Define Work Scope—Key Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to define a work scope for your engine. This consists of the following steps.

  1. Create serial structure.

  2. Perform operational loggings.

  3. Register customer shop visit.

  4. Receive engine.

  5. Print the serviceability tag for an object.

  6. Select tasks.

  7. Define shop visit work scope.

Create Serial Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to make a serial structure of your engine.

Serial Structure Information

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Create a new record, specifying the XX_ENG as the Part Number, and * as the Part Revision.
  3. In the Serial Number field, enter XX-n. Replace XX with your initials and n with the visit number.
  4. The Template Part No and Structure Position fields are automatically populated with the template part number, revision and structure position of the serial. 
  5. Click the General tab and enter the data given in the following table.
Field Value Description
Manufacturer No XX_MANUF XX Manufacturer
Mfr's Part No XX_ENG  
Mfd. Date 1/1/2007  
Owner Org. 000 No owner
Ownership Customer Owned  
Owner XX_CUST Customer for XX Engine
  1. Click the General tab and enter the data in following table.
Field Value Description
Maint Group 1 1
Workshop Code XX_100 Engine Shop
Location Code 000 Unknown location
  1. Save the record.
  2. Right-click in the window header and then click Import Template Structure. This opens the Import Template Structure dialog box.
  3. Select the Generate Serial Numbers check box.
  4. Enter 1/1/2007 in the Manuf Date field.
  5. Select the Manufactured Date on All Serials check box and then click OK.
  6. An information message appears. Click OK.

The system will now copy the template structure and insert 11 records into your serial structure. It will also automatically generate dummy serial numbers for all parts in your structure that are serial tracked. You can view the structure and the dummy serial numbers in the Multilevel tab.

  1.  Open the Multilevel tab to verify that the structure is correct and all serials have a serial number. 

You now need to set the current stress rating for this serial structure.

  1. Click the Serial Structure Information/Additional Serial info/Life and Cost tab.
  2. Right-click and then click Set Current Stress Rating. In the Set Current Stress Rating dialog box, verify that the default stress rating appears in the Stress Rating ID field and click OK.

Before a shop visit, the structure needs to be reported as taken out of operation.

  1. Right-click in the header of the window and then click Set Structure Out of Operation.
  2. Clear the Set maintenance program for all serials check box.
  3. Select the Set Structure Operational check box. (This check box refers to operation condition and not operational status).
  4. Click OK.

Perform Operational Loggings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to perform operational loggings so that the system can calculate if a replacement task should be generated for life limited parts.

Component Life

  1. Right-click the header of the Serial Structure Information window and then click Component Life. (You can also directly open the Component Life window and query for your record.)

  2. Select the node for part XX_B, then click the Operational Log tab. In the Add On Value field, enter 5000 and save.

  3. Click Yes in the message that appears.

You have now reported that this life limited part has consumed 5000 engine hours of its total life. This is typical information that you receive from the customer together with the overhaul object, when it is due for overhaul. It is necessary to report operational loggings so that the system can calculate if a replacement task should be generated for this life limited part.

Note: An alternate way of doing this is to select the top part, enter the add on values and use the Spread On Branch check box to get the values duplicated down through the complete structure.

 Register Customer Shop Visit

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register a customer shop visit.

Shop Visit

  1. Open the Shop Visit window and query for the customer number XX_CUST.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Create Work, Dispatch and Receive Order. The Create Work, Dispatch and Receive Order wizard opens.
  3. In the Reported By field, enter SYS or use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  4. In the Site field, enter your site XX90.
  5. In the Directive field, enter Minor service and LLP replacement.
  6. In the Maint. Org. field, enter XX_100.
  7. In the Late Start field, enter today's date and in the Requested Finish field, enter a date 30 days ahead.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Agreement ID field, enter XX_CUST_1. You can also use the List of Values.
  10. In the Coordinator field, enter * as the ID of the user responsible for the dispatch and receive orders. Note: If you only choose to create a work order through this wizard, a value in this field is not required.
  11. In the Part No field, enter XX_ENG. (You can also use the List of Values so that you can select the part number with the correct serial number as well.)
  12. Enter the serial number of your top serial in the Serial No field.
  13. Click Next.
  14. In this step, you can choose how you want to create the orders for your serial part by selecting one of the three options available in the Create Options area. Select Create Work Order, Dispatch Order and Receive Order.
  15. Click Finish.
  16. Note down the work order number for future reference.

This will create a work order, which is the cost umbrella order for this specific shop visit. It will also create a purchase order and a customer order for receiving the overhaul object and shipping it back after the shop visit.

Receive Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to receive the engine into inventory through a purchase order and print the serviceability tag report that is to accompany the engine into inventory.

Shop Visit/Current WO's
MRO Object Receive Order
Part Serial

  1. Open the Shop Visit window and query for the customer XX_CUST.
  2. Click the Current WO's tab and select the row with your work order.
  3. Right-click and then click Receive Order Handling/Receive Order. This will open the MRO Object Receive Order window with your data.
  4. Create a new record in the table and in the Description field, enter Cradle, serial no 999.
  5. In the UoM field, enter pcs and save.
  6. Select the Return Part check box.
  7. Create another record in the table and in the Description field, enter Documentation.
  8. In the UoM field, enter * and save.
  9. Clear the Return Part check box.
  10. Right-click in the header and then click Receive Object. This opens the Receive with Differences dialog box.
  11. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order the serviceability tag report for the engine being moved into inventory.
  12. If you want to change the operational condition of the serial, enter the new operational condition in the New Operational Condition field. Note that if this field is left blank when moving the serial into inventory, the serial will receive its current operational condition.
  13. In the purchase order line, ensure that the Receive Case field contains Receive into Inventory and the Location No field contains 100.
  14. Click OK.
  15. The Print Report dialog box opens.
  16. Verify that the print settings are correct. Click Preview if you want a preview of the report prior to printing.
  17. Click Print. You can click the printer button on the preview window as well.

