Define Export-Controlled Parts—Exercises

Required Data

Basic Data for Export Control

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter necessary base data to be used when running the export control, identifying site, customer, supplier, sales part and export control basic data.

  1. Define and connect site to the user
  2. Connect site to the user
  3. Define customer
  4. Define supplier
  5. Define manufactured inventory sales part
  6. Define basic data for export control

General exercise for Basic Data for Export Control 

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to define export controlled parts and enter applicable national classification codes on the part catalog, and supplier classification on the supplier for purchase part. When the parts are classified and approved, this part can be used to find and match export license.

Define National Classification on Part Catalog

Menu Path: Part Catalog/Master Part/Part

Define Part as Export-Controlled

  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Populate for wanted part, e.g. XX-TANK where XX is replaced by your initials (or enter a new part).
  3. Click the Export Control tab.
  4. Create a new export control record (F5).
  5. In the Export Controlled drop down box, select appropriate value, e.g. Yes.
  6. Save the record.(F12)

Define Export Control Codes

  1. Click the Export Control Code tab.
  2. Click New (F5). XX
  3. In the Primary Classification field query (F8) for the primary classification you defined in the basic data, e.g. XX-Military.
  4. In the Classification Schema field query (F8) for the classification scheme you defined in the basic data, e.g. XX-ITAR.
  5. In the Export Control Code field query (F8) for the export control code you defined in the basic data, e.g. XX-Tank-PC.
  6. In the Order Country field, select or enter the country code for which order site country this code is applicable, e.g. SE.
  7. Save (F12).
  8. Select RMB/"Approve for usage" to make this classification available for matching   

Define Supplier Classification on Supplier for Purchase Part

Menu Path: Procurement/Part/Supplier for Purchase Part

Define Export-Controlled

  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window.
  2. Populate for wanted part (or enter a new part).
  3. Click the Export Control tab.
  4. Create a new export control record (F5).
  5. In the Primary Classification field query (F8) for the primary classification you defined in the basic data, e.g. XX-Military.
  6. In the Classification Schema field query (F8) for the classification scheme you defined in the basic data, e.g. XX-UKML.
  7. In the Export Control Code field query (F8) for the export control code you defined in the basic data, e.g. XX-Tank-PP.
  8. In the Export Controlled drop down box, select appropriate value, e.g. Yes.
  9. Save (F12).
  10. Select RMB/"Approve for usage" to make this classification available for matching.

Verify Part Classification

Purpose: Verify that the made part classification are correct from an matching export license point of view.

Menu Path: Export Control/Export License/Find and Connect Export License

  1. Open the Find and Connect Export License window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Part No field enter or select the created part catalog part, e.g. XX-TANK.
  4. In the Qty field, enter a top part quantity for which a license is needed.
  5. In the License Type field enter or select the created license type, e.g. XX-EXPORT.
  6. Save (F12).
    Note: The Find Export License  is still disabled.
  7. Click the End Use tab.
  8. In the End User Country enter or select a country.
  9. Save (F12).
    Note: The Find Export License is now enabled as all mandatory data has been entered .
  10. Click Find Export License.
  11. Click the Connections Log tab, to ensure there are no errors in the Part Catalog or Supplier for Purchase Part objects. If there are any part errors, then correct the part and restart from step 10.
  12. Click the Export License Tree tab. You should see the national part as identified in the part catalog and the supplier for purchase part has both the License status set to No Match, which is correct as we as yet have not created the export license.
  13. Write down the Find and Connect ID as you later can use this very same find and connect object to verify entered export licenses.

Tips! Read the online help (F1), and especially the about description and activity description for finding export license to learn more about the matching logic.