Work Order Operation List

[About Work Order] [To WO Reporting]


Use this window to report time spent on a work order operation by clocking in and out of the operation. When this feature is used, time reporting is performed automatically, i.e., the reported time is calculated automatically and transferred as a time report line to the belonging work order.

This window is divided into four parts - the header for filtering the list of operations, the upper table where these operations can be viewed and updated, the lower part for the information holder, and the button bar where different actions can be carried out on the operation.

Several filtering options exist. You can use a filter predefined in basic data or filter according to the status of the operation. You can also filter according to the number of days prior to and following the planned start of the operation. For example, if the planned start date of the operation is today, and you enter the values -5 and 7 respectively in the Days Relative to Today fields and click Refresh, all operations that are planned to be started 5 days before and 7 days after today's date will be displayed in the work list. It is also possible to filter the list so that only the operations that have been clocked into are displayed or that only operations that are allocated are displayed.

In the work list, operation lines that have started, i.e., that are in the Started status, are shown with a green dot in the row header while operations that have been canceled or set on hold are shown with a red dot. It is not possible to clock into operations that have been canceled or set on hold.

The buttons in the button bar can be used to clock into an operation, clock out of an operation, set an operation on hold or set it to the WorkDone status. From this bar you can also open the necessary windows to report in non routine work, define condition measurements, issue and unissue material, and access the Report In Work Order window. Note that the actions in the button bar are also available in the work list as menu options.

Documents can be connected to the work order using Attachments.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Clockings, Time Report.

Activity Diagrams

Report In, WO


Clock In to an Operation
Clock Out of an Operation
Report Work Done
Set Operation On Hold