Class Related Basic Data—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Creating Classes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create classes.


  1. Create several classes, e.g. pump centrifugal design object and design part class, power cable design part class, motor design object class, process stream design object class, tank and pressure vessel design object class and a relief valve design object class.

General exercise for Creating Classes.

Entering Equipment Object Type and Object Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter an equipment object type and object level.

Equipment Basic Data/Object Types
Equipment Basic Data/Object Levels

  1. Enter the equipment object type with ID 100 and description Pump.
  2. Enter the equipment object level with Object Level Area, Level Sequence 200, Serials Allowed Yes.

General exercise for Object Type.
General exercise for Object Level.

Creating Technical Classes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create technical classes.

Technical Classes and Attributes

  1. Create two technical classes - one as a design object technical class and one as a design part technical class.

General exercise for Creating a Technical Class.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to set up class related basic data.

ID Model

ID Separators
Object Connection Types
Class/Class Relations
Class Properties
Design Part Code Collections
Design Part Codes
Cross Reference Between Attributes
Report Configuration/Parameters 
Report Configuration/Parameter Mappings

Defining Equipment Object Type and Level

  1. Open the Class window.
  2. Search for the pump centrifugal class for which you want to define the equipment object level.
  3. In the Equipment Object Type field, use the List of Values to select 100.
  4. In the Equipment Object Level field, use the List of Values to select Area. 
  5. Click Save.

Note: To update objects with the class changes, on the Class window, click Refresh Objects with Class.

Creating ID Models and Connecting to Classes 

  1. Open the ID Model window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Standard field, use the List of Values to select a standard CompanyName_standard (where CompanyName is the name of your company or similar).  
  4. In the ID Model field, enter xxx_ObjIDModel (replace xxx with your initials or similar).
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the General tab, fill in the values for the Primary and Secondary ID fields as follows:
    Field Value
    Primary ID 01 Facility Code
    Primary ID 02 System
    Primary ID 03 Type Code
    Primary ID 04 Sequence No
    Primary ID 05 Parallel Item
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click the Design Object Class tab and click New.
  9. In the Class Name field, use the List of Values to select and enter PUMP%, to apply the ID Model for all objects with class names beginning with PUMP. Enter % as the value to set the ID Model as the Default Design Object ID Model.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Repeat steps 3-7 with the following information to create a design part ID Model:
Field Value
Standard CompanyName_standard (where CompanyName is the name of your company or similar)
ID Model Name xxx_DesPartIDModel (replace xxx with your initials or similar)
Primary ID 01 Cable Type
Primary ID 02 Number of Cores
Primary ID 03 Square Section Core
Primary ID 04 Square Section Screen
  1. Click Save.
  2. Click the Design Part Class tab and click New.
  3. In the Class Name field, use the List of Values to select and enter POWER CABLE, to apply the ID Model for all design parts of the power cable class. Enter % as the value to set the ID Model as the Default Design Part ID Model.
  4. Click Save.

Creating ID Separators for Classes

  1. Open the ID Separators window and click New.
  2. In the Standard field, use the List of Values to select a standard CompanyName_standard (where CompanyName is the name of your company or similar).  
  3. In the Class Name field, use the List of Values to select and enter PUMP%, to apply the ID Separator for all objects with class names beginning with PUMP. Enter % as the value to set the ID Model as the default ID Separator.
  4. Select the Design Object check box to ensure that the ID separator will apply to the design object class selected in the previous step.
  5. In the Separator A1, A2, A3, and A4 fields, enter the value - (dash).
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click New and define an ID Separator for a design part of the POWER CABLE class entering the following values in the Separator fields:
    Field Value
    Separator A1 SP(space)
    Separator A2 *
    Separator A3 /
  8. Click Save.

