
[About Standards and Plants] [To Asset Design Basics]


Use this window to manage information on a plant. A plant is based on a standard, and the standard must be defined prior to the plant. You can also add an image to, or change the image of, a plant on this window.

You can also define settings on a plant making that plant accessible or inaccessible to a selected group of users. The list of users are displayed in the table on this window. Options are available when you right click on a particular user. Users allowed for a particular plant will have the Visible Plant check box checked; those disallowed will have the Visible Plant check box cleared, and those who have set the plant will have the Default Plant check box selected.

A plant can be deleted by first removing the object structure and then by deleting the plant. Right click on the queried plant and select Delete Plant Contents to remove the plant's object structure and then click Delete to remove the plant.

Activity Diagrams

Define Plant


Define Plant
Filter Users Per Plant
Define Default Plant for Users
Add Default Project per Plant