Appointment Booking

[About Schedule Work Orders with Mobile Workforce Management] [About Appointment Booking with Mobile Workforce Management] [Create Service Request] [Plan and Prepare WO]


Use this window to register an appointment in a work order based on a request from a Customer or internally. Once the user preferences are identified, a request can be sent to Appointment Booking Engine in order to find an available resource to attend to the appointment. As a result an appointment gets registered in the work order and the Appointment booking window gets closed. At a later stage it is  possible to do a re-booking or cancel the appointment if required.

This window has two display modes, depending on the user preference; it can be changed to a Calendar mode or Grid mode. The calendar mode displays slots in a more graphical way, whereas in a grid mode it list out slots in a tabular format. The default behavior can be decided by the system parameter APPT_CLIENT_MODE.

If the user want to change the settings  of the Calendar in terms of language, date and time format, this can be done by changing the clock, language and region settings on the local client from the windows control panel (Region and Language).

For more information, refer to the activity descriptions. 

Activity Diagrams

Book Appointment
Cancel Appointment


Request Appointment Offers
Modify Appointment Parameters
Decline Appointment Offers
Accept Appointment
Cancel Appointment