Equipment Basic Data—Exercises

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record units needed for the Equipment Administration course.

Maintenance Basic Data/Units

  1. Create a new record (F5). 
  2. Enter an appropriate unit code and description. 
  3. Select an appropriate factor. 

Note: The Factor field indicates how to convert from a unit to its base unit, i.e., how many base units it will take to equal one unit. If a unit is a base unit itself, the same unit appears in both the Unit Code and Base Unit fields, and the value in the Factor field is 1.

  1. Select a base unit using the List of Values (F8).

Note: All entered units are connected to a base unit, i.e., a meter is the base unit for millimeter, etc. 

  1. Save the new record (F12).

Main Exercises 

Object Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up record object types. These object types are used to define the types of objects to which a piece of equipment belongs. They are also used to define the actual attributes of the object. 

Equipment Basic Data/Object Types

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar (F5). 
  2. Enter the following object type ID: XXEM, where XX is your initials.
  3. Enter the following object type description: XXElectrical Motors, where XX is your initials.
  4. Specify whether your object type will be included in a parent object type. In this case, XXElectrical Motors should belong to the parent object type 160, Motor. Use the List of Values (F8).
  5. Save your changes (F12).
  6. Select the new object type, and click Attachments.
  7. Click Characteristics
  8. In Characteristics, click Select Technical Class.
  9. In the Technical Class field, select an appropriate technical class using the List of Values (F8). 
  10. Click OK.
  11. Right-click and then click Set to Approved
  12. Select the object type, right-click, and then click Positions. The Positions for Object Type window appears. Note: These positions can be used when you create isolation templates for objects connected to this object type.
  13. Create a new row in the table. Enter the ID PON as the position ID and Power On as the position description.
  14. Create another new row. Enter the ID POFF as the position ID and Power Off as the position description.

  15. Save your changes (F12).

Connection Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up connection types. These values are used to specify the types of connections between two objects from different parallel equipment structures. They are also used to link similar objects in different structures. 

Equipment Basic Data/Connection Types

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar, pressing F5, or double-clicking the first row in the table. 
  2. Enter the following new connection type: XXEL, where XX is your initials. Also enter the following description: Electrical.
  3. Save your changes (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up categories. These values are used to register categories to further define equipment classification if required.

Equipment Basic Data/Categories

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar (F5).
  2. Enter ME as the category ID and Mechanical as the category description.
  3. Save your changes (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up groups. These values are used to set up equipment groups to enable Equipment Performance registration. 

Equipment Basic Data/Groups

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar (F5).
  2. Enter TR as the group ID and Trains as the description.
  3. Select an appropriate unit using the List of Values (F8). 
  4. Select an optional nominal runtime.

Note: The nominal runtime is the number of hours per day the group is planned to be in operation. This field is used only in IFS/Equipment Performance. 

  1. Save the new record (F12).

Type Designations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up types designations. These values are used to define the name of the design data of objects used. 

Equipment Basic Data/Type Designations

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar (F5).
  2. Enter ABB 77 as the type designation and Motor Type 77 as the description.
  3. Select the Motor as the object type using the List of Values (F8).
  4. Save your changes (F12).
  5. Select the type designation that you created, and click Attachments.
  6. In the Characteristics window click Select Technical Class.
  7. In the Technical Class field, select an appropriate technical class using the List of Values (F8). 
  8. Click OK.
  9. Right-click and then click Set to Approved.

Object Levels

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up object levels. These values are used to define object hierarchy levels in the equipment structure. A level sequence ID against the functional object determines the hierarchy of equipment. 

Equipment Basic Data/Object Levels

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar (F5). 
  2. Enter the following object level: XXSite, where XX is your initials.
  3. Set the level sequence to 999.
  4. In the Serials Allowed list, select Yes if you want this object level to contain serial objects below it or No if you do not. 
  5. Save your changes (F12).

Note: When you assign an object level to an object, you must always select the object level higher in the sequence than that of the parent object, e.g., you would create Object Level 30 under Object Level 20.

Object Criticality

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up object criticality. Object criticality is used to define the relative importance, or criticality, of an equipment object to the business. This makes it possible to give priority to work that is to be performed on the most critical objects. 

Equipment Basic Data/Object Critically

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar (F5). 
  2. Enter N as the criticality and a description of Not Critical.
  3. Save your changes (F12).

Party List

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a party list. Party lists are used to specify a list of stakeholders pre-qualified to get invited to tender on work orders.

Equipment Basic Data/Party List

  1. Create a new basic data record by clicking New on the toolbar. (F5)
  2. Enter XXPL in the Party List ID field and Party List 1 in the Description field.
  3. Click on the lower table and click F5 to create a new record.
  4. Select Contractor in the Party Type field.
  5. In the Party ID field, select the contractor that you created.
  6. Enter the current date in the Valid From field.
  7. Enter a date 6 months from now in the Valid To field.
  8. Save the record. (F12)