Serial Number Deviations (Different Part Found-DPF)— Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a work scope with some tasks and release interim order structure which will be used in main exercises later.

Create Serial Structure

Serial Structure Information

  1. Create a new serial structure for XX_ENG with following settings.

    Field Value Description
    Part No. XX_ENG Engine, Jet Turbine
    Part Rev. *  
    Serial No. XX_ENG_DPF01  
    Manufacturer No XX_MANUF XX Manufacturer
    Mfr's Part No XX_ENG  
    Mfd. Date 1/1/2007  
    Owner Org. 000 No owner
    Ownership Customer Owned  
    Owner XX_CUST Customer for XX Engine
    Maint Group 1 1
    Workshop Code XX_100 Engine Shop
    Location Code 000 Unknown Location
  2. Save.
  3. Right-click on the General tab and then click Import Template Structure.
  4. The Import Template Structure dialog box will open. Then select the Generate Serial Number check box.
  5. Set XX_HIGH as the current stress rating ID.
  6. Set the structure to Out of Operation.
  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for the second serial structure. Use XX_ENG_DPF02 as the Serial No in this time.
  8. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to create the third serial structure as you did earlier but with the following exceptions.
    Field Value Description
    Part No. XX_A1 EMU, Fan
    Part Rev. *  
    Serial No. XX_A1_DPF01  
    Template Part No. XX_ENG Engine, Jet Turbine
    Template Part Revision *  
    Structure Position 4 (Use List of Values)  

Important Note: Use only the serial structure with Serial No. XX_DPF01 for all the following exercises. You will be specifically informed when to use the other serial structure with serial numbers XX_ENG_DPF02 and XX_A1_DPF01.

General exercise for Create Serial Structure

Perform Operational Loggings

Component Life

  1. Open the Component Life window and query for your top part, with Serial No. XX_DPF01.
    Note: To open the Component Life window from the Serial Structure Information window, right-click anywhere in the header and then click Component Life.
  2. Perform operational loggings for the life limited parts as in the following table.
    Part No Operational Parameter Add On Value
    XX_A11 (for all 4 serials ) EHR 6000
    XX_B EHR 5000

General exercise for Perform Operational Loggings

Register Customer Shop Visit

Shop Visit

  1. Open the Shop Visit window and query for the customer number XX_CUST.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Create Work, Dispatch and Receive Order. The Create Work, Dispatch and Receive Order assistant opens.
  3. Register customer shop visit with following details in the table.
    Field Value
    Reported By SYS
    WO Site XX90
    Asset Type VIM
    Directive DPF Scenario 1
    Maint. Org. XX_100
    Required Start Today's Date (System date)
    Latest Completion Date one month from today
    Customer No XX_CUST
    Agreement ID XX_CUST_1
    Order Type NO (Normal Order)
    Coordinator * (IFS Applications)
    Part No XX_ENG
    Serial No XX_ENG_DPF01
    Create option Create Work Order, Dispatch Order and Receive Order
  4. Note down the work order number for future reference.

General exercise for Register Customer Shop Visit

Receive Engine

Shop Visit
MRO Object Receive Order

  1. Open the Shop Visit window and query for the customer XX_CUST.
  2. Click the Current WO tab and select the row with your work order.
  3. Right-click and then click Receive Order Handling/Receive Order.
  4. This will open the MRO Object Receive Order window with your data.
  5. Right-click the MRO Object Receive Order window and then click Receive Object. This opens the Receive with Differences dialog box.
  6. In the purchase order line, ensure that the Receive Case field contains Receive into Inventory and the Location No field contains 100.
  7. Click OK in the Receive with Differences dialog box.

Select Tasks

Task Summary

  1. Open the Task Summary window and query for your work order.
  2. Include the following tasks in to your work scope.
    Task Type Task Code Part Number Remarks
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 1
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 2
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 3
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 4
    LLP   XX_B  
    Modification XX_200 XX_C  

General exercise for Select Tasks

Define Shop Visit work Scope

Define Work Scope

  1. Open Define Work Scope window and query for your work order.
  2. Right-click the graphical object structure in Define Work Scope tab and select Expand to view the revision node belonging to the top part.
  3. Right-click and then click Calculate Maintenance Levels from Base Line in the revision node belonging to the top part.
  4. Right-click and then click Calculate Best Maintenance Levels for Tasks in the revision node belonging to the top part. Clear the Retain Current Setting when Sufficient check box.
  5. Expand the tree structure and verify that the following maintenance levels are set.
    Position Part No Maintenance Level
    PP/XX_ENG ML10
    PP/XX_A ML1
    PP/XX_A1 ML10
  6. Right-click in the header and then click Approve All Tasks to approve tasks.
  7. Right-click in the header and then click Release Work Scope to release the work scope. Click OK in the information message.