Creating an Object Connection Type

  1. Open the Object Connection Types window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Connection Type ID field, a value is automatically assigned. Edit this value if required.
  4. Enter the following values in the following fields:
    Field Value
    Class Relation Super Description can affect
    Class Relation Sub Description can be affected by
    Object Connection Super Description affects
    Object Connection Sub Description is affected by
    Super Only One check box selected
    Sub Only One check box cleared
  5. Click Save

Creating Class Relations

  1. Open the Class window.
  2. Search for the PUMP CENTRIFUGAL design object and design part class.
  3. Click the Class Relations tab.
  4. Click New (+).
  5. In the Class Relation Description field, select the 'can be driven by' relation type from the list.
  6. In the Sub Class field, use the List of Values to select the MOTOR class.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click New (+).
  9. In the Class Relation Description  field, select the 'can have process data' relation type from the list.
  10. In the Sub Class field, use the List of Values to select the PROCESS STREAM class.
  11. Click Save
  12. Click Search and search for the TANK AND PRESSURE VESSEL class.
  13. Click the Class Relations tab.
  14. Click New (+).
  15. In the Class Relation Description field, select the 'can affect' relation type from the list.
  16. In the Sub Class field, use the List of Values to select the RELIEF VALVE class.
  17. Click Save. A class relation is created based on the Object Connection Type you created in the previous exercise.

Creating Class Properties

  1. Open the Class window.
  2. Search for the PUMP CENTRIFUGAL design object and design part class.
  3. Click the Class Properties tab.
  4. Click New (+).
  5. In the Name field, select the 'can have mechanical nozzles' class property from the list.
  6. In the Value field, select the check box.
  7. Click New (+) to create a new class property.
  8. In the Name field, select the 'update nozzle from part' class property from the list.
  9. In the Value field, select the check box.
  10. Click Save.

Connecting Technical Classes to a Design Object and Design Part Class

  1. Open the Class window.
  2. Search for the PUMP CENTRIFUGAL design object and design part class.
  3. In the Design Object Tech Class field, enter PA-OBJ01.
  4. In the Design Part Tech Class field, enter PA-ART01.
  5. Click Save.

Creating a Design Part Code Collection

  1. Open the Design Part Code Collections window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Design Part Code Collection field, enter PWRC_CC or similar to create a design part code collection for a power cable class.
  4. In the Standard field, use the List of Values to select a standard CompanyName_standard (where CompanyName is the name of your company or similar).
  5. Click Save.

Defining Design Part Codes for Design Part Code Collection on Class

  1. Open the Class window.
  2. Search for the POWER CABLE design object and design part class.
  3. Click the Design Part Codes tab and click New. If a default code collection has been defined in System Variables, that will be the code collection that will be displayed here.
  4. In the Code Collection field, use the List of Values to enter the code collection PWRC_CC. 
  5. Enter the following information:
  1. Click Save.
  2. Create other design part codes one at a time using the following information:
Code No. Description Code
1 Cable Type EKKJ EKKJ
1 Cable Type FKKJ FKKJ
2 2.5 Square Section Screen 2sec
2 4 Square Section Screen 4sec
2 6 Square Section Screen 6sec
2 10 Square Section Screen 10sec
2 15 Square Section Screen 15sec
2 16 Square Section Screen 16sec
2 21 Square Section Screen 21sec
2 25 Square Section Screen 25sec
2 29 Square Section Screen 29sec
2 35 Square Section Screen 35sec
2 41Square Section Screen 41sec
2 50 Square Section Screen 50sec
2 57 Square Section Screen 57sec
2 72 Square Section Screen 72sec
2 88 Square Section Screen 88sec
2 95 Square Section Screen 95sec
2 120 Square Section Screen 120sec
3 2.5 Square Section Core 2sq
3 4 Square Section Core 4sq
3 6 Square Section Core 6sq
3 10 Square Section Core 10sq
3 16 Square Section Core 16sq
3 25 Square Section Core 25sq
3 35 Square Section Core 35sq
3 50 Square Section Core 50sq
3 70 Square Section Core 70sq
3 95 Square Section Core 95sq
3 120 Square Section Core 120sq
3 150 Square Section Core 150sq
3 185 Square Section Core 185sq
3 240 Square Section Core 240sq
3 300 Square Section Core 300sq
4 3 Core Cable 3core
4 4 Core Cable 4core
4 5 Core Cable 5core
4 6 Core Cable 6core
4 7 Core Cable 7core
4 8 Core Cable 8core
  1. Click Save.

Defining a Default Data Generator

  1. Open the Default Data Generators window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Standard field, the standard of the default plant is displayed. Leave this value as it is.
  4. In the Business Object Type field, use the List of Values to select the Plant_Object business object type, for which the default data generator will apply.
  5. In the Key field, use the List of Values to select a key for the default data generator. The key is a concatenated value of the class and standard for which the default data generator will apply.
  6. In the Implementation field, use the List of Values to select the TEST_API customized package containing commands to insert default values or modify values when creating an object or design part.
  7. Click Save.  

