Creating Work Order for Design Object—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Creating Assembly Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create fabrication types.

Assembly Types

  1. Open the Assembly Types window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Assembly Type field, enter FIT.
  4. In the Description field, enter Fitting.
  5. Click Save.  

Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the maintenance organization.

Organization Basic Data/Maintenance Organizations

  1. Create a new Maintenance Organization, ME, with description Mechanical.

General exercise for Maintenance Organization

Creating a Standard Job

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a standard job for the design object's work order.

Separate Standard Job
Route Standard Job

  1. Create either a separate standard job, SSJ, or a route standard job, RSJ for the ME maintenance organization.

General exercise for Creating a Separate Standard Job and Creating a Route Standard Job

Entering a Default Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a site and define it as your default site.

Sites Per User

  1. Enter a site, S1, and define it as your default site.

General exercise for Entering Site and Connecting a Site to a User

Creating Design Objects

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create design objects.

Design Object
Design Objects

  1. Create design objects for the following classes to use in the exercises to come:
    Class Design Object ID

General exercise for Creating a Design Object.

Creating Design Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create design parts.


        Design Part
Design Parts

  1. Create design parts for the following classes to use in the exercises to come:
    Class Design Part ID Description
    PUMP CENTRIFUGAL PCDP Pump Centrifugal Design Part
    PUMP CENTRIFUGAL PC1DP Pump Centrifugal 1 Design Part
    PUMP CENTRIFUGAL PC2DP Pump Centrifugal 2 Design Part
    PUMP CENTRIFUGAL PC3DP Pump Centrifugal 3 Design Part
    BEARING 10520001 Single Roller Bearing
    BEARING 10520002 Single Ball Bearing
    BEARING 10520003 Angular Bearing
    IMPELLER 10600021 Pump wheel open d= 410
    BEARING 10600013 Bearing set for APP3 Pump

General exercise for Creating a Design Part

Connecting a Design Part to a Design Object

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to connect a design part to an object.


        Design Object

  1. Connect the design part with design part ID, 10600010, to the design object with object ID, PM-312-PA-009.

General exercise for Connecting a Design Part to an Object.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a work order for a design object.

Design Object Work Preparation

Creating an Assembly Structure for a Design Object

  1. Open the Design Object Work Preparation window and query for the design object PC.
  2. In the Assembly Structure tab, create a new record. 
  3. In the Sort Order field, enter 1.
  4. In the Assembly Consists of ID field, enter PC1. Observe that the connected design part is PC1DP.
  5. In the Assembly Type field, use the List of Values to select the FIT assembly type. 
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 adding, PC2 and PC3 as assembly consists of objects with sort orders 2 and 3.
  7. Click Save.

Creating a Work Order for a Design Object

  1. Open the Design Object Work Preparation window and query for the design object PC.
  2. In the Additional Parts tab, for each of the additional parts listed, in the Assembly Quantity field enter 1.
  3. In the Assembly Type field, for the additional parts with IDs 10520001, 10520002, and 10520003, use the List of Values to select the FIT assembly type. 
  4. Right-click on the header and click Create Work Order.
  5. In the Define Information for All Selected Objects group of fields, define values as follows:
    1. In the Work Order Site field, use the S1 default site.
    2. In the Maintenance Organization field, click List to select the ME maintenance organization. 
    3. In the Standard Job ID field, click List to select either the SSJ or RSJ standard jobs.
    4. In the Directive field, enter a short description of the work you plan to do with the work order(s) you are creating.
  6. In the Define Information for All Individual Objects group of fields, values for Object ID, Object Site, Project ID, Sub Project ID, Activity ID, Activity Seq and Work Order Site fields are displayed automatically, if and as defined on the design objects from which the creation of the work order was originated.
  7. In the Planned Start Date field, double click to select the date when the work order processing should start. The system date is displayed by default. Use this value as is.
  8. The value in the Planned Completion Date field, is calculated automatically. Use this value as is.
  9. Click OK.  
  10. Click the Work Orders tab and view the created work order. To view the created work order in detail, right click on the work order and click Work Order.