Defining Design Part for Design Object—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Creating Design Objects

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a design object.

Design Object
Design Objects

  1. Create design objects as follows:
    Class Design Object ID Description
    PUMP CENTRIFUGAL PM-312-PA-002-EC02-M-01 Pump Centrifugal 002
    MOTOR DC MDC5001 DC Motor 1
    MOTOR DC MDC5002 DC Motor 2
    MOTOR DC MDC5003 DC Motor 3
    MOTOR DC MDC5004 DC Motor 4
    MOTOR DC MDC5005 DC Motor 5

General exercise for Creating a Design Object.

Creating Design Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create design parts.


        Design Part
Design Parts

  1. Create design parts for the following classes to use in the exercises to come:
    Class Design Part ID Description
    PUMP CENTRIFUGAL 10326823 Pump Centrifugal Dp 1
    MOTOR DC 2095642 DC Motor Dp 1
    MOTOR DC 2095643 DC Motor Dp 2
    MOTOR DC 2095644 DC Motor Dp 3
    MOTOR DC 2095645 DC Motor Dp 4

General exercise for Creating a Design Part.

Creating a Design Part Code Collection

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a design part code collection.


         Design Part Code Collections

  1. Create a design part code collection, IFS_STD for your standard CompanyName_standard (where CompanyName is the name of your company or similar).

General exercise for Creating a Design Part Code Collection.

Defining Design Part Codes for Design Part Code Collection on Class

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define codes for a design part code collection on the class.



  1. Define the following design part codes for the Motor DC class.
    Code Collection Code No Code Description
    IFS_STD 1 230V 230V, 50Hz
    IFS_STD 1 400V 400V, 50Hz
    IFS_STD 2 Eff 75 Effect 75 kW
    IFS_STD 2 Eff 95 Effect 95 kW
    IFS_STD 3 rpm 1500/2 1500 rpm, 2 poles
    IFS_STD 3 rpm 3000/2 3000 rpm, 2 poles
    IFS_STD 4 Flange Flange base
    IFS_STD 4 Foot Foot base

General exercise for Defining Design Part Codes for a Design Part Code Collection on Class.

Defining the Default Design Part Code Collection

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define the default code collection for a particular standard, which will be referenced by the design object when a design part is being allocated to it.


         System Variables

  1. Define and save the system variable for the default code collection as follows:
    Standard Plant Name Value Description
    CompanyName_standard CompanyName_plant Code Collection IFS_STD Default Design Part Code Collection

General exercise for Defining a System Variable.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to connect a design part to a design object, either using design part codes, or by adding a design part directly for the design object.

Design Part
Design Object
Design Parts
Design Objects

Assigning Design Part Codes to a Design Part

  1. Open the Design Part window and search for the design part with design part ID: 2095642.
  2. Click the Codes tab.
  3. In the Code Collection field use the List of Values to define the code collection value as IFS_STD.
  4. In the Code 1 field, use the List of Values to select the value, 230V, and then click OK.
  5. In the Code 2 field, use the List of Values to select the value, Eff75 and then click OK.
  6. In the Code 3 field, use the List of Values to select the value rpm1500/4 and then click OK.
  7. In the Code 4 field, use the List of Values to select the value Flange and then click OK.
  8. Click Save.

Assigning Design Part Codes to an Object

  1. Open the Design Object window and query for the MDC5001 design object.
  2. Click the Relations tab.
  3. In the Code 1 field, use the List of Values to select the value, 230V, and then click OK.
  4. In the Code 2 field, use the List of Values to select the value, Eff75 and then click OK.
  5. In the Code 3 field, use the List of Values to select the value rpm1500/4 and then click OK.
  6. In the Code 4 field, use the List of Values to select the value Flange and then click OK.
  7. Click Save.

Note: The design part codes available in the List of Values are those available for the default code collection, specified in the System Variables window, and those also specified for that code collection on the class of the design object. By assigning design part codes, the object is enabled for design part allocation.

Allocating a Design Part to an Object

  1. Open the Design Object window, for the design object in the previous exercise, right click and then click Allocate Design Parts to open the Allocate Design Parts dialog box.
  2. From the dialog box list, select IFS_STD, if not already selected.
  3. Click OK to match and allocate the design part to the object.
  4. Check the design part allocation from the:

Note: If you experience problems with design part allocation, refer to the lesson's troubleshooting section.

Allocating to Multiple Objects

  1. Open the Design Parts window and search for the design parts with design part IDs: 2095643, 2095644 and 2095645.
  2. Register the following design part codes to the new design parts:
Object ID Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4
2095643 400V rpm1500/2
2095644 400V Eff95
2095645 400V rpm3000/2
  1. Click Save
  2. Open the Design Objects window and search for the design objects with design object IDs: MDC5002, MDC5003, MDC5004 and MDC5005.
  3. Register the following design part codes to the new design objects:
Object ID Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4
MDC5001 400V rpm1500/2
MDC5002 400V rpm1500/2
MDC5003 400V rpm3000/2
MDC5004 400V rpm3000/2
MDC5005 400V rpm3000/2
  1. Click Save.
  2. Select the five rows containing the new objects, right-click and click Allocate Design Parts to open a dialog box.
  3. From the dialog box list, select IFS_STD (if not already selected).
  4. Click OK to match and allocate design part(s) to the objects.
  5. Check the design part allocation from the:

Note: Because the objects were given different design part codes, they were allocated different design parts: 2095643 and 2095645.

Reallocating to Multiple Objects

  1. Open the Design Objects window and search for the objects of the MOTOR DC class.
  2. Change the design part codes of the following objects as shown in the table below:
    Object ID Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4
    MDC5001 400V Eff95
    MDC5002 400V Eff95
    MDC5003 400V Eff95
    MDC5004 400V Eff95
    MDC5005 400V Eff95
  3. Select the five rows containing the new objects, right-click and then click Allocate Design Parts to open the Allocate Design Parts dialog box.
  4. From the dialog box list, select IFS_STD, if not already selected.
  5. Select Reallocate.
  6. Click OK to reallocate the design parts, replacing the design parts currently connected to the objects.
  7. Check the design part reallocation from the Design Part field in the Design Objects window. The connected design part for the five objects has been changed to 2095644.

Connecting a Design Part to an Object

  1. Open the Design Object window and search for the object with Object ID: PM-312-PA-002-EC02-M-01.
  2. Click the Relations tab.
  3. In the Design Part field, click the List of Values to view the design parts suitable for the motor object. 
  4. Select the design part with Design Part ID 10326823, and click OK.
  5. Click Save.

Alternatively you can connect a design part to a design object via Drag and Drop:

  1. On the Business Object Explorer, navigate to and highlight the design part, and hold down the left mouse button.
  2. Drag the design part through the navigator structure, opening nodes as required to locate the object. 
  3. Place the mouse pointer (with connected design part) over another object's Design Parts folder.
  4. Drop the design part onto the folder by releasing the mouse button.