Report Work Done


This activity is used to set an operation or subtask (from IFS/Vehicle Information Management) to the Work Done status. At this time, it is possible to record the actions that were taken when performing work on the operation.

If Executor sign off requirements exist on the operation, the sign off will be performed automatically when the status of the operation is changed to Work Done. When this activity is performed, and license requirements are defined, the system will check whether the current user fulfills requirements for performing executor sign off, after which the operation will be signed off and the operation changed to the Work Done status.

If sign off requirements do not exist on the operation, you can directly change the status of the operation or subtask from Started or Released to Finished. If Work Done is selected, the operation or subtask will directly go to Finished.

Note: When an operation is set to the Work Done status or when sign off is performed on an operation already in the Work Done status, this operation will be set automatically to the Finished status if all the required signatures have been signed off.


System Effects


Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order

Work Order Execution Logic
Work Order Operation List

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Operations
Report In Work Order
Report In Work Order/Operations
Work Order Execution Logic
Work Order Execution Logic/Operations
Work Order Operation List


  1. Open the Prepare Work Order, Report In Work Order or the Work Order Execution Logic window and query (F3) for the desired work order.
  2. Click the Operations tab.
  3. Select the desired operation line, right-click, point to Operation Status, and then click Work Done.
  4. In the text editor that opens, enter information on the actions that were performed during the work on the operation. Click OK.
  5. Observe the Status field for the operation line is set to either Work Done or Finished.

Use this procedure to set the status of an operation in your work list to Work Done:

  1. Open the Work Order Operation List window.
  2. If needed, filter the data that is to be displayed in the work list.
  3. Locate the necessary operation line.
  4. Click the Work Done button in the button bar or right-click on the operation line, and then click Work Done.
  5. In the text editor that opens, enter information on the actions that were performed during the work on the operation. Click OK.
  6. Observe the Status field for the operation line is set to either Work Done or Finished.