General exercise for Define Work Scope

Release Interim Order Structure

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

  1. Open CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and query for your work order. Alternatively, you can right-click in the header of Define Work Scope and then click Interim Order Structure.
  2. In the header of CAMRO Interim Order Structure window, right-click and then click Release.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to handle serial number deviations which occur in disassembly and disposition processes.

You may come up with one or more of following scenarios when you receive different serials.

  1. The serial part found does not currently exist in VIM: In this case, new VIM data must be added to the serial part.

  2. The serial part found exists in VIM, but is installed in another structure: In this case that part must be manually removed from that structure.

  3. The serial part found has a different serial structure below it in VIM, but will be further disassembled:  In this case, all its components will be marked as DPF.

  4. The serial part found lacks a serial structure below it in VIM, but will be further disassembled: In this case, all its components will be marked as DPF. The new component parts need to be created in VIM before assembly.

  5. The serial part found lacks a serial structure below it in VIM, but will not be further disassembled:  In this case the user needs to enter the rest of the structure manually in VIM, using information provided by the customer.

Perform Disassembly

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to perform disassembly with some serial number deviations.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure
MRO Shop Order
Receive MRO Shop Order
Serial Structure Information

  1. Open Serial Structure Information window and query for the record with XX_ENG as the Part No  and XX_ENG_DPF02 as the Serial No.
  2. Click the Consist of tab, record the serial number attached to component XX_C. You will use this serial number later in the exercise. 
  3. Open the disassembly shop order belonging to the top part of work order with serial XX_ENG_DPF01.
  4. Receive the subassembly XX_A with the correct serial number. Use Define Work Scope/WO Serial Off Log tab to find the correct serial number belonging to the serial part.
  5. Receive the component XX_B with XX_B_DPF01 as the serial number. Click OK in the information message. This will be used to explain scenario 1.
  6. Receive the component XX_C with the serial number recorded in step 2. Click OK in the information message. This will be used to explain scenario 2.
    Now you have received the subassembly XX_A with the serial number installed and the other two components with different serial numbers. Start with the second disassembly shop order.
  7. Open the disassembly shop order with XX_A as the Part No.
  8. Receive the subassembly XX_A1 with serial number XX_A1_DPF01. Click OK to the information message. Here you supply the serial number of the structure you created in step 9 of the Create Serial Structure exercise.
  9. To receive the partial part belonging to the shop order, right-click and then click Receive Partial Part in the Receive MRO Shop Order window.

    Now you have received the subassembly XX_A1 with the serial number used to create a serial structure for part XX_A1. This will be used to explain scenario 3.

Complete Off Log Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to complete the off log structure with the received serials and their components, if any.

Task Summary

  1. Open the Task Summary window and query for your work order with XX_ENG as the Part No and XX_ENG_DPF01 as the Serial No.

  2. Click the Off Log tab. In records with XX_B and XX_C, the Added to Work Scope check box is selected, i.e., these serials have been added to to the work scope.

  3. In the record with XX_A1,  all three check boxes are selected. Check box Template Structure Exist is selected since the Part Number XX_A1 consist of a structure. Lacking Structure check box is selected since the off log has not yet updated with components of XX_A1.

  4. Select the record with XX_A1, right-click and then click Complete Off Log Structure. This will open the Complete Off Log Structure dialog box. Click OK.

  5. Click OK in the information message.

  6. You can see that Components XX_A12 and XX_A13 are added to the Off Log.

Note: Component XX_A11 has not been added to the Off Log since it contains more than one serial for the structure position. Those will be added to the off log once you map serial numbers in the next exercise.

Map Serial Numbers

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to to map the received serials to the expected serials when more than one serial component, exist for the same structure position.

Define Work Scope
Change Work Scope Tasks/Map Serial Numbers

  1. Open the Define Work Scope window and query for your work order with XX_ENG as the Part No and XX_ENG_DPF01 as the Serial No.

  2. Right-click and then click Change Work Scope Tasks. This opens the Change Work Scope Tasks window.

  3. Click the Map Serial Numbers tab. You will see two tables. One table for Expected Serial Before Disassembly and the other for Received Serials during Disassembly.

  4. Select one record from the left table and one record from the right table.

  5. Click Map. This will map the expected serial to received serial. You will see the values in fields Mapped Part Number and  Mapped Serial Number are updated.