The engine has now been placed in inventory.   

  1. Open the Part Serial window and query for your top serial part.
  2. Verify that the current position is In Inventory.

Note: By recording the line you have also indicated that the customer, in addition to the engine itself, also provided a cradle. That needs to be returned when shipping the engine back. By indicating this in the check box the cradle will appear on the pick list and delivery note on the dispatch order. The documentation will not be shipped back.

Print Serviceability Tag

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to print or reprint the serviceability tag for an object.

MRO Object Receive Order
MRO Work Order

  1. Open the MRO Object Receive Order window and query for your order number.
  2. Right-click and then click Print Serviceability Tag. The serviceability tag will be ordered in the serviceability status determined by the operational status and operational condition of the MRO object.
  3. The Print Report dialog box opens.
  4. Verify that the print settings are correct. Click Preview if you want a preview of the report prior to printing.
  5. Click Print. You can click the printer button on the preview window as well.

Select Tasks

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define the work scope for the specific visit.

Shop Visit/Current WO's
Task Summary

  1. Open the Shop Visit window and query for the customer XX_CUST.
  2. Click the Current WO's tab and select the row with your work order.
  3. Right-click and then click MRO Handling/Task Summary. This will open the Task Summary window.
  4. Right-click in the window and then click Calculate All Tasks.
  5. Click the LLPs tab, in the Operational Parameter list, select EHR and click Calculate. The applicable LLP tasks for the LLPs in this serial structure are listed. The value in the Overdue check box indicates that the module B is up for replacement.
  6. Select the Include in Work Scope check box for part XX_B and save. The LLP task now becomes part of the work scope definition.
  7. Click the Modification tab. You can see the due modifications for the serial structure listed. Select the Include in Work Scope check box for part XX_C with modification code XX_200 and save. The modification task now becomes part of the work scope definition.

Define Shop Visit Work Scope

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to teach students about how to define the work scope using different options available.

Shop Visit/Current WO's
Define Work Scope

  1. Open the Shop Visit window and query for the customer XX_CUST.
  2. Click the Current WO's tab and select the row with your work order.
  3. Right-click and then click MRO Handling/Define Workscope. This will open the Define Work Scope window. (You can open the same window using the navigator or using the right mouse button option Define Work Scope in the Task Summary window.)
  4. Click the Work Scope Tasks tab and verify that there are two records available. One record is for the LLP task and the other one is for the modification task.
  5. Click the Define Work Scope tab. Select the top node of the graphical object structure, right-click and then click Expand. The graphical object structure will display the part revision node which belongs to the top part of the structure.
  6. Right-click on the part revision node of the graphical object structure and then click Calculate Maintenance Levels from Baseline.
  7. Verify that the value in the New Revision field is 1 and From Baseline is selected in the Set Maintenance Level area.
  8. Click OK. You have now selected a work scope based on the baseline defaults set in the customer visit table.
  9. Right-click on the top node of the graphical object structure and then click Expand Descendents. You will see all the parts which contain components, along with their revisions in the graphical object structure.
  10. Select the revision node belongs to PP/XX_ENG and click the Assign Maintenance Level tab.
  11. Select the row with maintenance level ML1 from upper table. Right-click and then click Set Maintenance Level.

You can see the green symbol changed to red. This is because the components XX_B and XX_C have tasks defined, but are not exposed in the current work scope. You can see the history of changes in the Part Maint Level History tab.

You also can calculate maintenance levels based on the tasks that exist in the work scope. This is an optional step but useful when you have several components with several maintenance levels. Here the maintenance levels are calculated according to the following rules:

  1. Right-click on the part revision node of the graphical structure belongs to part PP/XX_ENG and then click Calculate Best Maintenance Levels for Tasks.
  2. Clear the Retain current setting when sufficient check box and click OK.
  3. Expand the graphical object structure and check what components have been exposed. The work scope has been configured automatically according to the above rules.
  4. Again, calculate the maintenance levels from base line to proceed with the exercise. Select the part revision node related to the top part of the graphical object structure, right-click and then click Calculate Maintenance Levels from Baseline.
  5. Verify that the value in the New Revision field is 1 and From Baseline is selected in the Set Maintenance Level area.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Now, you wish to exclude component PP/XX_A2 from the work scope. Select the revision node for PP/XX_A and click the Assign Maintenance Level tab.
  8. Select the row with component part PP/XX_A2 from the lower table. Right-click and then click Exclude from Work Scope.
  9. You have now defined the work scope. Right-click in the header and then click Approve All Tasks.
  10. Right-click in the header and then click Release Work Scope. Click OK to the information message.

    If the work scope release process is successful, it creates the interim order structure. If it fails, it creates error logs which can be viewed in the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Log details tab.
  11. Right-click in the header and then click Interim Order Structure to open the Maintain Order Structure window that corresponds to your work scope.