value XX-EXPORT where XX is replaced by your initials.
  4. In the Description field enter the value License to be used when exporting goods.
  5. Note, the other fields are optional, to copy this information when creating a new export license .
  6. In the LOV Order field enter the value 1.
  7. Save the record.(F12).

End Usage

Used to identify a) if a part could only be used as identified by the top part and/or b) the situation in which the part should be used as identified on the export license.

  1. Click the End Usage tab.
  2. Select New (F5) to create a new record.
  3. In the End Usage field enter the value XX-Demo where XX is replaced by your initials.
  4. In the Description field enter the value Restricted to be used for demo only.
  5. In the LOV Order field enter the value 1.
  6. Save the record.(F12).


Used to give grants to the people (users) working with the export control.
Please try to alter these setting for your user ID while doing the training to see what will happen.

  1. Click the Authorizations tab.
  2. Populate (F2), and if you cannot see your user ID, then select New (F5) to create a new record.
  3. In the Authorizer field enter or select your user ID.
  4. Select the Approve Part check box to be allowed to approve entered part classifications.
  5. Select the Approve License check box to be allowed to approve entered export license.
  6. Select the Connect License to Order check box to be allowed to connect a part to a license in the find and connect process.
  7. Unselect the Override License Connections check box, thus being prevented to proceed with a customer order when a license is not connected.
  8. Select the Documentation Access check box to be allowed to read export controlled documents.
  9. In the Effective From enter today's date (i.e., system date).
  10. In the Expires enter a date ahead.
  11. Save the record.(F12).

System Parameters

Used to enable or disable interaction between the order processes and the export control, which can be decided per site, where you can use the Online Help (What's this) to read more about each parameter. Please be careful when doing any changes as this will affect all testers.

  1. Click the System Parameters tab.
  2. Populate (F2
  3. For each parameter:
    - Select/unselect the Enabled check box to activate/deactivate the integration for this flow.
    - Right-click and click System Parameter Site to set the site(s) for which this parameter should be valid.
       Note: When no site is selected % sign will indicate that it is valid for all sites.
    - Do save as this will affect other users.