  6. Repeat steps 4 to 5 for the other 3 serials in each table.

  7. Click Transfer to update the off log.

  8. Click the Off Log tab and verify that it has been updated with received serial numbers.

Add/Remove Tasks

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to remove redundant tasks from the work scope and add new tasks for added serials.

Define Work Scope
Change Work Scope Tasks/Superflous Tasks

  1. Open the Define Work Scope window and query for the work order with XX_ENG as the Part No and XX_ENG_DPF01 as the Serial No.

  2. Click the Work Scope Tasks tab and check for the records available.
    You will see five LLP records and a modification record is available. You will also notice that all serial parts that contain these tasks are no longer attached to your serial structure since you have received different serials at disassembly. Therefore you can remove these tasks from your work scope.

  3. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Change Work Scope Tasks. This will open the Change Work Scope Tasks window.

  4. Click the Superfluous Tasks tab. You will find six tasks which are attached to removed serials from the current work order. Select all records, right-click and then click Remove All Tasks for Serial. 

  5. Click the Off Log tab in the Change Work Scope Tasks window.

  6. Select the record with XX_B. Right-click and then click Serial Structure Info. This will open the Serial Structure Information window.

  7. Define XX_HIGH as the stress rating for the serial.

  8. Set the serial XX_B  to out of operation.

  9. Right-click and then click Component Life in the header. This will open the Component Life window.

  10. Perform operational logging for the life limited part XX_B as in the following table.

  11. Perform operational loggings for the 4 serials of XX_A11 which appear in off log as well.
    Part No Operational Parameter Add On Value
    XX_A11 (for all 4 serials ) EHR 6000
    XX_B EHR 5000

  12. Click the LLPs tab in the Change Work Scope Tasks window, right-click and then click Calculate Tasks..

  13. Include the following LLP tasks and the modification task in to your work scope.
    Task Type Task Code Part Number Remarks
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 1
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 2
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 3
    LLP   XX_A11 Serial 4
    LLP   XX_B  
    Modification XX_200 XX_C  

  14. Open the Define Work Scope window and query for your work order.

  15. Approve tasks, release the work scope and release interim order structure again.

    Note: If the work scope needs any addition or removal of components, then you may have to reconfigure the work scope before release.

Perform Disassembly Contd.

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to continue with the disassembly process for the remaining components.

  1. Open the disassembly shop order with XX_A1 as the Part No.
  2. Receive the component part XX_A13 in to the inventory as position part.
  3. Perform disassembly and receive all the other components in to the inventory as disassembly products. Use serial numbers in the Receive MRO shop order/WO Off Log tab.

Perform Disposition

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to brief the disposition process with receipt of different serials at disposition process.

Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair
CAMRO Interim Order Structure

  1. Open the Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair window and query for the record with component XX_A13. (Alternately, you can use the Shop Order right mouse button option from the Tree Structure/Supply Orders tab in CAMRO Interim Order Structure window). This disposition shop order relates to the component you received as a position part at disassembly.

  2. Issue material to the shop order and report operations.

  3. Create a new disposition line with data in the following table and save.

    Field Value
    Disposition Qty 1
    Disposition Code 10
    Dispo Part No XX_A13
    Required Part No XX_A13
  4. Select the disposition line, right-click and then click Record Serials or Lot Batch. This will open the Record Serials or Lot Batch dialog box. 

  5. Create a new line in the table and in the Disposition Qty field, enter 1.

  6. In the Serial No field, enter XX_A13_DPF01 and click OK.
    Here you have received a different serial at the process of disposition.

  7. Complete the disposition process up to the Approval of the disposition line. You will be informed about the different serial received when you release the disposition line.

  8. Complete disposition of all the other components up to the approval of disposition line as in the following table. Use the List of Values for the correct serial number.

    Position Part Number Disposition Qty Disposition Code Disposition Part Number Required Part Number Remarks
    PP/XX_A11 1 42 XX_A11 XX_A11 Create 4 disposition lines.
    PP/XX_A12 1 10 XX_A12 XX_A12  
    PP/XX_A13 1 10 XX_A13 XX_A13  
    PP/XX_B 1 41 XX_B XX_B  
    PP/XX_C 1 10 XX_C XX_C Include modification XX_200

Removing Structure Mismatches

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to remove structure mismatches due to the receipt of different serials.