Note: Depending on how the API was written, object or design part data will change during the create or modify processes.

Creating Process Data Cross Reference

  1. Open the Cross Reference Between Attributes window.
  2. Click New. The standard of the default plant if defined in the User Settings dialog box, will be displayed by default.  
  3. In the Consumer Class field, use the List of Values to select PUMP CENTRIFUGAL, the name of the class to which the attribute value will be inherited.
  4. In the Consumer Attribute field, use the List of Values to select the attribute with the Pumping Temperature, min attribute description .
  5. In the Class Relation Description field, select the can have process data class relation, which when created or updated for related objects, attributes will be inherited.
  6. In the Producer Class field, use the List of Values to select PROCESS STREAM, the name of the Class from which the attribute values should be inherited.
  7. In the Producer Attribute field, use the List of Values to select the attribute with the Temperature, min attribute description.
  8. Click Save.

Use the following procedure to copy all attributes for classes:

  1. Repeat steps 1-3.
  2. Enter required classes in the Consumer Class and Producer Class fields. Use the List of Values to select suitable classes.
  3. Select the Copy All Equal Attributes check box to enable all equally named attributes to be inherited from the producer class to the consumer class. This is a simplified way to copy all relevant attributes instead of having to define an attribute copy for each individual attribute when the attribute naming convention is the same for both producer and consumer classes.
  4. Click Save.

Use the following procedure to create dummy cross-reference records that do not copy changed process data:

  1. Repeat steps 1 -2. Note: Do not define attributes for either class.
  2. In the Class Relation Description field, select the can have process data relation type.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat steps 1-4 to create another dummy cross-reference record.

Defining a Report Parameter

  1. Open the Report Configuration window and click on the Parameters tab
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Report ID field, use the List of Values to enter the value PLANT_GEN_MECH_ITEM_REP.
  4. In the Report Parameter field, enter the PURCHASE_PACKAGE parameter, you wish to define for the report.
  5. In the Description field, enter Purchase Package as the description corresponding to the defined report parameter.
  6. Select the System Defined check box. Note: All other report parameters created afterwards cannot be set to System Defined.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat the entire procedure described above to create more than one report parameter. For example: Add new report parameters SUB_SYSTEM and its description, Sub System, as well as PAGE_BREAK and its description, Page Break.
    Report ID Report Description Report Parameter Description System Defined
    PLANT_GEN_MECH_ITEM_REP General Item List SUB_SYSTEM Sub System Not selected
    PLANT_GEN_MECH_ITEM_REP General Item List PAGE_BREAK Page Break Selected

Mapping a Technical Attribute for a Report Parameter

  1. Open the Report Configuration window and click on the Parameter Mappings tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Report ID field, use the List of Values to enter the value PLANT_GEN_MECH_ITEM_REP. A value in the Report Description field appears automatically with the description of the report parameter that was defined in the Parameters tab.
  4. In the Report Parameter field, use the List of Values to enter PURCHASE_PACKAGE.
  5. In the Standard field, leave the value as it is at % to apply the setting for all standards.
  6. In the Class field, use the List of Values to enter PUMP.
  7. In the Technical Attribute field, use the List of Values to select the technical attribute 00000000002913 with the Pumping Temperature, max attribute description. A value in the Description field appears automatically with the description of the technical attribute.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat the procedure described above to create several entries for report parameters with mappings to several standards, classes and technical attributes.
Report ID Report Description Report Parameter Standard Class Technical Attribute Description

Mapping an Item for a Page Break Report Parameter

  1. Open the Report Configuration window and click on the Parameter Mappings tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Report ID field, use the List of Values to enter the value PLANT_GEN_MECH_ITEM_REP. A value in the Report Description field appears automatically with the description of the report parameter that was defined in the Parameters tab.
  4. In the Report Parameter field, use the List of Values to enter PAGE_BREAK.
  5. In the Standard field, leave the value as it is at % to apply the setting for all standards.
  6. In the Class field, leave the value as it is at % to apply the setting for all classes.
  7. In the Item Name field, use the List of Values to select KEYA01. The item will be mapped to the page break parameter to enforce page breaks in the report at the selected item points. Note: You can break pages specifying a maximum of two items per page break report parameter by using the semicolon separator (;) between item names. You can also define more than one page break per report by mapping the page break report parameter to a different standard each time.