Serial Structure Information
Serial Structure Mismatch Log

You have received different serials for the components XX_B, XX_C, XX_A13 and the sub assembly of XX_A1. Therefore the serials displayed in expected off log are still attached to their respective parent serials. This creates mismatches in the serial structure with IFS/VIM and can be seen in Serial Structure Mismatch Log. You must resolve these mismatches in order to continue with assembly.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Mismatch Log window and query for your work order.

  2. You will see there are four records available, each for receiving different serials. Check the field Structure Change Type. It is Remove for all 4 records.

  3. Select the record with XX_B as the Part No Off, right-click and then click Serial Structure Info (Parent Serial). This will open the Serial Structure Information window with the parent part (XX_ENG) record.

  4. Click the Consist of tab and select the record with XX_B as the Part Number. Right-click and then click Structure Changes/Remove Part or Serial. This will open the Remove Component dialog box.

  5. In the Location Code field, enter 000.

  6. Select Non Operational from the Oper Condition list.

  7. In the Workshop field, enter XX_100 and then click Finish.

  8. Re-query for your work order in the Serial Structure Mismatch Log window. You will see the mismatching record belonging to Part Number  XX_B is no longer exist.

  9. Repeat the steps 3 to 7 for the other three records as well.
    Part No Off Parent part Number Structure Change Type
    XX_B XX_ENG Remove
    XX_C XX_ENG Remove
    XX_A1 XX_A Remove
    XX_A13 XX_A1 Remove

    You have received component XX_C with a serial number attached to a different structure. Therefore the received serial must be disconnected from the structure it is attached to.

  10. Open the Serial Structure Information window and query for the structure where part number is XX_ENG and the serial number is XX_ENG_DPF02.

  11. Remove the component XX_C from the serial structure as you did earlier.

Perform Assembly

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to perform assembly for your work order.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure
MRO Shop Order
Receive MRO Shop Order
Component Life
Serial Structure Information

Note: You have to receive different serials at disassembly and disposition processes. Make sure that you have set their status to Out of Operation before assembly starts.

You need to receive four of XX_A11 components in to the inventory and make VIM serials to supply the demand of assembly shop order for XX_A1 since you have scrapped four components at disposition.

  1. Receive four numbers of component XX_A11 in to the inventory using a purchase order. Make sure the owner of the components are marked as XX_CUST.

  2. Create VIM serials for the received components.

  3. Set XX_HIGH as the Current Stress Rating for the four serials.

  4. Set the Operational Status to Out of Operation for the four serials.

  5. Open MRO Shop Order window and query for your assembly type shop order with part XX_A1. (Alternately, you can use the Shop Order right mouse button menu option from Tree Structure/Supply Orders tab in CAMRO Interim Order Structure window).

  6. Manually Reserve four components of XX_A11, you just received in to the inventory, to the shop order.

  7. Run Preliminary Conformance Check (PCC) and verify it completed without any error.

  8. Process the shop order and receive the subassembly of XX_A1 in to the inventory.

  9. Open MRO Shop Order window and query for your assembly type shop order with part XX_A.

  10. Run PCC and confirm that there are no errors.

  11. Process the shop order and receive the subassembly of XX_A in to the inventory.

    You have included modification XX_200 to part XX_C. Therefore you need to perform the repair work for that modification.

  12. Open MRO Shop Order window and query for your repair type shop order with part XX_C.

  13. Check the Material tab and manually reserve additional components needed for the repair shop order. You may have to receive them through a purchase order, if enough quantities are not available in the inventory.

  14. Process the shop order and receive the repaired component XX_C in to the inventory.

  15. Open the Assembly shop order related to the top part, XX_ENG.

    You have completed the modification task for XX_C. You have to sign off that task in order to proceed with assembly.

  16. Select the line with completed modification task XX_200 in the Define Work Scope/Task Sign Off tab, right-click and then click Sign Off Tasks.

  17. You dispose the part XX_B  with serial XX_B_DPF01 to the inventory. Reserve the component XX_B from the inventory and Reset EHR values Value after Overhaul, Value Total, Value This Year to 0 from the Component life window.

  18. Run PCC and verify that PCC completed without any error or warning. Do necessary actions if warnings and/or errors exist.

  19. Complete the assembly shop order and receive the overhauled engine in to the inventory.

  20. Complete the work scope by Signing off tasks, running a final conformance check and closing all shop orders.

  21. Create shop visit documentation, ship back and generate customer invoice.

General exercise for Perform Disassembly
General exercise for Allocate Replacement LLP from Inventory
General exercise for Perform Assembly
General exercise for Completing CAMRO Work Scope Execution
General exercise for Create Shop Visit Documentation and Ship Back
General exercise for Generate Customer Invoice